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D&D 5E Thoughts on Archmage - the beginning of the Rage of Demons storyline (spoilers!)


Eternal Optimist
Archmage is the newest book in the Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore, and it's also the start of the Rage of Demons storyline. I've reviewed it on my blog, but I'll go a little more into it here.

Archmage describes the situation that leads to all the demon lords infesting the Underdark. I think it's the 28th book in the Legend of Drizzt series, and it draws on a lot of the history of that series. The basic plot is that the dwarves are taking back Gauntlgrym, where the drow of Menzoberranzan have set up an outpost - potentially a new drow city. So, the drow are arguing about what to do about it, the dwarves are taking back the city, Drizzt, Bruenor and Catti-Brie are helping them, and Wulfgar and Regis have the roles of Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Book. (Regis is trying to be reunited with the love of his life...)

A lot of the book is from the drow perspective, especially that of Gromph, the Archmage of Menzoberranzan. In previous books, Lolth tried to become the supreme goddess of magic. She failed, but Gromph had gotten all excited because he thought he'd become equal (or higher) in status to the female priestesses. Well, he was excited until he realised the Lolth wanted female wizards as well as priestesses, and men would remain downtrodden in drow society. So we have a resentful archmage wandering around, and that isn't a good thing.

Which leads him to casting the spell that summons the demon lords. Not that he knows this. He's actually being manipulated by Lolth: she thinks the Abyss will be a lot easier to control if all the demon lords are on Faerun, and she's used some of the natural magic of the Underdark to negate the "banished for 100 years" clause on demons if they remain in the Underdark. So, when Gromph thinks he's summoning demons to fight for him, and instead he gets Demon Lords. Which is all sorts of awesome, especially how it is described.

Meanwhile, the dwarves are taking back Gauntlgrym, and this is done well. We've just come out of several books of Dwarves vs Orcs, and I couldn't imagine more boring battles. I never really got a sense of the shape of the battles nor their significance in the last couple of books. That wasn't the case here, and there are some really great battle descriptions. When a battle has an effect on the story, then it's worth telling its tale, and Salvatore does a good job here.

I do have an ongoing problem with the conception of the drow. I want chaotic evil to be a lot more chaotic! How come House Baenre keeps remaining on top? I really wish the drow and Lolth were more fickle.

And, of course, there's the ongoing question about what the other gods are doing. If Lolth is causing all of this, can't the other gods interfere at all?

As opposed to some other commentators, I'm not fussed by the powering-up of Catti-Brie (and her miraculous new staff). But them, I come from a long history of Monty-Haul games. (Who gave a vorpal sword to a 5th level fighter in an AD&D game a couple of years ago? Yes, that would be me...)

So, is Archmage worth reading - especially if you're running Out of the Abyss? I'd say so, yes. I'm curious how someone who hadn't read any other Drizzt novels would find it. Personally, I think they'd manage, but I have so much knowledge from the early days of D&D onward that I'm most certainly not a "first-time" reader!


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I was thinking about picking this up. I am an avid reader but Salvatore's books are often hit or miss. Your positive review confirms it for me. After I get through it, I'll let you know my own opinion.

Thanks for the review. I love the notion that this is all a scheme of Lolth's to have free run of the Abyss. I will be curious to see what the consequences of that decision will be in future books/storylines.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I have two big Drizz't fans in my group and I know at least one will read this during the course of OotA, which for us will take 6+ months to finish. Not a fan of RAS and a ton of better authors to read piled up on my bookshelf so I don't see reading it.

I'm guessing it will be spoiling some of the background of the adventure for players that read it?


Thank you - I look forward to seeing what you think of it!

Well, I just finished it.

The postive.
I really enjoyed the intrigue and back stabbing of the drow. The skirmishes were well thought out and entertaining. This is one of the better Salvatore books.

The negative.
Anytime any dialogue involves any of the "companions" I just want to close the book. It is just so stiff and lifeless. All of Drizzt's monologues are so awful and don't add anything to the stories. You could completely remove them and you wouldn't notice a difference.

The neutral.
Drizzt is Drizzt still.

Verdict. This is a pretty good book. It is a fantastic opening to the Out of the Abyss storyline. I whole-heartedly recommend reading it if you are running OotA. It is worth trudging through the clunky dialogue and two dimensional characters to get to the meaty satisfying plot points and conclusion of the book.
4.5/5 for D&D book fans. 3.5/5 for standard book readers.


All in all, I thought it was a good addition to the Drizzt series but mainly because of all the focus placed on the Drow and Menzoberanzan which is by far the most interesting place in the Forgotten Realms.

Perhaps my biggest nit pick was the Dwarves not being able to attack down into the lower levels of Gauntlgrym except by jumping. Was there seriously no Dwarf that was tempted to attack by tunnelling down to the lower level? Am I the only one that has ever played Minecraft? Digging down is a thing.

But in any case, this has left me looking forward to the next book and the Drizzt/Demogorgon show down.

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