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Monstrous race subclass combinations. Trolls! Slaadi! Yuan-ti! Harpies!


Presented here are the first drafts of several combination races/subclasses that let you play powerful monsters that might be to powerful to have as a normal race, or would not be satisfying enough. So I decided to make them combinations of races alongside subclasses, such like you had monster classes in 3.5. What do you think? How are they? Any more I should do? If I did it badly, is it still a good idea?


Trolls are a race of giant kin known for their regenerative ability. Thought to be stupid by the other giant races, trolls are indeed rather primitive, relying more on brute strength and regeneration than intellect, though they are still capable of complex thought like any other race.

The troll racial class is designed so that you can play a troll without taking a single level of the racial class and still feel fairly trolly. The subclass does help them though, and works to make it so that you get the most trolly troll possible. The subclass can be played with other races, though it might need some adaption. It could be played as someone who learned the secrets of the trolls, is turning into a troll, or is just capable of regeneration.

Troll race stats
Ability score increase. Your constitution increases by 2 and your strength increases by 1,
age. Trolls mature much faster than humans, regeneration speeding up the growth process, becoming mature at around age 10. However from then on the power of their regeneration lessens cell degradation, making them live up to 1000 years. However trolls tend to be very violent, and so they very rarely live that long.
Alignment. Most trolls are chaotic evil. Troll children are left to raise themselves, and are never taught basic concepts such as empathy, and therefore view themselves as the most important thing, and have little respect for laws. However trolls are capable of learning such concepts and not all trolls have such childhoods.
Size. Trolls at level one are much larger and bulkier than humans, however they are still medium, they are around 9 feet tall. If you take the troll class enough levels to become large you grow to around 12 feet.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Thanks to your bestial eyes, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim lights within 60 feet of you as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Good nose. You gain proficiency in perception.
Unarmed attacks. You have menacing unarmed attacks, all of which deal 1d8 damage. If you use your claws to attack you deal slashing damage, and if you attack with your both you deal piercing damage. If you have something in your hands you can’t use your claws, and if you have something in your mouth you can’t use your bite.
Regeneration; when you spend hit dice to heal hit points in a short or long rest you add your constitution modifier twice instead of once. In addition you may spend a hit dice to regain a limb or other body part instead of regaining hitpoints.
Languages. Common and giant.

aquatic adaptation, you can breath underwater and have a swim speed equal to your walking speed. However your regeneration ability works only while underwater. (improved regeneration still works as normal)

yep; yep

Barbarian subclass
Improved regeneration; starting at level 3 your powers of regeneration have been honed to be used in the middle of combat. When you have at least 1 hit point, at the end of your turn you regain hit points equal to your constitution modifier.

Fully grown; starting when you reach level 6 you reach the full size of a troll. You become large, making your unarmed attacks deal 1d12 damage. You may also now use large weapons, which are the same as normal but deal an extra 1d4 damage.

Tracking smell. Starting at level 10, Your sense of smell has heightened to the point where you can track down anything. You have advantage on wisdom(perception) that rely on smell, and once per short rest you can use an attraction to smell out the area, sensing how many living or undead creatures are within one mile. You can not smell constructs, and you can only tell if something is living or undead, no other info is available.

Loathsome Limbs; starting at level 14 you have mastered your body to the level where you can reattach limbs in a second, and detach them just as fast, making them deadly weapons. As a bonus action you can reattach any part of your body that has fallen off. In addition, when you take at least 15 slashing damage you may choose to detach a limb of yours. This limb has 10 hit points and 13 ac. If you sever a leg the leg is unable to attack and has a speed of 5. If you sever an arm it has a speed of 5 and when you attack you may choose to attack with this limb, although you have disadvantage on the attack. You can also sever your head, this head can make a bite attack, but can not move. Also you still see from your head.
Your speed is halved if you are missing a leg, if you lose both legs, you fall prone. If you have both arms, you can crawl, With one arm you can crawl, but only at half speed. With no arms or legs, your speed is 0.
You can only have one copy of a limb at a time, if you regrow a new one the old one dies.


Slaad are the physical embodiment of chaos. A race that grows more powerful as age. They resemble frogs

The slaadi race can be played as a green slaad that never goes to another stage of evolution, however in order to really get the green slaad feel you should take at least one level at the begging. The class is designed so that it is assumed that when you reach levels 6 and 14 your dm gives you an opportunity to reach the next stage, such as finding a death slaad’s corpse lying about or going to go kill one. The slaadi subclass is for sorcerers, and is used for slaadi who wish to evolve to the next step of life. It would require a large amount of change but could you be played as a battle ready sorcerer.

Slaadi Race

Ability score Increase, Your strength increases by 2 and your intelligence increases by 1,
Age. Slaadi are born adults and don’t age.
alignment. Slaadi are born as physical embodiment of chaos, most are chaotic. When they reach the stage of death slaadi most go evil as they filled with negative energy, but adventurers are generally strong enough to avoid that.
Size. When you start at level one you are a green slaadi, and are slightly to short to be considered large, being around 8 and a half feet tall. When you become a grey you become smaller but are still mediun.
Darkvision. Accustomed to the darkness of limbo you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were di light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Slaadi spell resistance. You have advantage on all intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saveing throws against magic.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and slaad. In addition you can communicate telepathically one way with creatures within 10 feet.
Powerful build. You are treated as one size larger for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can pull, drag, or lift.

Slaadi sorcerer bloodline
Level 1.

Shapeshifter. Starting at level one your sladdi form has shiften, granting you a 1d6 bite attack and a 1d4 claw attack. You also gain the ability to as an action turn into your humanoid form. Your humanoid form is how you would look if you were a member of one of the other player races. You can change back as an action. You lose your bite, claw, and powerful build unless the race you choose has them.

Slaadi smoothness. Staarting at first level your flesh becomes tougher, granting it so that when you wear no armor your ac equals 13+your charisma modifier.

Level 6. Grey slaadi. At this level you have transmogrified into a grey slad.
You lose powerful build.
all weapon attacks you make, including those with your natural weapons, are magic.
You gain proficiency in greatswords

Extra attack. Starting at level 6 you may also attack twice, instead of once, when you make the attack action on your turn.

level 14. Death slaadi.
At this level you have become a death slaadi. You may only take this level after you eat a death slaadi, but it is presumed your dm gives you the opertunity to get death slaadi flesh.

Your telepathies range increases to 60 feet.
Your bite increases to 2d6
your claws increase to 1d6

Starting at 18th level, when you cast one of the spells the death slaad in the monster manual can cast, you regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) + the spell’s level.

Yuan-Ti Abomination
Yuan-ti abominations are the highest rank in Yuan-ti society. They are large snake men.

Yuan-ti abominations are very powerful, however the base race could be played as a young yuan-ti who doesn’t get old enough during the course of the game to become full sized or more powerful. The subrace over the course of up to level 15 gets you up to around the power level of a full grown yuan-ti abomination as well as the power of a fighter. Any levels above that are fully for skill. If you change the level 15 ability you could play this subclass as a snake themed poisoners.

Yuan-Ti abomination race
Ability score increase, your strength increases by 2, your constitution increases by 1,
Age. A yuan-ti abominations reach physical maturity at around the same age as humans, they live to around 750 years old.
darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey
yuan-ti cunning;
you have advantage on all intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saving throws against magic.
You can speak, read, and write, common, dragonic, and abysal
Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
You have a 1d4 bite attack you are proficient in.
As an action you can turn into a snake of the same size as you. You can turn back as an action as well. Your stats are the same except you don’t have arms so you can’t do anything that requires arms. Your armor does not change with you, and you can not do this while wearing heavy armor.

Fighter subclass
Scaled defense. Your scales are as tough as armor. Starting at level 3 while you are not wearing any armor your armor class equals 10+your dexterity modifier+your constitution modifier.

Poison spit. Starting at level 7 you have poisonous spit. As an action you can spit on your weapons, which are treated as if you applied basic poison. Your bite attack is always treated as if it were poisoned by basic poison. You are immune to any poison you make.

Yuan-ti spellcasting. Starting at level 10 you gain some spellcasting ability.
you’re spellcasting modifier for these spells is charisma
you can cast animal friendship at will, however it only works on snakes
you can cast suggestion 3 times for day
you can cast fear once per day

Growth. You are finally a fully grown yuan-ti abomination
Starting at level 15 Your size increases to large, your bit attack becomes 1d6 and weapons built your size you can weild and deal an extra 1d4 damage.

Constrict. Starting at level 15 When you grapple someone your arms are free and while they are grappled they take 1d4 bludgeoning damage and your arms are free. You can only constrict one person at a time.

Improved shapeshifting.
Starting at level 18 you have mastered your innate shapeshifting. Every time you choose your snake form you can pick what size it is, any from tiny to large. In addition you can change into the form of any small, medium or large humanoid, your stats are the same besides stat here.


Harpies are a race of bird women who charm people

The harpy race is just used to get you up to snuff for the class, but it could be played as some sort of bird person who has damaged wings. The subclass should be taken up to level 14 to get the full feel of a harpy. The subrace with some minor changes could be a charm based bards.

Ability score incense. your dexterity increases by 2. Your constitution increases by 1.
age. As half elf
alignment. Most harpies are chaotic evil
Size. As human, medium
Speed. Your walking speed is 20 feet.
Singing; proficient in the performance skill
Wings. You have wings, they are to weak to fly yet but you can hit people with them, dealing 1d4 damage. Because of these you don’t take fall damage and fall at a quarter of the rate of other people, and can controll your direction while you fall.
Claws; you have a 1d4 claw attack.
Charm proof. Being so good at charming people, you are resistant to charms. You have advantage on saveing throws against getting charmed
Bard college

Musical disguise.- Starting at level 3 as long as you are making noise people that are looking at you see exactly what you want them to see. This works as disguise self that works as long as you are talking and you can cast as many times as you want. This fades if you stop talking for more than 6 seconds.

Luring song. Once per long rest you may make a luring song. When you make a luring song every humanoid and giant within 300 feet of the harpy that can hear the song must succeed on wisdom saving throw equal to your spellcasting dc or be charmed until the song ends. You must take a bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue singing. It can stop singing at any time. The song if you are incapacitated.
While charmed by you the targets are incapacitated and ignore other harpy’s songs. If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from you, the take takes the dash action to move towards you in the most direct route. It doesn’t avoid opportunity attacks, but before moving into damaging, terrain, such as lava or pit, and whenever it takes damage from a source other than you the target can make another saving throw. The targets can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it.
A target that successfully saves is immune to your luring song for the next 24 hours.

Fully fledged wings.
Starting at level 14 your wings are strong enough to give you a flying speed of 70 feet.

How do you think I did? What would you change? What races do you want me to do?
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Note that, to my recollection, Yuan-Ti and Slaadi are copyrighted and protected properties of WotC. I doubt it's relevant for home games, but just a heads up all the same. ^_^


Note that, to my recollection, Yuan-Ti and Slaadi are copyrighted and protected properties of WotC. I doubt it's relevant for home games, but just a heads up all the same. ^_^
Yeah probably not, once I refine this a bit and play test I am planeing to make a nice looking pdf, but I don't plan on selling it or anything. Besides isn't their an ogl or something?

This is very cool, love it!

Glad you liked it! Which was your favorite?


Trust the Fungus
Yeah probably not, once I refine this a bit and play test I am planeing to make a nice looking pdf, but I don't plan on selling it or anything. Besides isn't their an ogl or something?

There is. Yuan-Ti and Slaadi are explicitly not covered by it.


Pretty cool. I can use these a base for a new campaign I'm starting in 2016. If my players want to convert their 4e characters to 5e I will need to make Yuan-Ti, Lizard Folk, and Dragon races for them.

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