The Prequels, Episodes I-III. What did you like about them?


Morkus from Orkus
Gah. It wasn't a remake. At worst it was an homage.

Let's see...

Lucia Skywalker, sorry Rei Solo is sent to a desert planet as a child and raised there near a bunch of scavengers. She comes across a droid fleeing the Empire, sorry the First Order and carrying plans that the Rebellion, sorry the Resistance needs desperately. With the droid she meets Finn Solo, the reluctant hero and escaped with him from the the desert planet on the Millennium Falcon. She has to escape the Empire, sorry First Order, but ends up captured and Finn Solo comes to her rescue. She meets Darth Vader, sorry Darth Ren who serves the emperor who appeared by hologram....again. "Darth Ren" is almost surely related to her somehow. Rei, I am your brother/cousin! There are a few scenes out of order. The cantina scene happens after they leave the desert planet, but hey, nothing is perfect. Meanwhile, the Empire, sorry the First Order uses the Death Star, sorry Death Planet to destroy Alderaan, sorry an entire system. Then it turns the Death Star, sorry Death Planet against the Rebellion, sorry Resistance. In a desperate bid to stay alive, an x-wing attack is launched at the Death Planet and the hot shot pilot even has a trench run at the small hole at the end to destroy the thing.

The only reason it wasn't a "remake" is that it wasn't called a remake. Otherwise it was A New Hope all over again.

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No flips for you!
Let's see...

Lucia Skywalker, sorry Rei Solo is sent to a desert planet as a child and raised there near a bunch of scavengers. She comes across a droid fleeing the Empire, sorry the First Order and carrying plans that the Rebellion, sorry the Resistance needs desperately. With the droid she meets Finn Solo, the reluctant hero and escaped with him from the the desert planet on the Millennium Falcon. She has to escape the Empire, sorry First Order, but ends up captured and Finn Solo comes to her rescue. She meets Darth Vader, sorry Darth Ren who serves the emperor who appeared by hologram....again. "Darth Ren" is almost surely related to her somehow. Rei, I am your brother/cousin! There are a few scenes out of order. The cantina scene happens after they leave the desert planet, but hey, nothing is perfect. Meanwhile, the Empire, sorry the First Order uses the Death Star, sorry Death Planet to destroy Alderaan, sorry an entire system. Then it turns the Death Star, sorry Death Planet against the Rebellion, sorry Resistance. In a desperate bid to stay alive, an x-wing attack is launched at the Death Planet and the hot shot pilot even has a trench run at the small hole at the end to destroy the thing.

The only reason it wasn't a "remake" is that it wasn't called a remake. Otherwise it was A New Hope all over again.


A suffusion of yellow
Let's see...

Lucia Skywalker, sorry Rei Solo is sent to a desert planet as a child and raised there near a bunch of scavengers. She comes across a droid fleeing the Empire, sorry the First Order and carrying plans that the Rebellion, sorry the Resistance needs desperately. With the droid she meets Finn Solo, the reluctant hero and escaped with him from the the desert planet on the Millennium Falcon. She has to escape the Empire, sorry First Order, but ends up captured and Finn Solo comes to her rescue. She meets Darth Vader, sorry Darth Ren who serves the emperor who appeared by hologram....again. "Darth Ren" is almost surely related to her somehow. Rei, I am your brother/cousin! There are a few scenes out of order. The cantina scene happens after they leave the desert planet, but hey, nothing is perfect. Meanwhile, the Empire, sorry the First Order uses the Death Star, sorry Death Planet to destroy Alderaan, sorry an entire system. Then it turns the Death Star, sorry Death Planet against the Rebellion, sorry Resistance. In a desperate bid to stay alive, an x-wing attack is launched at the Death Planet and the hot shot pilot even has a trench run at the small hole at the end to destroy the thing.

The only reason it wasn't a "remake" is that it wasn't called a remake. Otherwise it was A New Hope all over again.

and thats what makes it brilliant. After talking to my nephews, I realised that a whole lot of people haven't seen the originals and aren't privvy to Star Wars geekdom, so really having TFA be a reboot that both titillates the fans (thus compensating for the prequel-hate) and reestablishes the mythology for a new generation (even to the point of retelling the story) was a wise move.

the real test comes with the next episode, it needs to tell a new story without going the way of the prequels.


Morkus from Orkus
and thats what makes it brilliant. After talking to my nephews, I realised that a whole lot of people haven't seen the originals and aren't privvy to Star Wars geekdom, so really having TFA be a reboot that both titillates the fans (thus compensating for the prequel-hate) and reestablishes the mythology for a new generation (even to the point of retelling the story) was a wise move.

the real test comes with the next episode, it needs to tell a new story without going the way of the prequels.

I agree. I thought it was brilliant that they did a remake without it being a REMAKE. If they had announced it as a remake of A New Hope, there would have been riots. As it was, it was a well done "remake" that provides a strong foundation for going off in new directions from here.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
our first glimpse of a more adult Anakin came during the movie where the romance was absolutely pivotal to the development of the characters and their motivations in the following film.
It did not help that the same (college-age?) Padme who befriended the cute little kid then proceeds to get a crush on his teenaged self. Either there is a missing 'background comment' about Naboo-eans being gifted with extended life spans, or she has horrible taste in boyfriends (10 years her junior). It would have helped the story if Anakin had gotten enmeshed with somebody equally young and inexperienced as he.


Morkus from Orkus
It did not help that the same (college-age?) Padme who befriended the cute little kid then proceeds to get a crush on his teenaged self. Either there is a missing 'background comment' about Naboo-eans being gifted with extended life spans, or she has horrible taste in boyfriends (10 years her junior). It would have helped the story if Anakin had gotten enmeshed with somebody equally young and inexperienced as he.

I got a kick out of no one knowing that she had twins inside of her. All that technology and Jedi power around her and nobody thought to check.

The only good parts of those movies were the Jedi fight scenes.


It did not help that the same (college-age?) Padme who befriended the cute little kid then proceeds to get a crush on his teenaged self. Either there is a missing 'background comment' about Naboo-eans being gifted with extended life spans, or she has horrible taste in boyfriends (10 years her junior). It would have helped the story if Anakin had gotten enmeshed with somebody equally young and inexperienced as he.

With her looking so close to her previous age I just chalked that up to whatever cosmetic surgery the Star Wars universe has. She is a celebrity, at least on Naboo, and she's probably fairly wealthy. It may be even be covered by whatever health plan Nubian royalty or galactic senators get.


I got a kick out of no one knowing that she had twins inside of her. All that technology and Jedi power around her and nobody thought to check.

The only good parts of those movies were the Jedi fight scenes.

Yeah, but to be fair the prequel jedi suck at sensing stuff. Even Yoda can't detect the sith lord attending Qui Gon's funeral no more than thirty human paces away from him.

Water Bob

It did not help that the same (college-age?) Padme who befriended the cute little kid then proceeds to get a crush on his teenaged self. Either there is a missing 'background comment' about Naboo-eans being gifted with extended life spans, or she has horrible taste in boyfriends (10 years her junior). It would have helped the story if Anakin had gotten enmeshed with somebody equally young and inexperienced as he.

Padme is supposed to be 13 years old when elected to the throne, according to the book.

She's supposed to be 23 in Attack of the Clones, when she is a Senator.

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