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Fury over Black Hermione Granger

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Hermione is a pop icon, a famous and beloved white character.
Not according to the person who created her, and who- along with her successors in interest- will own the IP rights for some decades to come.

Consider: at some future point, if JKR decides to return to writing in the Potterverse and explicitly writes Hermione as a black character, how will you react?

There is pervasive social pressure to erase - to genocide - white ethnic identities.

You're sliding into paranoia here.

To kill Hermione as a white character, and replace her with a different black character, raises red flags about our cultures.
Nobody is metaphorically killing anyone. An actress of a different ethnicity to the one who has played the role for years has been cast to play a role that the character's creator expressly said has no defined race in her canon.

It might well be Rowling supports the destruction of the white identity of Hermione.

According to Rowling herself, Hermione has no defined ethnicity. Are you saying she's lying?

Nevertheless, there are societal trends that are antihuman and concerning, especially among the Left.
The erasure of white characters is part of a larger trend.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The peer pressure of anti-male anti-white political correctness, and the extremes of the groupthink of the leftwing is drifting toward a genocide of white cultures.

Oh, right. There we go. I was wondering if the code phrases were going to emerge. Now I know what the conversation is really about I won't be participating further.


Oh, right. There we go. I was wondering if the code phrases were going to emerge. Now I know what the conversation is really about I won't be participating further.

There is a grain of truth in most things that people say.

In any case, what my conversation is really about is to ensure human diversity for the future.

Despite a shrinking planet, and an impulse to conform.

Homogeneity is an evil.

Well... the discussion has certainly turned trippy. I'm going to need to listen to some Alex Jones before I can properly participate in this discussion.


The erasure of white (European) ethnic identity is part of a wider societal trend.

Merlin (ethnic Welsh)

Guinevere (ethnic Welsh)
View attachment Queen.jpg

Captain America (ethnic white American)

Human Torch (ethnic white American)

And so on ...

Each individual is fine. I like these actors, and I like these shows. But the trend of anti-white hate, is alarming.

When Jews were being pressured to become Christians, it was a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

Today, when whites are being pressured to become blacks, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

When each European ethnicity is made unable to preserve its own unique cultural heritage and borders, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

More urgently, when European ethnicities are forbidden to defend against - or even criticize - Islamist jihadi ideologies, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

Irish Gaelic speakers have a human right to preserve Irish heritage. Scots a proud (unconquered) heritage. Italians an ancient and venerable heritage. Native American tribal nations. Australian Aborigines. Tibetans. And so on.

It is good for the future of humanity to continue to enjoy and benefit from this cultural diversity.

Part of tolerating differences is celebrating and standing up for ones own differences.

Today, when whites are being pressured to become blacks, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.
How are whites being pressured to become black? Are whites being forced to do blackface because that's pretty damn racist. We must stop whites being forced to do blackface! Who are these villains that forced bad makeup on poor-unsuspecting people?


The erasure of white (European) ethnic identity is part of a wider societal trend.

Casting choices for actors in works of fiction have NO power to erase "white ethnic identity." If they cast a black actor to play George Washington, it would not and could not erase the historical facts about George Washington. Your use of terms like "erasure" and "genocide" is highly hyperbolic and makes it difficult to converse with you in a reasonable manner because it creates the expectation that you will not accept or respond to reason.

There is likely some prejudice against white people from certain races, some of which is (let's face it) a justifiable response to how white people have historically treated their people, and some of it is not.

Each individual is fine. I like these actors, and I like these shows. But the trend of anti-white hate, is alarming.

Casting minority actors in roles that have been previously portrayed as white is neither anti-white, nor hate. In most instances, it's likely to be one of the following:

1) a commercial decision to try to appeal to a broader audience. Broadcasting outlets and film studios care about money and that's it. That's why the horrible Tansformers films keeps getting sequels: because people keep paying to see them.

2) a specific vision on the part of the artist who created it.

3) the minority actor was simply the best actor who auditioned.

Today, when whites are being pressured to become blacks, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

Whites are not being pressured to "become blacks." Most of the African-Americans who I've known have preferred it when whites don't try to adopt their culture.

When each European ethnicity is made unable to preserve its own unique cultural heritage and borders, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

Are you actually saying that your cultural heritage hinges on the race of actors and actresses in works of fiction created by the entertainment industry?

Also, yank Cap, Johnny, and any other product of the "melting pot" off your list when you're talking about preserving "unique European ethnicities." Most Americans truly don't care about preserving their ethnic heritage. Most Americans who find out they are Irish might switch to Guiness or plan to take a vacation in Ireland, but only the rarest handful are actually going to attempt to learn Gaelic (much less follow through on it) or keep abreast of Irish politics or learn how the Irish government works.

More urgently, when European ethnicities are forbidden to defend against - or even criticize - Islamist jihadi ideologies, it is a symptom of a societal dysfunction.

Last I knew, criticizing terrorist ideologies is not frowned upon in the west, unless one is conflating Islam with terrorism. Terrorists have used and abused various ideologies over the years. Christian terrorists have blown up or shot up abortion clinics. Racial supremacist terrorists have blown up and burned down churches and synagogues. Mormon terrorists raided people in the frontier. Irish political terrorists have blown up, well, just about everything at one time or another. And so on.


Staff member
The erasure of white (European) ethnic identity is part of a wider societal trend.

Merlin (ethnic Welsh)
View attachment 72794

Guinevere (ethnic Welsh)
View attachment 72795

Captain America (ethnic white American)
View attachment 72796

Human Torch (ethnic white American)
View attachment 72797

And so on ...

Each individual is fine. I like these actors, and I like these shows. But the trend of anti-white hate, is alarming.

Your optics are a bit off. Even if I throw in the black Captain Marvel, the new Hawkwoman, Lancelot (from OUaT like Merlin), the occasional Hamlet, the Asian Dr. Light, and the utterly laughable Will Smith portrayal of James West, fictional and even historical characters are FAR more likely to be whitewashed or portrayed by Caucasians in blackface/yellowface/redface makeup in western media than the other way around.

In this thread alone, we've already mentioned:
St. Nicholas
Genghis Khan
All of the major characters in Exodus & Troy
Charlie Chan
Khan Noonien Singh
Kwai Chang Kane

We can add:
Lieutenant Boomer (not technically whitewashed, but definitely targeted by a race change and nardectomy- and he wasn't the only one who got THAT)
Several main characters in the Earthsea miniseries (which, for the record, the author DID dislike)

And many more besides.

The point is not that I'm trying to assert that 2 wrongs make a right, because I'm not. The point is that these changes occur in many directions, and is NOT an intentional tactic in eradicating white culture from the world.

I actually hated the concept of a black Johnny Storm, FWIW, since it changed so much of the dynamic for the FF...but so did the casting of a much younger Reed Richards. Ditto younger officers in the Star Trek reboot.

Personally, as a person of color, I would rather NOT see characters rewritten for minorities when it matters- I would much rather see new stories with minority protagonists written from genesis as minorities.

But characters like Hermione? The author is clear- no ethnicity was written into the character in the canon. So get over it.
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