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D&D 5E The New World [Volo Monsters]


Would that negate sunlight sensitivity if you became some normal light-dwelling creature?

Sure. Though I'm assuming your wild shaping will arise in character rather than "now I perform action X to avoid penalty Y". :)

Second part, concept that came to mind when I considered this option, a kobold druid who thinks he is a barbarian [...]

The background is great. I especially like the wax supply angle, as it gives me something to work with regarding the rest of the tribe. Are the Bluewax Tribe are the only Kobolds in this part of the New World, or are they just the only ones who had a handy outcast to contribute?

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I have a slight tendency to go with rogue. Two druids could be fun, but it would probably be more of the same (although goblin and bugbear would certainly approach being a druid very differently!).

Young *insert bugbear name here* somehow ended up losing his way back to his family gang. It happens, and luckily bugbears know how to survive on their own. Eventually he found a new gang, but as he was the new guy, he was bullied mercilessly. He learned to be extra stealthy to avoid being beat up all the time. When, after several years among this gang, it was time to represent the bugbears on the less-than-appealing mission to drive off the so-called civilized race, he was the "volunteer" the whole group pointed at. Sucks being the new guy.


Sure. Though I'm assuming your wild shaping will arise in character rather than "now I perform action X to avoid penalty Y". :)

Yeah, especially since shapeshifting doesn't start till second level.

The background is great. I especially like the wax supply angle, as it gives me something to work with regarding the rest of the tribe. Are the Bluewax Tribe are the only Kobolds in this part of the New World, or are they just the only ones who had a handy outcast to contribute?

In my imagination I was thinking the latter. Like the Bluewax are a very very old tribe with a lot of secrets and superstitions that have never had a lot of power, but also have not made a lot of enemies. There are probably other tribes in all the different ways you might find kobolds... dragon worshipers, trappers, village raiders on a power trip, etc. Perhaps they were picked as an olive branch, "look we got at least one kobold tribe to 'join' us, why don't you guys make peace for a minute so we can deal with the problem at hand... oh no you're killing our messengers again..."

I could see them having some similar superstitions/traditions that are shared, but I kinda see the bluewax as the isolationists keeping "the old ways".
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Nert Muckshredder

Nert was born Nert Foultracker. The Foultrackers were clan of Hunters in the tribe, during a time of strange happenings. His small stature and mediocre skill with weapons left him at the bottom of the pecking order of his own clan.

During his childhood the tribe boss was found flayed to death within his cave with no indication as to who had killed him. Bloody infighting ensued as the various hunter clans within the tribe fought for control only to see the whole tribe taken over by another clan with a sitting Hobgoblin as boss, Hovtut.

Over the next few months Hovtut’s lieutenants, disappeared or had fatal accidents until one day Hovtut himself was found dead. Knowing that his Hunter clan had barely survived that last take over, and his own precarious position in his clan, Nert saw only demotion or disaster in his future.

Nert took the smart decision of fleeing the tribe and living life as an outrider, dropping his high born family name and after some time earned himself a new name - Muchshredder. He watched from a distance as the goblin tribe fought and grew, assimilating and in turn being assimilated by other tribes, always the new Boss only lasting perhaps a year before dying in mysterious and brutal circumstances.

As the tribe grew Nert found himself further and further from the center of things. Living off what skill he had with a bow and pilfering the clan traps when he couldn’t. He would trade news and information for some essentials that he could otherwise not get. A cunning gatherer, angry at his traps being emptied, trapped one of his traps and Nert found himself in the embarrassing situation of being a goblin stuck in a goblins trap.

Locked in a crude cage awaiting judgement, Nert listened as the latest Boss laid out the plans to assemble a band of heroes from all the New World races. As he finished a hush descended on the clan, only the shuffling of feat as every goblin tried very hard to not be at the front without looking like he was fleeing. Nert, stuck in his cage could only stand and watch as the crowd slowly moved behind him and left him standing alone in front of the Boss.

Nert Muchshredder. Ranger 1
Age: 12 Alignment: NE Size: Small (3’2” 44lbs) Spd: 30
Languages: Goblin, Common, Dwarven, Elven

STR: 12 +1 (2 points)*
DEX: 16 +3 (5 points +2 racial)*
CON: 14 +2 (3 points +1 racial)
INT: 10 +0 (2 points)
WIS: 14 +2 (5 points)
CHA: 10 +0 (2 points)

Athletics: +1
Acrobatics: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
*Stealth: +5
Arcana: 0
History: 0
Investigation: 0
*Nature: +2
Religion: 0
*Animal Handling: +4
Insight: +2
Medicine: +2
*Perception: +4
*Survival: +4
Deception: 0
Intimidation: 0
Performance: 0
Persuasion: 0

Leather Armour
Short Sword (2)
Explorers Pack
Short Bow
Arrows (19)
Hunting Trap
Tribe Totem

Strange Tooth Neckalce

0 20 0 0 0

Goblin: Fury of the small folk: Once per long or short rest, add level damage to a hit on a target of size medium of larger.
Darkvision: 60’
Nimble Escape: Disengage or Hide as a bonus action:
Languages: Goblin, Common

Ranger: HD d10 HP: 12/12
Proficiencies: Armour: Light, Medium, Shield
Weapon: Simple, Martial
Skills: Perception, Handle Animal, Nature
Favoured Enemy: Elves, Dwarves
Language: Elven
Favoured Terrain: Forest
Natural Explorer:

Background: Goblin Tribe Member (From Uthgart Tribe Member)
Skills: Stealth (Swapped from Athletics) Survival
Tools: Poisoners Kit
Language: Dwarven

Personality: I Pick things up and play with them, eventually putting them back down or “misplacing” them in my pocket.
Ideal: Might – the strongest are meant to rule but the craftiest can tell them what to do.
Bond: My Clan is the most important thing to me
Flaw: When survival is at stake, my life comes ahead of my friends
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Moon Moon
Small humanoid (kobold), neutral

Armor Class 16 (11 armor, +3 dex, +2 shield)
Hit Points 10 (1d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 6 (-2)
Dex 17 (+3)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 8 (-1), save +1
Wis 15 (+2), save +4
Cha 8 (-1)

Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic, Druidic

Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, Spears
Skills Animal Handling 4, Insight 4, Perception 4, Survival 4
Tools Herbalism Kit, Candlemaker's Tools, Land Vehicles

Equipment Wooden shield, scimitar, leather armor, explorer's pack, moon rock (druidic focus), candlemaker's tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, belt pouch, 10gp

Cantrips Control Flames, Druidcraft
Prepared Spells (2 slots) Absorb Elements, Animal Friendship, Cure Wounds

Attacks Scimitar +5 to hit, 1d6+3 slashing damage

Personality Traits I get bored easily. Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.
Ideals Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not.
Bonds I believe that the moon is mine and mine alone, the candle in the darkness, the promise of a better life.
Flaws I will appologize for any slight, imagined or otherwise. I take responsibility for all mistakes made and beg for forgiveness, always trying to make things right.

Kobold Outcast All kobold tribes recognize those outcast by their own kind and recognize you as someone to be treated without kindness, but also not to be harmed. Kobolds will go out of their way to ridicule, mock, taunt, and insult you. All kobolds know that outright harming you will bring about great shame and possibly result in them being cursed or outcast themselves. For this reason, kobolds will try not harm you unless you endanger their lives.

[sblock=Background]Kobold Outcast (Folk Hero Revised)

Moon Moon is an outcast kobold from a cowardly Bluewax tribe. The Bluewax seeks to survive the coming storm by digging deeper and hiding further from the surface. His tribe has the odd habit of keeping candles in the darkness, not so much as a source of vision, but because the Bluewax claim that if a kobold's candle goes out, or if they lack a candle altogether, "the darkness" will "eat them". They fear that when the last candle burns out, the apocalypse will be upon them.

Moon Moon is a kobold who lost his candle and was "devoured by the darkness" in mind and body. He eventually scurried into a tunnel leading to the surface, one looking up at a large full moon in the sky. From that day forward, Moon Moon has called the moon his own personal candle that will never go out.

When Moon Moon returned to his tribe, The Candle King was outraged that a kobold could return alive after his candle went out. He declared Moon Moon a heretic, an outcast to be shamed by all kobolds. Being treated like an outcast changed Moon Moon, and he believed everything that his tribe would say. They called him wild, feral, a barbarian. They shamed him for his uncontrolled rage and blamed him for all manner of theft, accidents, and illness. He begged and pleaded and apologized constantly for all his many sins, but none would listen. As supplies dwindled, whether food, potable water, or wax... Moon Moon was blamed.

When messengers arrived to attempt to coerce the Bluewax into sending an emissary to an alliance of sorts, The Candle King called this intrusion the greatest of Moon Moon's follies. Clearly Moon Moon had brought the outsiders here, and only sending Moon Moon away with them would restore the Great Candle to it's former glory. Moon Moon was cast out as an offering to the outsiders, so that the Bluewax could once again vanish into the mountains never to be heard from again. Yet, The Candle King also pulled Moon Moon aside one last time before he was banished. "The wax trickles away. The great candle shrinks. There will be little wax to give the children. The darkness comes for us. We must have more wax!"

Moon Moon stared, bug-eyed at The Candle King one last time in confused silence. He pointed one crooked finger towards his great candle in the sky. Moon Moon said his last words he thought he would ever have with his tribe that night. "You no take candle!"[/sblock]
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I have a slight tendency to go with rogue. Two druids could be fun, but it would probably be more of the same (although goblin and bugbear would certainly approach being a druid very differently!).

A Bugbear shadow monk would be pretty fearsome too. :)

Young *insert bugbear name here* somehow ended up losing his way back to his family gang. It happens, and luckily bugbears know how to survive on their own. Eventually he found a new gang, but as he was the new guy, he was bullied mercilessly. He learned to be extra stealthy to avoid being beat up all the time. When, after several years among this gang, it was time to represent the bugbears on the less-than-appealing mission to drive off the so-called civilized race, he was the "volunteer" the whole group pointed at. Sucks being the new guy.

Why was your adopted gang the one that needed to respond for this mission? Were they somehow notorious for having this extra one hanging on (and if so, how)? Or were you or they chosen to step up by Maglubiyet (the god of all Goblinoids) or Grankhul (the Bugbear god of cunning and stealth)? Perhaps one of the deities guided your steps in finding the tribe, and then directed the messenger their way, for instance.

Also, what's going on in Bugbear-land or with these various gangs? Perhaps, for instance, Maglubiyet is laying plans to restore the Bugbears' lost vigor to increase the potency of his Goblinoid host. This would of course, come at the expense of Grankhul, who stole it to begin with. You may find yourself the pawn in their game for the moment, though of course, the future may hold a greater destiny...

Anyway, I'm just brainstorming here, you can come up with whatever you like, but I'd like something more to go on.


Question, can I have the Gust and/or Shape Water cantrip from the Elemental Evil's Player's Handbook? Or can we not use that? They just fit thematically with my character, and I must admit Shape Water is one of my favorite cantrips...

Yes, I'm OK with the spells from Elemental Evil.


First Post
Saashala is a yuan-ti pureblood; young and untested. She was trained since hatching to do that which her hideousness marked her as suited to do...infiltrate the meat-races and from within spy on them, destabilize them, prevent them from growing too numerous and strong to delay the rebirth of the Empire To Come.

Her problem was not that she was not good at this task. It was, perhaps, that she was too good. Like others of her line, she spent time with slaves...walking among them, learning their language and customs, and above all learning how to use the absurd and primitive emotions they felt to move them as she wished. When new slaves arrived...the captives of the armies from across the sea, Saashala was eager to learn more. These were people, excuse me, meat-things that had not grown up in the shadow of the Serpent Throne. Their culture had developed entirely separately, with no subtle manipulations to keep it weak and pliable. They did not cringe or cower when confronted by the malisons and dread abominations. They spat and struggled and fought.

They were interesting.

In learning to infiltrate them, Saashala thought she saw something no one else did. Her studies were important, so if she attempted to divert punishments or dangerous work assignments away from them, it was merely to protect assets vital to this research. When called upon to explain herself, this claim was met with a challenge...what research?

She presented her idea that the Empire could learn much from these meat-things. That they had build a powerful culture in stark defiance of what was known of how mammal minds worked. Far from being lost to their own passions; too animal to overcome their base instincts, they seemed to have learned how to harness those instincts and use them as a source of inspiration. They were, by and large, exactly as dull and venal and pre-sentient as the Yuan-ti knew them to be...but there were exceptions. Occasionally a mutation would take place, and a mammal with the potential to overcome their flaws would be born. They became great leaders and sages and generals, and led the rest of their prey-herd to a level of organization and advancement that was otherwise inconceivable.

Saashala's thesis: If these things can do what they have done with such a gift, imagine what the Serpent Empire could do with it! It could be the final piece necessary to allow the Yuan-ti to rise again!

Discord. The thesis was predicated on the premise that the Yuan-ti, who had known great cities while the meat-races still fell from trees and cowered in caves, could learn something from these creatures of more than transient strategic value. It was a transparently incorrect premise. The Yuan-ti predated their civilization (if such it could be called). They had existed in parallel throughout the long years. Therefore there was no learning, no time spent, no advancement or innovation that the meat-prey could conceive of that the Yuan-ti had not had centuries more to consider and develop, and ultimately discard. If the meat-races did it, and the Yuan-ti did not, then it was definitively not fit to do.

Discredited, Saashala was forced to release her research subjects back into the slave population, and was placed with other, more conventional subjects to continue her training.

Her chance came sooner than expected however.

The continued incursions by the invaders were inflicting heavier than anticipated casualties among the janissary legions. Replacing slave stock was becoming more difficult from sheer attrition. The subtler heads in the conclave that advised the Throne were beginning to gain influence, and they counseled presenting the appearance of working 'with' the lesser races of this land. Rather than conquering them and enslaving them, they would be conscripted as 'allies.' The reasoning: The end results would be the same. They would march against the invaders. But without the loss of life, and the investment of time and forces needed to conquer them in the first place.

However, a gesture would be needed, it seemed, before the native meat-races would accept such an arrangement. One of the yuan-ti...not a loyal slave...would have to take part in some kind of 'test group' to demonstrate that mutual cooperation was possible.

Regrettable, but such things were why purebloods were allowed to exist. And they knew just the one to send...

(Sheet isn't 100% done, but it's very close and I wanted to get it online so I could edit it from there)

Neutral Evil(?) Yuan Ti Pureblood Warlock 1
Background: Criminal - Spy
- Yuan Ti Spy Contacts

Str 8 (0)
Dex 15 (9)
Con 12 (4)
Int 12 (3)
Wis 10 (2)
Cha 17 (9)

HP 9
AC 13 (10 + 2 dex + 1 armor)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +2
Exp: 0

Yuan Ti Pureblood
- +2 Cha, +1 Int
- Immune to Poison
- Magic Resistance (adv on saves vs spells)
- Animal Friendship (Snakes only; permanent)
- Poison Spray cantrip (charisma)

Otherworldly Patron (Great Old One)
Pact Magic

Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light
Tools: Thief's tools, disguise kit
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma


- Deception +5
- Investigation +3
- Persuasion +5
- Stealth +4

Common, Abyssal, Draconic

Spell attack +5, Difficulty 13

Spell Slots:
1 - 1/1

Spells Known
Cantrips - Eldritch Blast, Friends, Poison Spray
1 - Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar (Str save)

Cash: 15gp

2 Dagger +4, 1d4+2
Light Crossbow, +4, 1d8+2

Eldritch Blast, +5, 1d10

Leather Armor

Scholar Pack
Orb (arcane focus)
Forged identity papers
Thief's Tools[/sblock]
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