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D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


"Do you have an ailment of the eye?" Haldor asks Liam. "If you are in need of light, I can create one for you, but if blindness be your disability, I cannot assist."

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Liam's hat is usually tipped down over his eyes. He looked up at this question, tipping his hat slightly, revealing empty sockets surrounded by scars.

"I pull my own weight, I just need to be pointed in the right direction at times."

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First Post
"Damn goblins..." Garret mutters under his breath as he wipes his scimitar blade clean on a patch of grass. "No idea what they want, but we need to find out. The crone knew they were coming, nothing else makes sense. I don't know what she wants, but the goblins need to be dealt with anyway. I say we find them and then we kill them, and then we hopefully get paid."

Lord Twig

"I think those lights you saw coming down from the hill might have been those soldiers we saw in front of the inn, coming down from the manor house." Then, remembering that the call to move the injured into the inn, Mindra removes the bar from the door and opens it to allow the soldiers inside. "Maybe we can get more information about the goblins from the captain. Either way, rest or pursuit of the goblins, I think it best if we all stick together until we can figure out the mystery of this old crone that brought us all together."


Torban Ingpol, Omri Bine, Sergeant Alene Belyr
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:07 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain
Round 0

"Anyone know why a tavern in the middle of a town would get attacked by creatures like that?" Liam asked.

“No,” Omri said with a frown. “The goblins usually stay in the Cold Woods and rarely bother us Though we’ve been getting reports of more of them outside the forest at nights. Nothing we’ve been able to confirm, just reports from Timberhand.”

Torban stayed shaking behind the bar, downing more whiskey. Omri, however, followed the adventurers out into the night.

As Haldor works on the fires, he notices most of them aren’t causing much damage. Piles of firewood, or stacks of hay, but little property damage.

As the heroes settled into the inn to recuperate, a couple soldiers came into the common room led by the woman who had been giving orders. As the soldiers moved some furniture to make room, the captain pulled off her helmet, shaking out her short brown hair. She was a half-elf and had the olive complexion revealing Helveki heritage. A few piercings decorated her slightly pointed ears. She was lithe, graceful, and agile, if a bit on the skinny side. Her green eyes settled on the adventurers.

“By Paladine!” the woman said, pushing her hand through her sweaty brown hair. “Thank you for your assistance,” she said.

“What is the report, Sergeant Belyr?” Omri asked, sliding his sword back into his cane.

“Reeve Bine,” Sergeant Belyr said, turning to the older man. “The goblins have all been driven from town. Or fled, really. We managed to mount a defense in the square. I’m still getting reports, but there seems to be little damage to town. Several shops and homes were broken into, however.”

As they spoke, a few townspeople and guards began to bring in the few injured. Soon after, an old crone and a much younger woman, both in hastily donned priestly robes, hustled into the inn.

“I believe our helpful adventurers here could use some healing, Prelate, Sister,” Omri said.

[sblock=OOC]You have to healers available to you, so feel free to cast whatever Cure Wounds you need.[/sblock]




Lord Twig

Mindra did a double take as the elderly priestess entered the inn, but there are probably thousands of old women that fit the description of "old crone". Holding her short bow Mindra stands ready, the rush from the short, but intense battle not yet letting her relax. She watches the priestesses closely as they work on the injured, trying to spy their holy symbols to discern which god they serve.


"The goblins seemed to prefer stealing rather than destroying. This could indicate they will return when they have run out of whatever they stole." Haldor turns to Sargeant Belyr. "They stole food from here, from what I saw of their sacks. Is that what they were after from the stores, or was there another pattern?"


Torban Ingpol, Omri Bine, Sergeant Alene Belyr
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:08 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain
Round 0

As the priestesses pull out their holy symbols to begin healing the injured, Mindra catches their symbolism. The old woman, though she doesn’t move as if aged, waves a silver triangle over a wound as she prays to Paladine.

The younger woman moves to the other side of the tavern. Her holy symbol is a disk marked with three horizontal wavy lines, and her prayers to Avandra, one of the new Dawn Gods, are answered with healing magic.

"They stole food from here, from what I saw of their sacks. Is that what they were after from the stores, or was there another pattern?" Haldor asked Sergeant Belyr.

The half-elf pushed her hair back from her green eyes. “It was odd,” she admitted. “We saw them running off with food, for sure,” the woman said. She had the air of an old soldier, though like many half-elves she appeared much younger. “But some of my men saw them break into the tailor’s shop, too. They stole a large bolt of white cloth, and a black jacket and top hat. Another of my men saw them steal a large, white, layered cake from the baker. Some ale was stolen from the brewery, too. I don’t know what to make of it. Folks are reporting a few valuables missing, but nothing like one would expect from a raid for loot.”




Voidrunner's Codex

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