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Monitor Duty (Freedomverse OOC)

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I am so into this, long-time gamer, new to M&M but have been wanting to try M&M for a while now :) Thanks for starting a recruitment thread!

I think this is the product I should get to make a character and learn the rules? M&M 3e Deluxe Hero's Handbook

I'd like to play some sort of a martial artist/costumed crimefighter/investigator type.

What does "Four Color" mean to you? I hear it used differently by different folks.

That is indeed the product. As Shayuri said there is also an SRD.

Four color...I lean towards more costumes and capes as opposed to trenchcoats and guns.


Dangit, I've got a lot of games going on. However, I've been wanting to try this system. I'll make a character. Depending on how some of my other games go, I may have to make some cuts...


I've got a hero in mind that manipulates gravity. I've had him in mind for a while. He starts his career only being able to manipulate his own gravity, and crafts a set of mechanical wings to help him move around (as he makes himself weightless, but can't move). He then learns how to manipulate gravity on things he touches, then at range, then create gravity wells and basically move objects around at will. Eventually, he loses the need to have the wings, as he can fly better without them just by manipulating gravity wells around him.

He'd be able to create force fields, fly, move objects, potentially even teleport as he uses the gravity to bend space. I'd have to see how many points that would all take. He only has one real power, but gets a lot of uses out of it.

My other thought revolves around the Immortality power, and the thought of playing an Immortal is very tempting...


I've got a hero in mind that manipulates gravity. I've had him in mind for a while. He starts his career only being able to manipulate his own gravity, and crafts a set of mechanical wings to help him move around (as he makes himself weightless, but can't move). He then learns how to manipulate gravity on things he touches, then at range, then create gravity wells and basically move objects around at will. Eventually, he loses the need to have the wings, as he can fly better without them just by manipulating gravity wells around him.

He'd be able to create force fields, fly, move objects, potentially even teleport as he uses the gravity to bend space. I'd have to see how many points that would all take. He only has one real power, but gets a lot of uses out of it.

My other thought revolves around the Immortality power, and the thought of playing an Immortal is very tempting...

Energy controller type is always a solid choice. :)

If there's still room, I've got a brick...


2 (10)
2 (12)​
2 (6)

POWERS: All from Mystical Helmet (Removable)
(Powers in green are not available, they are listed to indicate future advancement only)
Flight 9
Enhanced Stamina 10
Enhanced Will 7
Impervious Toughness 6
Immunity 10 (Life Support
Immunity 2 (Critical Hits)
Immortality 0
Quickness 2
Improved Initiative 1
Enhanced Strength 8
Enhanced Strength 3 (Limited to lifting)
Power Attack
Enhanced Presence 0
Shed Light: Environment 2 (Full Daylight, 60' radius)
Damage 2 (Strength-based, Only when Shed Light is active, damage type: fire)
Dazzle: Affliction 10 vs. Fort [Vision - Impaired, Disabled, Unaware] (Cumulative)
Forethought (Array)
Enhanced Dodge 3
Enhanced Fighting 4
Senses 4 (Danger Sense - Mental)
Evasion 2
Uncanny Dodge
Senses 4 (Precognition)
Perception 12 (+20), Limit: Only with Precognition
Quick Change
Feature: Transforms into costume when putting on the helmet (free action)

Benefit 1 (Police Powers)
Close Combat 2
Equipment 2
Ranged Combat 2

Athletics 1 (+3/+11)
Deception 0 (+1)
Expertise 5 (+7): Police Detective
Insight 5 (+6)
Intimiation 0 (+1)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 7 (+8)
Persuasion 1 (+2)
Ranged Attack 1 (+6): Throwing
Stealth 1 (+4)
Technology 1 (+3)
Vehicles 1 (+4)
Initiative +3 (+7)
Punch:+4 (+8), (Close Damage 2 (10) bludgeoning (+ 2 fire))
Throwing:+6, (Ranged Damage 2 (10) bludgeoning)
Dazzle: +6, (Close Affliction 10, cumulative [vision])
Pistol: +5, (Ranged Damage 3 piercing)

DODGE +4 (+7)
PARRY +3 (+7)
WILL +1 (+8)
FORTITUDE +2 (+12)
TOUGHNESS 2 (12, Impervious 6)


TOTAL 150​
[sblock="Equipment"]As Detective: smart/camera phone, handcuffs, flashlight, light pistol
As Prometheus: comm-link[/sblock][sblock=Background]Police cadet Luke Papadopoulos was on vacation, climbing in the Caucasus mountains, when a boulder rolled out from under his foot, pulling loose from the cliff face, and bouncing down the side of the mountain. In the space where it had been, he found an old bronze helmet, green with age. Later, when he tried it on, he found himself transformed into a titanic Figure: a foot taller, incredibly muscled, and he could fly! But where were his clothes? Removing the helmet returned him to his former self, clothes included. Luke smuggled the helmet back home, and became a full police officer the next year. Over the next few years, he worked his way up through the ranks, just recently making detective. During this time, he experimented with the helmet, and the powers it granted him, ultimately devising a costume moonlighting as the hero Prometheus.[/sblock][sblock="Complications"]Motivation: Doing Good.
Defenseless against Magic
Identity[/sblock][sblock="Appearance"]Prometheus stands 6'6”, with curly black hair and short beard. He wears a greek-style bronze helmet, long red cape, brown leather boots and bracers, and a short white kilt over leather briefs.
Detective Papaopoulos is rather short, only 5'6”, with wavy brown hair, clean-shaven. He wears a dark suit, and carries his detective's shield, along with a notebook and pencil.[/sblock]
Last edited:


Alright! Here I present Jonathan Hawke. His parents won the lottery when he was a child, and his father turned out to be a smart investor, and they quickly turned $50 million into a $Billions.

He, however, went through a rough patch, unable to find himself. His father thought he was just a loafer, he and got kicked out and cut off. He lived on the streets for a few years, doing odd jobs to pay for crappy apartments. Eventually, he met his future wife volunteering at a soup kitchen. He was struck by her intelligence, and her passion for helping people. So much so that he found that when he did things for people, helped them in ways that were more than just handing them money, it brought the satisfaction he had always been looking for. He began to volunteer with her, in one of the more dangerous parts of town.

Eventually, they were married, and had two kids, a little girl and a little boy. In order to make ends meat, he eventually took a job as a Firefighter, while his wife became a Registered Nurse.

It was during this time that his father invited him back into his life. He saw his son had grown up, and wanted to be a part of his grandchildren's lives.

Then something happened and I'm not entirely sure what it was. Scientific accident at one of his dad's companies, meteor landing in his back yard, radiation leak, something. Either way, he suddenly could sense and subtly control gravitational fields. It was small at first, letting him do little more than telekinetically lift very small objects. Eventually, he learned how to make an object weigh less just by touching it. Then, he found he could lessen his own weight to almost weightlessness.

He tried to fly, but all he could do right now was make himself weightless. Not that useful. Using one of his father's R&D companies, he developed a set of mechanical wings, controlled by tiny sensors in his gloves. Squeaze the right finger on his left hand and the left wing would lower, raise it and it would twist. It was very detailed control, and it took him a while to learn how to use it right. Eventually, he found he could soar through the air, only keeping enough weight to allow wind resistance in his wings.

That's when the real fun began. As his powers grew, so did his confidence. He could go where few others could. He could lift things that weighed a ton, because he would just make it weightless.

And still his powers grew. Eventually, he found he could create Gravity Wells. Then, he figured out how to make an object weightless from a distance. Combining these two, he could make an object weightless, then send it towards him, away from him, or at a target, and the weight limit he could affect grew exponentially, until he could lift objects weighing over 100 tons!

His family life began to suffer. He still did not have access to his father's fortune, so he still had to work, and his hero work began to cut into his family time. He was always gone, he could never let someone get hurt when he could have stopped it. For years this went on, and the strain it put on his wife and two children, now 10 and 6, was tremendous. Eventually, it came down to his work, or his family. He chose family.

But he never stopped practicing. To the rest of the world, the hero known as Hawk simply retired after half a decade of work. Eventually, he became so practiced at his powers that he found he could fly easier, and with fewer problems, if he just got rid of the wings, so he did, since he wasn't using them anyway.

Then it happened. His father passed away, leaving him as the sole beneficiary of his entire fortune. After twelve years of scrimping and saving, of barely getting by, of getting kicked out of apartments because he didn't have the money for rent, he was now a multi billionaire.

After life settled down, he and his wife agreed that his new job was his work as Hawk, but things would be different. He would have to have set hours, unless someone's life was on the line. Days off would have to be days off. He had to commit to his family, or he would lose them, money or no.

So he reappeared, two years after his so called 'retirement', as a new Hawk. His costume lacked the wings, and the color scheme changed a bit, but his emblem of a Hawk remained the same. And he was more powerful now than he had ever been in his first incarnation.

So now, he has a family, his father's fortune, which includes owning numerous business, investments, and whatnot, as well as his crime fighting. Here's to hoping his accountant isn't laundering money!


Real Name: Jonathan Hawk
Archetype: Energy Controller

PL 10 (150 Power Points)

Strength: 0
Stamina: 3
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Fighting: 3
Intelligence: 0
Awareness: 2
Presence: 3

Advantages: (Hidden Reserve, Wisecracker)
Extraordinary Effort
Great Endurance
Benefit: Wealth 5 ranks (Billionaire)


Energy Control 5
Intimidation 7
Athlete 4
Acrobtics 4
Investigation 4
Perception 4

Gravity Control: Array
• Gravity Blast: Range Damage 12 – 24 points
o Not sure how this works yet.
• Alternate Effect: Telekinesis: Move Object 12 (Subtle, Limited Direction) – 1 point
o Add Subtle, as well as Limited Direction (to cancel each other out). Alters gravity on an object, making it weightless and then can either move them physically or use gravity wells to move objects around mentally. Can only move objects towards generated Gravity Wells, so no complicated movements, but no effect shows on objects being affected.

• Alternate Effect: Environmental Control: Environment 12 (16 miles, Impede Movement) 1 point
o He can alter general gravity around him in up to a 16-mile radius, making it weaker or stronger. Need GM approval. Was supposed to pick two affects, but only Impede movement made sense.

• Alternate Effect: Snare: Cumulative Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage, Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees – 1 point
o This is a “Stasis Field”, where Hawk uses gravity to create a bend in time around a single target, immobilizing them.

Immunity: Immunity 2 (Gravity type damage) – 2
Force Field: Impervious Protection 10, Sustained – 20 points


Energy Sense: Senses 1 (Gravitational awareness, allows Hawk to sense Gravity wells) 1 point

Flight: Continuous, Completely Subtle Flight 7 (250 mph) – 23 points
Hawk makes himself weightless in order to fly, so if he is incapacitated while flying, he is still weightless. He has to increase his weight consciously in order to come back down.

Dodge: 4
Parry: 1
Fortitude: 5
Toughness: 0
Will: 6

Power Points:
Abilities: 34
Powers: 82
Advantages: 4
Skills: 14
Defenses: 16
Total: 150


Motivation: Responsibility
Relationship: Has a family
Responsibility: Has to be there for family
Responsibility: Has to pay attention to his assets[/sblock]


You know what? I had this character made, including his name, Jonathan Hawke, about three years ago. I just realized that one of the members here is named Jonathan Hawke. Wow. I guess I'm going to have to change his name.

Voidrunner's Codex

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