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D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools


First Post
And yes it's been a while since I've posted!

I return, because I may be resuming playing 5th edition (took a hiatus), and that feat limitation thing always bugged me. Human fighters have a theoretical maximum of 8 feats, and while it's fairly unlikely that all 8 feats will be used, you can easily exceed the 4 present on the sheet (possibly 5 for those using A4, I can't remember).

But I had an idea, two in fact, and I think it's a pretty good one. One is the simple option, the other one, is more complicated. First, the simple option.

Simple option: Condensed the feat section, move descriptions of feats to "notes"

E.g., on page 2, display
Feat: [War Caster]          (PHB page 170) [Button]
Feat: [Medium Armor Master] (PHB page 168) [Button]
Feat: [Shield Master]       (PHB page 170) [Button]
Feat: [Skilled]             (PHB page 170) [Button]
Feat: [Crossbow Expert]     (PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Tough]               (PHB page 173) [Button]
Feat: [Observant]           (PHB page 174) [Button]
Feat: [Lucky]               (PHB page 172) [Button]

Which would would contain all the code for feats, give all the bonus etc... It just wouldn't give the complete descriptions. Those would instead be put in the "Notes" section.

Complicated option. Basically a hybrid of the above suggestion and the current version. Keep the first 3 feat slots as they are, but convert the last one into a "condensed" option.

Feat: [War Caster]          (PHB page 170)             [Button]
Advantage on Con saves to maintain concentration...
Feat: [Medium Armor Master] (PHB page 168)             [Button]
Wearing medium armor doesn't impose disadvantage...
Feat: [Shield Master]       (PHB page 170)             [Button]
As a bonus action, when I use the Attack action...
Feat: [Skilled]             (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Crossbow Expert]     (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Tough]               (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Observant]           (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Lucky]               (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]

Then, if I switched the Crossbow Expert / Medium Armor Master feat, I would get

Feat: [War Caster]          (PHB page 170)             [Button]
Advantage on Con saves to maintain concentration...
Feat: [Crossbow Expert]     (PHB page 171)           [Button]
I ignore the loading quality of crossbows...
Feat: [Shield Master]       (PHB page 170)             [Button]
As a bonus action, when I use the Attack action...
Feat: [Skilled]             (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Medium Armor Master] (See Notes / PHB page 168) [Button]
Feat: [Tough]               (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Observant]           (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]
Feat: [Lucky]               (See Notes / PHB page 171) [Button]

And the notes section would be updated accordingly. Basically, this would let people put keep the descriptions of the most commonly used / most complicated feats on page 2 [e.g. War Caster, Shield Master, Crossbow Expert, etc...], and move the descriptions of lesser used/simpler feats [Alert, Lucky, Resilient, Keen Mind, Tough etc... ] on page 3.

Edit: Mockup

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The only reason I'm making the AL suggestions is that in America, at least, you cannot play a character in a convention unless it is 100% AL compliant. Almost every store runs games that are 100% AL compliant. It is through these in store games that PCs are leveled up so that they can be played in conventions. We do have our non-AL games too (my home brew is an example).

I tried searching for conventions over there, but I came up empty. At least as far as the Netherlands is concerned. There's some in other countries (UK, France, Germany, etc.), but I'm not sure you could attend (I have no idea about visas or even if you need one) or even have the time to attend (depending on your real life job).

I did a search for stores near you for AL compliant games (I used the WotC store locator). Attached is a screen print of what I found. (Just trying to be helpful. :) )
Thanks for all your research into the matter, but I currently have no plans of joining any more games, my week is full enough as it is ;)

I don't need visas to go to Germany or France, it is all open borders, there isn't even any border control, that is the beauty of Schengen (the EU treaty). The only problem is that my German or French is nowhere near the level that I would be able to play D&D in those languages :-S If I go 100 km east/south/north I already can't understand my fellow countryman because of their heavy accent/dialect. Where I live is very different than the US in that regard, the whole of the Netherlands is basically half the size of the Greater Los Angeles Area, but with almost the same amount of people (so double as many people per square mile)! Holland (part of the Netherlands where I live) has been one of the most densely populated areas of the world since the 17th century.

Stores running AL games are indeed hard to find around here and in my LFGS that is because they are only allowed to run AL games on Wednesdays and they don't want to miss the opportunity to have "D&D donderdag" (D&D Thursday, but it sounds better in Dutch because of the alliteration).

Also, looking through the list of stores you mentioned, only a couple actually host AL, most are just found by the Wizards event locator because the do Magic the Gathering events.

Ultimately, making a AL compliant character will be up to the player and the sheet can indeed help with it, but can't limit all the options to just be AL compliant without become to big of a burden on the performance of the sheet and its usability. So I'm happy putting in reminders about the general rules for AL, but being to specific is problematic because the AL rules are also not static.
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I just noticed that a lot of my players, when using completely blank sheets, write in their AC as xx/yy where xx is AC without shield and yy is AC with shield. Do you think you could add that capability to the AC field?

The same goes for those who have mage armor. xx = no mage armor/yy = with mage armor.

The color sheet is fine with us typing in the no shield/no mage armor in the resting field (though having it automated would be great). The printable sheet does not have that.
The colourful sheets have a field "AC during rest" that is perfect for what you are asking, as you can add multiple lines in the field. However, it won't be auto-calculated.

If you do want an auto-calculated version, run this code from the console (use the "Add Custom Script" dialogue to open the console). Don't put this code in the "Add Custom Script" dialogue, for there it may have unforeseen consequences on the sheet's performance (notably a slow start-up).

For "AC with Shield | AC without Shield":
tDoc.getField("AC").setAction("Calculate", "CalcAC(); event.value = event.value ? event.value + '|' + (event.value - Number(What('AC Shield Bonus'))) : '';");
tDoc.getField("AC").textSize = 0;

For "AC with (Mage) Armour| AC without (Mage) Armour":
tDoc.getField("AC").setAction("Calculate", "CalcAC(); event.value = event.value ? event.value + '|' + (event.value - Number(What('AC Armor Bonus')) + 10) : '';");
tDoc.getField("AC").textSize = 0;

And yes it's been a while since I've posted!

I return, because I may be resuming playing 5th edition (took a hiatus), and that feat limitation thing always bugged me. Human fighters have a theoretical maximum of 8 feats, and while it's fairly unlikely that all 8 feats will be used, you can easily exceed the 4 present on the sheet (possibly 5 for those using A4, I can't remember).

But I had an idea, two in fact, and I think it's a pretty good one. One is the simple option, the other one, is more complicated. First, the simple option.

Welcome back! Hope your hiatus makes playing D&D 5e even more enjoyable :)

You might just want to use the Overflow page for your extra feats, it offers 4 more spaces for feats (guess you missed the addition of that optional page during your hiatus :p)

Playing around with the latest version, ran into a bug.

If you select "Dungeon Delver" as a feat, then switch it to something else, the resistance to traps doesn't get removed in the Defense section of the sheet.
Thank you for reporting this, I will fix it in the next version!

Version 12.993 - found an interesting issue - Using Windows 7 Adobe Reader DC

created a character - complete with spell sheets - and adventurers league selection

I realized I had "rules reference sheet" selected - I chose to delete the sheet and the App hangs with deleting page
I am not able to reproduce this issue, so it is probably caused by some combination of events, unless you also have this problem when you open a fresh sheet.
Did you get an error message that you can share? (you might not have error reporting turned on, you can turn this on in preferences, Edit >> Preferences >> JavaScript >> Show console on errors and message).

If you don't get an error message, can you share your sheet that has this issue so I can investigate further?

This very inconsistent. I can't always duplicate. I had deleted the offending sheet and re-did it. Adobe DC just hangs and I have to kill the process. I will upload a sheet - when I can make one misbehave.

I do remember one thing - when I scrolled down the actual document - I had a blank page where the reference sheet should have been

interesting quirk - when Leveling

I have a Bard Level 3 - Lore - the 3 proficiencies taken are Stealth, Poisoners Kit and Whip.

Judge has ruled that a weapon prof is acceptable for "choose 3 proficiencies" especially since it was used since level 1

When leveling up to 4, select level 4, let the script ask for and update XP to match, select Bard 4 and apply, then hit yes or no (doesn't change outcome) to update the spell sheet, close the update stats/choose feat dialog and the Proficiency check mark is gone and I have to re-select it.

Oh and going from 4 to 5 does the same thing

I consider it not a bug - but a quirk

I have a Bard Level 3 - Lore - the 3 proficiencies taken are Stealth, Poisoners Kit and Whip.

Judge has ruled that a weapon prof is acceptable for "choose 3 proficiencies" especially since it was used since level 1

When leveling up to 4, select level 4, let the script ask for and update XP to match, select Bard 4 and apply, then hit yes or no (doesn't change outcome) to update the spell sheet, close the update stats/choose feat dialog and the Proficiency check mark is gone and I have to re-select it.

Oh and going from 4 to 5 does the same thing

I consider it not a bug - but a quirk
The attacks, including proficiencies, are re-calculated whenever you change level. If you want the whip to be recognized as a proficient weapon, you will have to add "Whip" to the field of other weapon proficiencies. It works like this because changing level might change the attacks the character is or is no longer proficient in.

This very inconsistent. I can't always duplicate. I had deleted the offending sheet and re-did it. Adobe DC just hangs and I have to kill the process. I will upload a sheet - when I can make one misbehave.

I do remember one thing - when I scrolled down the actual document - I had a blank page where the reference sheet should have been
Are you sure that Adobe hangs? If it is still using CPU while the progress bar for "Deleting page..." is visible, then it might just be working on something behind the scenes and will be responsive after a whole. Granted, this can take a bit of time and just killing the application and opening the sheet again might be the fastest way to go about this, but if that is the case it is not the sheet's bug, but a bug in Adobe Acrobat.

The attacks, including proficiencies, are re-calculated whenever you change level. If you want the whip to be recognized as a proficient weapon, you will have to add "Whip" to the field of other weapon proficiencies. It works like this because changing level might change the attacks the character is or is no longer proficient in.

I'm glad its just me :)

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