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When the local FLGS is also the local fence for stolen gaming books

Years ago (circa Spring 2001), I was part of a large, vibrant gaming club in college.

We had a huge gaming library, spread across a filing cabinet, the drawers of a desk, and a several wall lockers, in the student organizations center of our college. It was a pretty nice library, with every issue of Dragon going back to the club's founding in the mid '80's (and a few issues of more obscure gaming magazines as well), and dozens and dozens of gaming books of various systems (including a number of fairly obscure and hard-to-find books).

We had such a large library because our club had a rule that in lieu of a cash membership fee, someone could give a book as their fee for the year. . .and lots of people donated old or obscure books to the club for membership. A few people gave many books in exchange for lifetime membership.

Well, we had many people in our club, who would come down to the club offices in the student center and just sit and have lunch and hang out. . .and often take out old magazines and books and read them and discuss them, or play pick-up games.

We also had a FLGS across the street, maybe 500 feet away, just off campus. It was a decent FLGS, about half comic books and anime, and half games. Like many/most FLGS, they had at least some trade in used books and he kept a small bookcase in the back of the store where used books were for sale.

One day, someone went to get out a copy of our Planescape boxed set. The club had all the PS boxed sets in its collection. . .only to find the box had been emptied and a bunch of old issues of Dragon stuffed in the box to weight it down. A quick check showed that this had happened to all the PS box sets.

That same day, as we were wondering about this, someone mentioned that the used book shelf at the FLGS JUST got in the contents of all of the PS box sets. . .just without the boxes, the contents just bound together with a rubber band.

So, we went over to the neighboring FLGS and saw this was true. . .and the normally sparse used book section was now filled with books. . .and we recognized a lot of them as being fairly rare and obscure books that we had in our club collection.

Another quick check and we saw that our copies of these books were missing too.

So, the club leadership confronted the FLGS owner with this info, telling him they suspected that the books he'd just received as used were stolen from our club library.

His reply was something to the effect of "I don't care. Can't prove it."

He wouldn't tell us who sold him the stack of books, he wouldn't give us the books back, and wouldn't give us a discount on buying them back either. He made it clear he didn't care where the person who sold him the books (whoever it was) got the books, they were his now, and they were merchandise for sale, and given that some of the books were somewhat rare he was charging well over the cover price for some of them.

We filed a police report, and told the police that books fitting the description of our books were now in the used book shelf at the store across the street. . .but nothing ever came of it beyond that.

We ended up getting a stamp to stamp all our books with Property Of our club name and putting the books under lock and key, which cut down on the casual use of the books because only club officers had the key. Hanging out there was never quite the same after that.

Has anybody else seen anything like this, where the used-books shelf at a FLGS was used for clearly shady purposes, especially with the owner turning a blind eye?

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It sounds like an awesome club. Love the idea of donating books in lieu of membership fees.

My sympathies about your stolen books. Scummy thief and scummy store owner. Never seen this before, but unfortunately doesn't surprise me. The owner of our FLGS is a very upstanding guy, meticulous about treating people right, and following the law.

So 15 years ago you belonged to a gaming club that had a bad experience and had to learn from it.

And now you're asking if "where the used-books shelf at a FLGS was used for clearly shady purposes" to what purpose?

I don't imagine your seeking sympathy, and it seems like you would have gotten over the emotional hurt long ago. Have you come across another FLGS that you suspect of such behavior, or ?

Anyway, I've never seen such at an FLGS but I suspect it's an issue many stores that sell used items (books, records, guns, etc) have to deal with. How do you expect someone who buys and sells used goods to handle this? Just hand over the items because someone says they are theirs? Because they have someone's name written in them? (So now all I have to do is write my name in a book, sell it to someone and then find it in a store and claim it as mine?) How do you expect them to have a seller prove the item is there's?

Maybe the guy could have been nicer. But then again, maybe he felt you barged into his store (after impacting his business because now lots of people would come to your club to read the books rather than buy them from him) and demanded you give him free product that he paid for.

Obviously the police you contacted didn't think you had a leg to stand on. And you learned a lesson about trust and an open society. Perhaps it's unfortunate that such is the way large groups of people are, but its reality.


So 15 years ago you belonged to a gaming club that had a bad experience and had to learn from it.

And now you're asking if "where the used-books shelf at a FLGS was used for clearly shady purposes" to what purpose?

I don't imagine your seeking sympathy, and it seems like you would have gotten over the emotional hurt long ago. Have you come across another FLGS that you suspect of such behavior, or ?

Anyway, I've never seen such at an FLGS but I suspect it's an issue many stores that sell used items (books, records, guns, etc) have to deal with. How do you expect someone who buys and sells used goods to handle this? Just hand over the items because someone says they are theirs? Because they have someone's name written in them? (So now all I have to do is write my name in a book, sell it to someone and then find it in a store and claim it as mine?) How do you expect them to have a seller prove the item is there's?

Maybe the guy could have been nicer. But then again, maybe he felt you barged into his store (after impacting his business because now lots of people would come to your club to read the books rather than buy them from him) and demanded you give him free product that he paid for.

Obviously the police you contacted didn't think you had a leg to stand on. And you learned a lesson about trust and an open society. Perhaps it's unfortunate that such is the way large groups of people are, but its reality.

Wow, this is harsh. Sure, maybe he's bringing up an old wound, but who doesn't do that? And really, the owner of a store has a right to act jerky because he feels the club is screwing with his business? Don't think so.

If you felt this strongly that his story was not worth anyone's time, why did you bother responding to it?
Just feels like your lashing out to no avail.


[MENTION=14159]wingsandsword[/MENTION],my belated sympathies. I can't say as I've seen anything like it. If I ever suspected a store owner I knew of doing something that shady, I'd have dropped them and let my friends know why in short order. No LGS can stand much bad press or good will lost among gamers.

Wow, this is harsh. Sure, maybe he's bringing up an old wound, but who doesn't do that? And really, the owner of a store has a right to act jerky because he feels the club is screwing with his business? Don't think so.
Harsh? Blunt sure, not intended to be harsh. Maybe you read into my post something I did not intend.
Everyone, including me and you, has a right to be a jerk in their own place. That's why we call them being a jerk and not being a criminal. Think about that before go off half cocked on some response to me.

If you felt this strongly that his story was not worth anyone's time, why did you bother responding to it?
Just feels like your lashing out to no avail.
I never said it wasn't worth anyone's time. You are the one trying to put those words into my mouth. If it wasn't worth my time I would not have asked the OP what he was hoping to accomplish with his post.
Maybe it feels like I am lashing out to you. Maybe it does to others too. As I said, that is not my intent but if you are offended by blunt questions, then you should look inside yourself, not wonder why someone else is blunt.


I once gave a fellow gamer a pile of old D&D modules because I knew he and his buddies were starting up an A-D&D campaign and I knew cash was tight for him. Saw the modules two days later at the game store. :)

Nothing illegal at all - just another mark for the age old truism 'no good deed goes unpunished!'

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