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What are you Reading? April 2018 edition

April is here, and so comes a new thread...

I finished Ancillary Mercy. It was a solid ending, with some unexpected twists and developments. The end resolution was a gloriously surprising hail mary play. But, like the second book in the series, it did takes its time to get going.

Back to the Wheel of Time journey with The Path of Daggers. At only 670 pages or so, this one should be a breeze, right?

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April is here, and so comes a new thread...

I finished Ancillary Mercy. It was a solid ending, with some unexpected twists and developments. The end resolution was a gloriously surprising hail mary play. But, like the second book in the series, it did takes its time to get going.

I literally cannot remember if I read this or not. :/

Anyways. I lost track of what I read for awhile, and kinda didn't read much for a while. I had a hot streak in mid-March and read The Bear and the Nightingale (Katherine Arden); Barbary Station (R.E. Stearns); Elysium Fire (Alastair Reynolds); and Hestia (CJ Cherryh; a really old one I hadn't seen before). Then I bogged down on Regenesis, Cherryh's follow-up to Cyteen, which I read literally decades ago. I'm a bit over halfway through and keeping my head above water so far - Ari is a bit stressed, but she's getting more sleep than 90% of Cherryh's protagonists, so that's good.

I'm tempted to go back and reread Cyteen after this, but given the abundance of in-story references, Forty Thousand in Gehenna is more likely.

Kramodlog - I gave up on the Foreigner series after the fourth trilogy.... <sigh>

I have just started Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and have just finished Bram Stoker's Dracula. The latter has a story structure much more akin to modern novels than I would have expected.


Finished Regenesis. I actually had to dedicate about five hours to it today and just do it. My brain hardly hurts at all. Less intense than a lot of her other stuff. I could actually keep track of relationships!

I have a weird relationship with Cherryh. Love her SF; can't read her fantasy, except for the Tree of Sword & Jewels duology.


I'm starting up The Iris Fan by Laura Joh Rowland with bittersweet anticipation - it's the 18th (and last) book in her Sano Ichiro series of detective novels set in feudal Japan. It's been a fantastic series that has never failed to be a fascinating read; I'm eager to see how it ends but I don't really want it to end.

The author has two new series, though: one involves one of the Bronte sisters solving mysteries (I admit to having no real interest in that concept, despite Rowland's great track record thus far), and the other involves a female photographer in Victorian England solving crimes. (The first novel in that series pits her against the Jack the Ripper crimes - they may be more up my alley.) But before any of that, I'll get to see Sano Ichiro defend his family's honor one last time in his service to the shogun and his ongoing fight against an evil behind-the-scenes imperial bureaucrat who almost got Sano's entire family killed in the previous novel. It will be entirely satisfying to see that guy get his eventual comeuppance.



I finished The Black Legion of Callisto, by Lin Carter, last night. It's a total sword & planet ripoff a la John Carter of Mars & etc. I'm kinda fascinated by reading these, which is why I keep doing it when I find them, but man it gets really painful. I've been poking at this one for two months, and it's only 200 pages.

It’s hard to go wrong with Twain, and I absolutely adore Dracula. The book has held up well over time, and is quite eerie.

I have just started Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and have just finished Bram Stoker's Dracula. The latter has a story structure much more akin to modern novels than I would have expected.


I've just finished up "A Fine Balance", by Rohinton Mistry. Which made me incredibly angry - one of those books I wish I hadn't read. I've also just read "Crownfall", the first volume in the latest Pathfinder Adventure Path. Unfortunately, while I really like the premise of this path, the execution left me cold.

I'm now reading "Coruscant and the Core Worlds", which was the one supplement for the 2nd Ed of the d20 Star Wars game that I somehow missed. It's actually pretty good, even discounting the third or so of it that is tied to a rather poor game system.

Next up, I think, will be the "Dangerous Women" anthology of short stories.

I'm now reading "Coruscant and the Core Worlds", which was the one supplement for the 2nd Ed of the d20 Star Wars game that I somehow missed. It's actually pretty good, even discounting the third or so of it that is tied to a rather poor game system.

Next up, I think, will be the "Dangerous Women" anthology of short stories.

my library has that RPG book along with 4e D&D, not sure if they have any others....As for the collection IIRC There's a short story by Butcher in it dealing with Molly I think.


I finished Artemis by Andy Weir which was fantastic specially the audio book narrator was superb. Just started Parhfinder Tales Prince of Wolves, I like it so far.

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