WotBS [WotBS] 5ed. still a thing?


Hello there,

is there any news concerning the WotBS 5ed.?

I am currently planning to start the campaign using 5ed. rules and started to roughly convert the first appearing NPCs but an official release would obviously save me a lot of work.

Thanks in advance!

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
It is being produced by a licensee, who licensed it from us last year. EN Publishing isn't directly involved in it. I don't know what their schedule is, but I have seen the first adventure and the player's and campaign guides (and the covers of the whole series!), so I know they're well underway.

D Penwood

First Post
I second this. I just started running the campaign (we love it!), but have been manually converting the NPCs/monsters. It would be awesome if they released a 5e version.


I second this. I just started running the campaign (we love it!), but have been manually converting the NPCs/monsters. It would be awesome if they released a 5e version.

Just finishing the covers for Chapter 1 along with the Player's Guide and Campaign Guide! There may be a slight delay as I am not sure how long Morrus will be on a leave of absence. It will be released on DriveThruRPG and Roll20.

The Player's Guide is much like the 3.5 guide with the following 5e content:
* Commander Martial Archetype - a Charisma fighter that plays a bit like a warlord
* College of the Cirqueliste - can misty step at will as well as use bardic inspiration to cast dimension door without a spell slot, ritual cast teleport, or take an additional passenger along for a teleportation spell such as misty step.
* Way of the East Wind - monk with sorcerer spellcasting, metamagic, and lightning.
* Way of the West Wind - monk with cleric spellcasting, turn undead, and limited flight.
* 5e versions of the spells cancel, duelist's etiquette, gabal's superior missile, like lightning, stand the heat, storm shield, telekinetic thrust
* 5e versions of the feats Shining Warrior, Spellduelist, and Vow of Healing

The Campaign Guide contains a new dramatis personae and timeline as well as:
* Inquisitor Domain - with channel divinity versions of counterspell, control undead, and redirecting enemy spells as well as fire domain spells
* Seela race and Longwalker feat
* The trillith and Song of Forms


Absolut great news!!!
Follow up question: Does anyone know anything about the coming releases?
I just started the campaign and like to know whether the 5e WotBS will catch up with my preparations.


Absolut great news!!!
Follow up question: Does anyone know anything about the coming releases?
I just started the campaign and like to know whether the 5e WotBS will catch up with my preparations.

Where are you right now?

My plan, now that I am not dealing with a big, international move and only have to release 1 book at a time, is to release a chapter every month or two. I am also planning on releasing the bonus adventures. So GMs could use those to run a "B" team with the backup characters periodically, expanding the scope of what is going on past the primary PCs.


Where are you right now?

My plan, now that I am not dealing with a big, international move and only have to release 1 book at a time, is to release a chapter every month or two. I am also planning on releasing the bonus adventures. So GMs could use those to run a "B" team with the backup characters periodically, expanding the scope of what is going on past the primary PCs.

I will end chapter 2 and start chapter 3 next weekend. Next sessions will be end of June and then after the summer break end of September.
Really looking forward to your 5e conversion!


I will end chapter 2 and start chapter 3 next weekend. Next sessions will be end of June and then after the summer break end of September.
Really looking forward to your 5e conversion!

Okay, then if everything goes according to plan, we should catch up to you by the end of summer at the latest. In the meantime, I hope you can make use of the campaign guide and player's guide!

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