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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo tried to get up, and failed.

"Well I hope this isn't permanent or else we're in trouble... Everyone still alive?"

Propping himself up with his arms, he saw the ghoul cowering near the docks.

"No need for anyone else to risk getting paralyzed. Everyone, gather your bows and such and let's take it down with a coordinated volley. When everyone is ready, follow Miss Imogen's shot"

Rodrigo started loading his crossbow, grunting with the effort. This was bloody hard without a foot stirrup! he then prepared himself for a shot... at least this wasn't too bad, he was glad he didn't have a bow at this point.

OOC: I don't know if we want to play out the killing of the stragglers, but I thought this would be a reasonable way to explain not doing it, if that's an option. We have one crack archer, 2 decent one, and with the rest of the party throwing darts and rocks and stuff...

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Harb leaned down to help the injured guide up, using his staff to help steady him. He helped him to move away from the dangerous creatures while the others prepared to execute the stragglers.

"Your bravery is appreciated, but not necessary. My strength lies in mobility and while I may sometimes seem to retreat, it is merely a ruse."


"Well'n yur ruze sure fooled me," Dellrak says dusting himself off as he stands up. Picking up his axe he checks it for nicks before stowing it away. "Was on me way ta help," he says to Rodrigo a bit of red flushing his cheeks. "Buts all this junk be in me way."

OOC: I say let the DM write up something to transition us into the next scene. Important question is leveling up now? or waiting till after a long rest?


"This time, it was close. " said Chrysagon, helping Rodrigo to stand up.

"Maybe we should rest before investigating the camp. Who knows what aberrations we will find in the other tents." He said, looking around, worried.


As the others deal with the remaining ghouls, Harb collects the injured and uses his medical skills to patch up their wounds and diagnose/treat their paralysis.

OOC: Medicine: [roll0]

Edit: Or fails miserably...

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen, perched above the tent hears a ghoul below her feet, but is unaware of the other one.

She has knocked her next arrow, and scans the field of battle, smiling when she sees the triumphant Weed congratulating itself.

But some of their companions are on the ground, including Artus Cimber. She leaps off the tent, landing safely and deftly as her skirts billow around her ankles, modestly.

She approaches the fallen hero (ignoring the ghoul in the tent) and asks, "Are you alright, Mr. Cimber?" She kneels before him and grabs his hand as she asks, tugging slightly to test for resistance.

She has been watching him since they rode together in a canoe, and is aware of the magic that he carries, and of its interest to other parties.

If she can, and if the paralysis is substantial, she will attempt to slide it off his finger.

OOC: If he is paralyzed (=advantage?) she will attempt to take the ring. I'm assuming slight of hand, perhaps to mask the attempt, though if she is successful, there will be no doubt she has it. [roll0], [roll1].

If there is not paralysis (i.e. his hand resists), then she will not take the risk at this time. (I'm not actually sure she wants the ring, but she sees the opportunity, and knows that there are factions that do.)


Their feet were swollen purple and uncomfortable to walk on, but the victims of the ghoul paralysis recovered the ability to stand, and then to walk, quite quickly. Artus Cimber thanked Miss Imogen for her kindness as she helped him to walk (slipping his ring off of his finger) while Dragonbait dispatched the cowering zombies. He hacked them to bits with his usual apparent ease and the group was ready to investigate the now much safer Camp Righteous.

Looking about the camp, there were a few obvious choices to search: 1: The large, central Command Tents (including the one knocked over by Miss Imogen); 2: The outlying, orderly-rowed Soldier's Tents; 3: The once solidly-built, now burnt out Shrine to Torm; 4: the Animal Pens (with a frightened young Axe Beak fluttering about inside; 5: The Latrines (two on either side of the statue) or finally, 6: The Statue of the seated man with a crocodile on his back.

The stairs that Miss Imogen had taken led to a platform on which the enormous statue sat. Under the statue's seat, a stone archway led to a vine-covered tunnel.

"That is a sacred shrine to Man and Crocodile," suggested Qawasha, "I do not think there is anyone we seek inside. It is, perhaps, best left alone."
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The Ring of Winter

Artus Cimber's ring was ice cold to Miss Imogen's touch. She shivered despite the oppressive Chultan heat. She could feel something ancient stir within that called to her to place the ring on her own finger.

Voidrunner's Codex

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