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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Location: Camp Righteous Encounter: The Ring of Winter

By the time things went pear-shaped, the group had mostly settled down to rest. Qawasha had judged things safe enough and had started a small fire in the large central firepit and was about to make coffee in a tin pot he carried with him. Others had gathered around the fire naturally - for the conversation and coffee, and not for the warmth, as the Chultan day was already sweltering. That said, the first thing everyone noticed, even before Miss Imogen called out, was a cool breeze that suddenly blew through the camp, causing Qawasha's campfire to nearly blow out, creating a large amount of smoke.

Miss Imogen & Artus Cimber (Everyone else is Surprised)

Suddenly, Miss Imogen was accusing Artus Cimber of betrayal. Then, even stranger, she thrust her fist at him and a blast of coldness froze everything between her and the river, sweeping by Harb, who felt the intense coldness pass just by his face. She had timed it perfectly to avoid her friends, but to get both Cimber and Dragonbait, who had stood and had wandered toward his friend to see what was wrong.

Both of them took a full blast of the coldest magic and Artus Cimber fell to the ground, covered in frost while Dragonbait broke free of the ice, tearing his own skin and drawing his large blade. He smelled strongly of wood smoke. Miss Imogen ran toward the statue of the Crocodile to find higher ground.

Damage Taken:
(NPCs) Artus Cimber 38 (Dying); Dragonbait 38
Ring of Winter Cone of Cold dc17 Con Save vs Artus Cimber (Failed)
Save: 1D20+1 = [12]+1 = 13

Same vs Dragonbait (Also failed)
Save: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14


Begin Round One

OOC: A couple of questions: Miss Imogen and Harb both have Temp HP by my last count. How long to they last? It's been about 10 minutes from the end of the fight. (A small amount of searching, recovering from paralysis, setting up for a short rest, etc.) Obviously, no one has finished a short rest yet. Also, I don't think anyone has actually received any healing. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Chrysagon (AL26) AC18* HP 4/28 (Resist Nec/Rad)
Dellrak (AL28) AC15 HP 28/28 & ProEvil
Imogen (AH23 to AC17) AC14 HP 25/25 & 5/5 THP
Nameless (Harb) (AI25) AC15 HP 21/21 & 5/5 TPH
Rodrigo (AJ27) AC17* HP 23/28
Artus Cimber (AF25) AC14 HP 0/82 (Dying)
Dragonbait (AG27) AC17*(15) HP 82/120
Qawasha (AK24) AC11(16) HP 3/27
Kupalue (Weed) (AP22) AC13 HP 9/9


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OOC: A couple of questions: Miss Imogen and Harb both have Temp HP by my last count. How long to they last? It's been about 10 minutes from the end of the fight. (A small amount of searching, recovering from paralysis, setting up for a short rest, etc.) Obviously, no one has finished a short rest yet. Also, I don't think anyone has actually received any healing. Correct me if I'm wrong.

View attachment 100559

OOC: Not sure, I'll leave that up to your purview.

Touch of Death

At 3rd level, when you reduce a creature within 5 feet of you to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your monk level (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

Harb was surprised by the suddenness and ferocity of the attack. But less so, perhaps than his companions. He'd noticed the missing ring yet had only an inkling of a suspicion as to who had taken it. Now he knew without a doubt.


He shouted warning to his allies before leaping to his feet and dashed to Miss Imogen, striking at her with a flurry of unarmed strikes meant to disable rather than destroy.

OOC: Move: 40 ft
Action: Attack
BA: Flurry if I can, can't remember if I have a Ki point left or not. Checking after I post.

Unarmed: 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22
1D4+3 = [4]+3 = 7
1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
1D4+3 = [1]+3 = 4
1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
1D4+3 = [4]+3 = 7

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen sees her ally turn against her, but it is her tormentor that must be finally defeated. A polar bear, encased in ice appears next to the Enemy, blocking her remaining allies. It tears into him, ferociously, with a righteous fury that convinces her she is fully just in her actions.

As she leaps, she moves with a beautiful grace.

OOC: Okay, team. Sorry about this. I honestly had no dea what would happen, though I see gargoyleking did.

Fitz: I don’t know if it makes sense for everyone to roll initiative or not, I also don’t know If any other characters will know what the ring is - Imogen had tried to be cagey and made her observations when she was alone with cimber and Dragonbait in the canoe. Also, standing up costs half your movement, so maybe Harb is too far away to attack?

In any case, I presume everyone has now read the sblocked stuff.

If the ring is after Cimber, then I think the right thing is for it to summon an Ice polar bear, which has multiple attacks and is thematically on point. 6 charges left. That will take some of his death saves, I presume. Then she will continue to move away, leaping up on top of the statue base to get away from Harb. (The alternative is another cone of cold getting Harb and Cimber, but I don’t want that.)

Also, temp has last until depleted or you finish a long rest (phb 198, last sentence of the section)

If you want me to roll for the bear, I will, but you can go ahead.

Also, am I right that it is Harb’s faction that wanted Cimber? That is my memory, but I won’t check it right now

Finally, summoning an ice polar bear reminds me of Zan from the wonder twins.
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Chrysagon had no clue about anything. The Ghouls drained all his forces and he needed some rest. Laying on the grass looking at the cloudy sky, he was questioning himself. Why did his Father choose him for this mission? What did he saw in the young Paladin? He closed his eyes and prayed Kelemvor asking for a favor when his time will come: to not let him be turned in one of those abominations. And he slowly passed out.


Chrysagon opened an eye, slowly getting out of his sleep. "What?" Then the air freezed around him. He rolled on the ground to take cover, trying to understand the situation. It had no sens. Imogen casts spells now? On Cimber! Wow, Harb punched her!? And there is a fu..ing (forgive me Father) white bear! In the jungle! "By the Nine Hells!" Chrysagon rubbed his eyes. Was he really awake?

First thing first, Cimber was down and explanations can wait. Even with his bad condition, Chrysagon can do something about it. Quickly, he slid near Cimber's body and dragged him away from the bear, then impulsed positive energy in his chest. Seeing the Lizardman blocking the white monster worried for his friend, he reassured him. "I got this!"

As Cimber warmed up and opened an eye, Chrysagon didnt't wait much and put pressure on him, "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?"

OOC: I assumed Dragonbait will attack the bear and get his attention. If it's not the case, I have to find something else to do :p .
Lay on Hands: 1 hp on Cimber. Not healing too much, he is not sure who's the enemy here.

[sblock=StatBlock]HP: 4/28 HD: 3/3d10
AC: 18 (Resist Nec & Rad)
PP: 10
Divine Sense: 4/4
Lay on Hands: 14/15 hp
Healing Hands: 3/3 hp
Channel Divinity: 0/1
Spell slots:
1st: 2/3
Javelins: 5/5
Health Potions: 0/0
Coins: 29 gp
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Dusty Dragon
Ooc; On the road but quickly:

Rodrigo will yell that miss imogen is possessed by the ring and will go stand between the bear and the others. Use dodge.


Harb vs Miss Imogen

Harb had been crouching near the small campfire, but he was paying attention to everything. When Miss Imogen suddenly caused a flurry of icy wrath to drop Artus Cimber to the ground, he reacted quickly, springing to his feet and hurling himself upon her. He tried to humanely subdue her, but she struggled from his grasp. Again, icy power flowed from the ring and a very large bear made of ice appeared, steaming in the Chultan heat. Miss Imogen scampered up the stairs to the statue and ran across the seated man's large toes, trying to lose Harb as he pursued her.

Dragonbait vs the Bear

The Ice Bear picked up Artus Cimber's limp form in its powerful jaws and it shook him back and forth. Then Dragobait rushed forward and slammed his body into the creature, driving it back. It dropped Artus Cimber and stood up, swiping a powerful paw at the Saurial, who just barely managed to duck it in time.

Damage Taken:
(NPCs) Artus Cimber (2 death failures)
(PCs) Imogen 7, 4 & 7 (18)
Bear Bite vs unconscious Artus (2 failed death saves)
Attack: 2D20.HIGH(1)+7 = [5, 8]+7 = 15
2D8+7 = [1, 5]+7 = 13

Athetics challenge, Dragonbait vs Bear (Dragonbait wins!)
Check: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12

Bear Claw vs Dragonbait (miss)
Attack: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14
2D6+5 = [3, 4]+5 = 12



Dusty Dragon
OOC: I'm not sure if Rodrigo can react to ongoing event - with Chrysagon healing Artus a bit and Dragonbait bushing him back, I think I can go a bit more offensive. But if GM says no well then I'll stick to the original plan.

If yes... well let's see if my rolling streak is broken?

Rodrigo's jaw dropped at the sudden flurry of ice magic and death. He heard Harb's cry and gasped in reply "The Ring has possessed her!" He hoped that Harb would be able to knock her out.

Not trusting himself to take a shot at her, he instead rushed to try to save Artus. However, he was too slow to react. Dragonbait had somehow shoved the ice bear away and ducked a claw swipe. Seeing how Chrysagon was ministering to Artus, he decided to help Dragonbait instead and lunged at the ice-bear, hoping his blade would have an effect.

stab at ice bear: 1D20+5 = [14]+5 = 19

first stab at ice bear: 1D8+5 = [4]+5 = 9


Crysagon & Rodrigo

While Dragonbait distracted the ice-bear, Chrysagon dragged Artus Cimber away. Unsure whose side to be on, he imparted only the smallest amount of his healing magic on the former Harper, reviving him.

Rodrigo lunged at the Ice-bear, stabbing his sword into its head, leaving a star-shaped hole. Nevertheless, the creature continued to try to get past him and the Saurial, determined to get at Artus Cimber.

"I dinnae ken what is happenin' here." said Dellrak, coming to Chrysagon's. The dwarf helped to lift Artus Cimber to his feet.

Weed ran over to Qawasha, carrying a letter he had retrieved from the burnt-out shrine (while no one was paying attention to him). They both stood back - unsure how to proceed.

Ice that had formed on the collapsed tent from the ring's magic quickly melted in the Chultan heat.

GM: Sorry this has taken so long, gang.
Damage Taken:
(BGs) Ice Bear 9


Location: Camp Righteous Encounter: The Ring of Winter

End Round One; Begin Round Two

Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Chrysagon (AH26) AC18* HP 4/28 (Resist Nec/Rad)
Dellrak (AI28) AC15 HP 28/28 & ProEvil
Imogen (AG11) AC14 HP 12/25
Nameless (Harb) (AB18) AC15 HP 21/21 & 5/5 TPH
Rodrigo (AH23) AC17* HP 28/28
Artus Cimber (AH27) AC14 HP 1/82
Dragonbait (AG24) AC17*(15) HP 82/120
Qawasha (AM24) AC11(16) HP 3/27
Kupalue (Weed) (AM23) AC13 HP 9/9
IceBear (AF22AG23) HP less 9


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen looked down on her companions from the base of the statue. She was dazed from the beating she had taken from Harb, her eye pulsing in pain from his lightning fast fists.

"Wait, WAIT!" she shouted, holding her hand in front of her.

She could feel the ring rage on her finger, as it wanted to double her fingers over and break, so that she would have less, and would need it more. He throat parched, but she managed to get the words out:

"It is me. I. I have control. Please, don't move. We can talk about this. I've broken free."

For a second, she's a scared little girl, desperate for her Uncle's approval. Then she wants to vomit, if only so that she is humiliated in front of her peers. And as she feels new wrath well up. But she casts it aside.


Her thoughts turn to the ice bear, which she hopes will be at rest. But she doesn't know what it will do.

OOC: Bonus: Second Wind: recover [roll0] hit points.
Reaction: Ready an Action:

If any one moves closer to her or attacks her, she is going to run North into the forest. (30' move, plus 30' Dash, leaping up up up into trees if at all possible using her Fey blessing, to get away from Harb.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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