D&D 5E Mitigating players spamming Help, Guidance, Bardic Inspiration, and oh I’ll roll too?


I think [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]'s problem is something many tables have experienced, where it so easily becomes "I make an insight check, is he lying?" or after a low roll by another player, "I will search the bookcase, (rolls d20), 18, what do I find?" Where the skill gets treated like some supernatural ability and the players are quick to call for it. It has been bred in us from past editions and it is something I've had to work towards and continue to do to retrain our table.

You can even witness this style of play in the popular podcasts.
And in spite of some rather poor blogger post - i have no,problem with those in my games. Happens fairly routinely as shorthand. Does not create problems if...

You have experience with each other and what skills mean.

You assume competence

You allow for follow up questions

If thwy look at a painting for details and roll arcaba i give them arcana answers not history ones and our gane survives.

Go figure.

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I think [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]'s problem is something many tables have experienced, where it so easily becomes "I make an insight check, is he lying?" or after a low roll by another player, "I will search the bookcase, (rolls d20), 18, what do I find?" Where the skill gets treated like some supernatural ability and the players are quick to call for it. It has been bred in us from past editions and it is something I've had to work towards and continue to do to retrain our table.

You can even witness this style of play in the popular podcasts.

I do agree that players need to hold off rolling until the DM asks for a roll, if for no other reason it reduces the potential for misunderstandings. I just think it is okay for a player to suggest or ask to use a particular skill or other ability.


I do agree that players need to hold off rolling until the DM asks for a roll, if for no other reason it reduces the potential for misunderstandings. I just think it is okay for a player to suggest or ask to use a particular skill or other ability.

Maybe I’ll start with that question as I gently peel back the layers to figure out where the issue lies!

“I notice you guys are a bit eager with your dice rolling. It’s awesome you’re engaged (and fondling your dice), but I wonder if you’re jumping the gun sometimes because I’m not giving you enough opportunities to roll dice?”

That might be a fair minded and disarming starting point that invites them to share their perspectives. I’ve already received feedback that they want pacing/leveling to be faster, so this very well could be part of the issue.


Maybe I’ll start with that question as I gently peel back the layers to figure out where the issue lies!

“I notice you guys are a bit eager with your dice rolling. It’s awesome you’re engaged (and fondling your dice), but I wonder if you’re jumping the gun sometimes because I’m not giving you enough opportunities to roll dice?”

That might be a fair minded and disarming starting point that invites them to share their perspectives. I’ve already received feedback that they want pacing/leveling to be faster, so this very well could be part of the issue.

It might also be an indication that they all want to be involved whenever anything happens. In that case, maybe doing more combined skill checks or skill challenges, like a big elaborate trap where someone has to make a Strength check to turn the crank so that someone else can Acrobatics their way through the toothy door while two folks have to simultaneously operate levers in the same exact sequence (Int roll) to reroute the arnae blast that is headed the first character's way.


If thwy look at a painting for details and roll arcaba i give them arcana answers not history ones and our gane survives.

No one I believe mentioned their game does not survive.

Just so that I understand you correctly - the players roll for arcana while looking at a painting without asking for any skill roll?

Li Shenron

My group seems to lean too much on Help, Guidance, Bardic Inspiration, and “a roll? oh, well I’ll just roll too!” Its exasperating, and I’m searching for how I can nip it in the bud.

Bardic Inspiration has a limited number of uses per day IIRC, so I don't think it's technically possible to "spam" it.

Help use with skills is explicitly subject to DM's adjudication, and I think it should always be presented as "when the DM allows it" rather than "unless the DM disallows it". The DM absolutely should not allow it by default just because the player asks for it... instead, just tune your own adjudication of the "Working Together" rules to your preferred rate of Help usage in the game.

Ability checks are also always granted by the DM, and not a player's entitlement. That's a key rule of 5e, so the DM should learn to say 'no' if ability checks are ruining the fun and the style of the game. Once again, tune the adjudication to some narrative, so that the DM's decision are more easily accepted.

Guidance unfortunately cannot be fixed.


1. I find that following what the PHB says, that repeated skill attempts use the Passive score, helps a lot. If the whole party can attempt a task, after the first roll use their passive scores. So the +6 athletics fighter will break down the DC 15 door in the end, but the DC 20 door may be unbreakable.
I think a good rule of thumb is that taking-10/passive on stuff like picking locks takes a minute, not a turn. I may allow up to 3 1-action roll-d20 attempts before resorting to passive score though.

2. Guidance is a badly designed cantrip; players refuse to actually read what it says - cast in advance, touch the target, lasts up to a minute. Enforcing these restrictions helps a lot, but it is still annoying.


No one I believe mentioned their game does not survive.

Just so that I understand you correctly - the players roll for arcana while looking at a painting without asking for any skill roll?
Recalling the example from the blog... players encounter portrait of ancient battle scene between archmages in robes and the wizard player announced he roll arcana yo see what he can tell from the painting and the blogger goes off on the ills of player asking skills cuz that should be history check. Gotta shut that down.

Me? I give them suitable to result info on spells being cast, any arcane symbols shown anything they can get from semantic components depicted etc. Basically, as seen thru the lens of that skill and expertise.

If follow up question on when or where or historical significance is asked, then history check.


Both the pure Bard and the Bard/Sorcerer player routinely tossing out Bardic Inspiration without offering any role playing or explanation of what *their* Bardic Inspiration looks like.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and you should feel bad for implying their is. Are you a bard? Are they? In all likelihood the answer is no. So stop forcing them to try to be. If you were an author and a character came up with a plan to end world hunger, would you expect your readers to demand every detail, or would you expect them to be happy with "a plan for ending world hunger"?

The Rogue player with “Guidance” (magic initiate) giving Guidance on an Arcana check and other checks in which he is untrained without roleplaying what that looks like or how it makes sense.
Right because training is really relevant to Divine guidance? It's not even his character doing the guiding, all he does is invoke the gods to guide them.

And I’ve had to police the whole group regarding pile-on skill checks, especially the Bard player. I’ve repeatedly mentioned that if a bunch of people want to make a check then it’s probably a group check - otherwise everyone rolling one after another is just an exercise in throwing dice at a challenge waiting to see who succeeds. I’ve noticed this come up most often with lore/knowledge checks & Perception/Insight checks. Last time I had to shut it down and put my authoritative DM voice on and reiterate the problem.
This one's sorta valid. For lore checks, it makes sense for everyone (or no-one, I personally use passive checks for lore) to roll. For others, that's on you. They should be stating their goal and approach, they can't "Oh I guess I do that too" after the resolution unless nothing's stopping them, and if nothing's stopping them for doing it again without consequence, there shouldn't be a roll.

A lot of advice about “Players don’t decide when to roll, the DM does.” Yep! My issue is not that I don’t practice that; it is that I am getting worn down constantly policing the players on this issue & constantly finding new ways to explain this specific to a scenario as one or more players eagerly reach for their dice. It’s tiring for me because I love to say “yes” to my players & the policing part is my least favorite part of DMing.

“Hold on, Rogue player, why did you just roll a d20? Oh, Stealth? So you’re also trying to sneak up and scout out the enemy encampment? Weren’t you holding the party’s light source? And didn’t you say you wanted to cast guidance which has a verbal component on another PC?”

“Guys, please, why don’t you discuss your approach as a group before breaking off and doing a bunch of things individually? There’s a group skill check I would have called for, had I know your intentions/plan first.”

Every session since I started DMing this group about 11 sessions ago (January), I’ve found myself doing this kind of policing. Some players are more egregious than others, but it’s definitely a group issue. They came from a Pathfinder background. Not sure if this is a system difference thing, but it really feels like I have to keep reminding everyone. Heck, I’m even making the creative effort of weighing how their PC background/race/class/story influence what they know in regards to lore checks. I’d love to find a DM trick that helps them to police themselves better so I can free up more energy/brain space for creative DMing coolness.
Eurgh, I retract the aggressive tone I used above. Now this here is the core issue. My advice would just be to ignore whatever it is they roll, and just ask them for their goal and approach. Ask things like "is anyone going with the Rogue" when they split from the group and then enforce their decisions. Eventually they'll get it.

If you can get past the tone (which the above was totally a test for, honest), The Angry GM has some good, or at least interesting, advice.
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Spell and save dcs are pretty much as locked in to restricted range as skill task dcs are or more. Barring magic items tops at like what - 19 barring heighten and items?

Resistance is exactly like guidance but applies to saves.
Bardic inspire applies to saves as well.

But threads about these seem to always focus on how bad it is for guidance vs skill checks or bardic vs skill checks.

In my game guidance is commonplace. Why not? It's a noisy random bonus blessing from the cleric (or other .)

Part of me wonders is if some of the problem is the mindset that a single skill check should be a challenge to the party on own.

We dont build combat challenges around "make one good roll or..." and "make this one save to beat the challenge..,"

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