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Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer


I’m disappointed they didn’t go with “From His Nap” for the title of this episode. ;)

I know people are saying Rey’s leap looks like a training thing because Kylo could’ve just strafed her but it looks to me like she’s going to try and slice the TIE open with her lightsaber.

Also, what if the grand adventure is all about Rey going to retrieve a khyber crystal from the ruins of the Death Star super laser in order to rebuild the Skywalker lightsaber? She can’t just go to Ilum since all signs point to it having been converted into Starkiller Base. (I wish they’d officially confirm/deny that instead of leaving it a mystery.)

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I always thought the name of the moon was Endor, not the name of the planet. I don't know that the planet was ever named in the movie. I think maybe in one of the novels or comics, but those no longer count.

I don't see why it couldn't have an ocean, other than that it breaks from traditional Star Wars tropes of each planet being primarily one type of environment....a desert planet, a city planet, an ice planet, and so on. Obviously, the single environment planets are silly when you give it any thought, so it'll be interesting to see how they handle that. If it's not the moon of Endor, then I don't see why a large chunk of the Death Star couldn't have been propelled from the explosion and wound up landing on another system.

But I think that it's definitely the Death Star wreckage; the location of Palpatine's death, combined with his laughter as voice over, with Luke saying "no one's ever really gone....." makes it a pretty sure thing to me.

Of course, sometimes trailers lie.

In case they don't, here is my questionable prediction:

At some point in the past, Kylo Ren realized that the Emperor was not actually dead, and he was manipulating Snoke (and maybe Kylo) to serve his bidding. It could be Kylo knew the moment he felt the Dark Side temptation and basically did the same thing Luke Skywalker did in the old EU's Dark Empire plotline, indulging the Dark Side so that eventually he could resist and beat Palpatine. Or he only got wise on it much later.
Rey's parents were indeed nobodies - she was a force birth, just like Anakin Skywalker, created by Palpatine, but unlike Shmi, they didn't realize anything was amiss, since they actually had sex as romantic partners sometimes do. They might still have been irresponsible :):):):):):):)s, though, but maybe Palpatine manipulated them to abandon their child. Palpatine needs to be sure that Rey forms no strong attachments, no father and mother figures can be allowed to survive. That's why Kylo had to kill his father, because he became a surrogate father to Rey, and why Luke Skywalker had to die eventually (since exile clearly was insufficient.)
Rey is supposed to become Palpatine's next vessel to return from the dead. So far she has proven very strong in the force.

Kylo Ren looks like a neat little tool for him so far, but in truth, he is really trying to finish what his grandfather, Darth Vader, started, and kill the Emperor for good. This might require a last battle against Rey (possibly possessed by the Emperor), and this time, he finally has to win.

Obviously, that involves heavy retconning and will likely not stand up to close scrutiny - but, to be unfair, that has never stopped J.J.Abrams. :p

If Palpatine survived in any form what I question--aside from just the improbableness--is the time gap...what is it, 30 years? What has he been doing?

The new body for Palpatine thing is intriguing.

I don't think I can account for all of those 30 years, but for half the time he might have been playing Holonet Chess with Luke. (Luke didn't know, because he separated himself from the force, he was playing against a bantha unicorn.)


In the fiction Darth Plagueis was of the belief he had conquered Death and was more or less celebrating the fact when Darth Sideous poisoned him. Snoke (awful terrible dreadful name) could have been Darth Plagueis reincarnated, and his death in The Last Jedi (shocking film) could have been some crazy sith test of layalty - having been killed by his apprentice previously and all that.

Snoke isn't a great name, but I do find it amusing that you criticise it in the same paragraph as talking about Darth Plagueis. Sith names aren't exactly subtle, but that one vies with "Doctor Evil" for on-the-nose I'm-the-villain naming.


Of course, sometimes trailers lie.

In case they don't, here is my questionable prediction:

At some point in the past, Kylo Ren realized that the Emperor was not actually dead, and he was manipulating Snoke (and maybe Kylo) to serve his bidding. It could be Kylo knew the moment he felt the Dark Side temptation and basically did the same thing Luke Skywalker did in the old EU's Dark Empire plotline, indulging the Dark Side so that eventually he could resist and beat Palpatine. Or he only got wise on it much later.
Rey's parents were indeed nobodies - she was a force birth, just like Anakin Skywalker, created by Palpatine, but unlike Shmi, they didn't realize anything was amiss, since they actually had sex as romantic partners sometimes do. They might still have been irresponsible :):):):):):):)s, though, but maybe Palpatine manipulated them to abandon their child. Palpatine needs to be sure that Rey forms no strong attachments, no father and mother figures can be allowed to survive. That's why Kylo had to kill his father, because he became a surrogate father to Rey, and why Luke Skywalker had to die eventually (since exile clearly was insufficient.)
Rey is supposed to become Palpatine's next vessel to return from the dead. So far she has proven very strong in the force.

Kylo Ren looks like a neat little tool for him so far, but in truth, he is really trying to finish what his grandfather, Darth Vader, started, and kill the Emperor for good. This might require a last battle against Rey (possibly possessed by the Emperor), and this time, he finally has to win.

Obviously, that involves heavy retconning and will likely not stand up to close scrutiny - but, to be unfair, that has never stopped J.J.Abrams. :p

I also had the Rey is a fragment of Palpatine idea. He creates a new vessel with the intention of taking a new body. Rey going dark via Palpatine possession is somewhat interesting. Rey being a fragment of someone else would also explain a few things. Its kind of been done before (Dark Empire, Exar Kun) but the execution could be interesting. Palapatine surviving as a spirit makes the most sense and has been done in the old and new canon with Sith.

The two endings I don't want.

1. Kylo redeems, sacrificing himself in the process.
2. Rey cuts Kylo down.

Sith spirits are kinda like undead, Jedi force ghosts are more like ascended beings or some kind of celestial.
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I think it'll turn out that Palpatine survived by splitting his essence off into five physical vessels scattered across the galaxy. Anakin's old lightsaber was one, and when it broke it released part of his essence, which is why he's back now.

In order to defeat him for good, the heroes need to find a way to destroy the other four items - known as Holocruxes - by methods so thorough that his remaining spirit-fragments are also consumed, rather than being released back out into the galaxy.


First Post
I think it'll turn out that Palpatine survived by splitting his essence off into five physical vessels scattered across the galaxy. Anakin's old lightsaber was one, and when it broke it released part of his essence, which is why he's back now.

In order to defeat him for good, the heroes need to find a way to destroy the other four items - known as Holocruxes - by methods so thorough that his remaining spirit-fragments are also consumed, rather than being released back out into the galaxy.

Kinda like the Infinity stones? Ooh! We could have a crossover!

Darth Thanos.


Snoke isn't a great name, but I do find it amusing that you criticise it in the same paragraph as talking about Darth Plagueis. Sith names aren't exactly subtle, but that one vies with "Doctor Evil" for on-the-nose I'm-the-villain naming.

Let's be honest, by and large they're downright silly. Star Wars doesn't exactly excel in the naming department - especially on the dark side of things. Darth Plagueis might be the worst of all, but some honorable mentions include Snoke, Darth Maul (kewl, but silly), Captain Phasma. Even Darth Sidious is kinda silly.

Sidious made me think that the system behind Sith names is: Find a word starting with In, and then delete the In.

- Darth Vader = Invader
- Darth Sidious = Insidious

Logical Consequence:
- Darth Voluntary
- Darh Terim
- Darth Able
- Darth Articulate
- Darth Caved
- Darth Dent
- Darth Oculation
- Darth Side
- Darth Tractable
- Darth Continent

Unfortunately, Darth Maul and Plaegius suggest this is not canon. What a shame.


Dances with Gnolls
Sidious made me think that the system behind Sith names is: Find a word starting with In, and then delete the In.

- Darth Vader = Invader
- Darth Sidious = Insidious

Logical Consequence:
- Darth Voluntary
- Darh Terim
- Darth Able
- Darth Articulate
- Darth Caved
- Darth Dent
- Darth Oculation
- Darth Side
- Darth Tractable
- Darth Continent

Unfortunately, Darth Maul and Plaegius suggest this is not canon. What a shame.

I'd claim myself as Darth Side any day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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