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Star Trek Discovery not getting any better I fear.


I thought DS9 season one was decent, IDK if I should do TNG or Voyager next. I remembered enjoying early DS9 a long time ago along with First Contact.

I would have to watch TNG, I saw bits of it a long time ago, and watched episode one, STD had a better pilot perhaps. Right now DS9 is also quite relevant its aged very well IMHO except maybe the special effects and they're not to bad. Think we were binge watching over a season per week its all we watched, finished STD today as we gt 4 weeks behind stupid DS9 (got behind on everything lol).

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I am generally happy after the finale but the space battle was all kinds of weird. I certainly like how they addressed the fact that Spock's sister is never ever mentioned ever again, but also that Michael planted the idea that he needed someone like Kirk. I have never seen all of TOS but it would be interesting to watch trying to keep Discovery's exposition on Spock's past in mind, and also the other movies and shows where Spock and Sarek show up. It also makes Amanda's death in the reboot more intense, because Spock has already had to say goodbye forever to someone loved.

I am generally happy after the finale but the space battle was all kinds of weird. I certainly like how they addressed the fact that Spock's sister is never ever mentioned ever again, but also that Michael planted the idea that he needed someone like Kirk. I have never seen all of TOS but it would be interesting to watch trying to keep Discovery's exposition on Spock's past in mind, and also the other movies and shows where Spock and Sarek show up. It also makes Amanda's death in the reboot more intense, because Spock has already had to say goodbye forever to someone loved.

Everyone says she's referring to Kirk, and that might be the intention, but I am really thinking of McCoy. Because he's very emotional.

It’s probably telling that following the big explosive season finale and huge status quo change... what most people are calling for is a Pikerprise series.


Speaking of Spock and TOS relative to what we saw on Discovery.

It looks like this season explains why the Feds don't have AI handling everything.

However, knowing what Spock knows from the end of Disco, when Dr. Daystrom shows up with the M5 computer to do everything on the Enterprise, wouldn't he have more objection or concern? Heck, he should be paranoid if some fragment or record of Control's code was obtained by the Daystrom institute, it's Terminator: Genisys Planet all over again.



It's also curious why you didn't include TOS in that list...

Personally, I found the first season of DS9 to be middling at best. Far better than the original season of TNG, true, but, that's a pretty low bar. IMO, it took a season for DS9 to hit it's stride and it peaks about season 4 and then trails off after that, limping to a boring ending.

But, about TOS, I thought about adding it to the list, but, since there's only three seasons of TOS and the first is quite often presented as the strongest of the three (does anything think Spock's Brain season is the best :) ) I left it off. Additionally, so many truly original ideas and the fact that everything they were doing was new grants them a lot of leeway IMO.

For example, there's a shipload of inconsistencies in TOS as they were actually trying to cement what things actually were. Is it Star Fleet or Space Command? Prime Directive or General Order 1. So on and so forth.

And, really, like you say about DS9 and Discovery, comparing a 1960's TV show to a modern one is difficult. Do we ignore the... ummm... artifacts of the time TOS was made or not? Enterprise was criticized for looking too "modern" but, should Discovery use fifty year old sets? Are we doing some sort of future Steampunk? So on and so forth. So, yeah, I'll leave TOS off the list for the simple fact that I don't have a good answer to any of those questions. It's like comparing Golden Age pulp SF to modern SF. Do we focus solely on plot or should we include the blatant racism and misogyny of the time?

Is a show still great if it makes me cringe every time it comes on?


I never understood the criticism about why Spock never mentioned a sister. In the other series, Spock never mentions his parents until they are standing right beside him. He never mentions that he's married until he is forced to go back to Vulcan by biological issues. He never mentions a brother until, again, that brother is standing right beside him.

Spock has never, ever been forthcoming or an open book with anyone. Why would having a human sister that he never talks about be surprising. Of all the things folks found to complain about, this one seemed just way out in the weeds.

And, really, like you say about DS9 and Discovery, comparing a 1960's TV show to a modern one is difficult. Do we ignore the... ummm... artifacts of the time TOS was made or not? Enterprise was criticized for looking too "modern" but, should Discovery use fifty year old sets?
Of course they shouldn’t use fifty years old sets!!!

But that doesn’t mean the design aesthetic shouldn’t be similar. Which later episodes of Discovery seem to do quite well, updating the classic bridge better than the movies did. The revamped bridge was AMAZING.

Had they should similar care updating the Klingons or designing the Discovery’s bridge to not being generic A.F. a lot more people would walked into the show with more open eyes.

They showed up the potential of a prequel series set in the 2250s with characters we LIKE. But that’s not the show we’re getting. We get more Discovery with it’s cast on antagonistic unlikable :):):):):):):)s set in the far future where the writers don’t have to include any Star Trek in their Star Trek Show. And then the planned Section 31 spin-off starring Space Hitler

50 year old sets. Jeez...
That’s such a disingenuous argument. Rather than actually countering arguments on the terrible writing or Borg Cube sized plot holes so you have to pull out that old BS gem to knock down and then claim victory in the debate.


I enjoy Discovery, but I'd say I enjoyed TNG season 1 FAAAAAR more. I'm not sure why people want to say it's so bad. I thought it was great at the time and still think it is great.

DS9 also had a decent opening season.

I could see Discovery being better than Enterprises first season, though I'd say they are more about equal.

TOS season 1 also is far better than Discovery.

On the otherhand Voyager had a killer premiere which was outstanding (probably the best first set of episodes of any of the series) but the season that follows I'd rank as the worst of any of the Star Treks (including the Animated Series).

For me there are a couple different reasons.

OThe final is that I identify as a "Star Trek Fan". I've been a Star Trek Fan since I was eight years old. I've been a Star Trek Fan for longer than I've liked D&D or Doctor Who or even music. And almost as long as I've liked superheroes and Star Wars. A lot of my self identity is wrapped up in being a "Star Trek Fan".

I've actually been a Doctor Who fan longer than any of the others.

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