D&D 5E What is the most powerful spell?

I would say that conjure woodland beings can be way op. Pixies can cast a crap-ton of useful spells (confusion, sleep, POLYMORPH, etc.) once per day. Abuse could look a bit like this.

1) conjure 8 pixies (CR 1/4)
2) tell half of them to cast polymorph on your whole party (if a party of 4)
3) tell the other half to cast fly on your whole party
4) make sure they then go hide as you and your friends become FLYING T-REXES!

Mind you. This is a 4th level spell.

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I would say that conjure woodland beings can be way op. Pixies can cast a crap-ton of useful spells (confusion, sleep, POLYMORPH, etc.) once per day. Abuse could look a bit like this.

1) conjure 8 pixies (CR 1/4)
2) tell half of them to cast polymorph on your whole party (if a party of 4)
3) tell the other half to cast fly on your whole party
4) make sure they then go hide as you and your friends become FLYING T-REXES!

Mind you. This is a 4th level spell.

The DM picks the creatures that show up with this spell, per Sage Advice. So this abuse is no longer possible.


CWB can be insanely powerful, yes. But getting eight pixies is pretty unreliable.

I would say the most powerful spell is just Raise Dead. Just the hope that someone might bring you back keeps people adventuring instead of farming.

I strongly, -strongly- contest the fact that true polymorph is behind prismatic wall. In my view the only spell that competes with true poly is wish. This isn't from reading the spells, this is from having both in play for a considerable amount of time.

Everyone knows wish is awesome and does awesome stuff, don't need to sell people on that, but some people treat true polymorph like shapechange, but not as good. It's far from that. Imagine you have a simulacrum (you can have built it, no need to use wish to get it), and true polymorph. You can true polymorph your simulacrum into an ancient dragon, or Bael, or an Amnizu, or... there's a long list of overpowered options that do crazy things. You basically get a big boss monster as a pet.


turn a rock int a death slaad corpse, turn into a grey slaad. Eat the corpse, become a death slaad. Subdue the vampire lord your party encounters. Turn into a vampire spawn. Drink the vampire lord's blood. Become a vampire. Turn into a death knight, record the secret ritual in your ritual book that creates a death knight. become yourself again. Turn yourself into a death knight. Become the kindly wizard that your party did a quest for. Use his spells to do all kinds of crazy #!@$. I could go on but you get the idea.


I strongly, -strongly- contest the fact that true polymorph is behind prismatic wall. In my view the only spell that competes with true poly is wish. This isn't from reading the spells, this is from having both in play for a considerable amount of time.

Everyone knows wish is awesome and does awesome stuff, don't need to sell people on that, but some people treat true polymorph like shapechange, but not as good.

It has been over year since the creation of this thread. It is probably a good time to carefully reassess the ranking of spells in light of recent experiences.

Prismatic Wall/Sphere is an objectively good spell. It seems to even be one of the spells that the 5e design intentionally made extra powerful for plot protection, similar to Fireball at spellslot 3. Still, it has one purpose: wall.

Polymorph and Shapechange have more versatility, and if there are others who feel these need to rerank, that seems reasonable to me.

Some of the reassessment of Polymorph seems to rely on spell combos, such as combining with Simulacrum. It is important to note ways to abuse a spell, but the ranking depends on the each spell on its own, as-is. Even so, the versatility of Polymorph and Shapeshange might rank it higher.

I am contemplating moving Prismatic Wall down, under Polymorph.

I am also contemplating creating a hypothetical ‘spellslot level 10’, to put Wish in it. Wish really is that good. This would leave spellslot level 9 easier to rank relative to each other, without Wish dwarfing them.

Anyway, review the spell list in Post 2. Doublecheck that each spell is more desirable than the one before it.


I made notes on specific spells below:

Less Useful
Message 0 --Message is pretty solid, its a great utility cantrip.

Guidance 0 --I think Guidance deserves its own tier. If you play a campaign with any decently heavy skill use, this spell is so good.

1st-Level Spells
−less useful
Passwall 5 – I think it’s a 2nd or 3rd level spell. It’s not as useful in general as fly at 3rd, but does give the party ways to bypass key obstacles, which is definitely stronger than 1st.

Eldritch Knight − Very Close Range, Weapon Attacks
−less useful
Divine Favor 1 – I would say at least not bad. Its still +2.5 damage

Not Bad
Protection From Evil And Good 1 – Upgrade to Good. While more situational than other protection spells, when you know your finding a dungeon of undead the protection is exceptionally strong…better than shield of faith or barkskin certainty.
Absorb Elements 1xg – This should be excellent. It is incredibly good and scales very well at higher levels.

2nd-Level Spells
Instant Summons 6 –Considering the incredible material cost, I think this should be dumped into the bottom of the barrel.

Prayer Of Healing 2

Not Bad
Enhance Ability 2 – Having seen this one in play, I would upgrade it to good. Again, for skill heavy games its very useful.

Pass Without Trace 2 –Should be excellent, maybe even higher level. No other spell breaks bounded accuracy quite so much. It makes the druid the stealthy member of the party.

4th-Level Spells

Not Bad
Banishment – This spell to me is equal footing with polymorph because of its charisma save, which is an Achilles hill of the vast majority of monsters. It’s a completely gamechanger.

7th-Level Spells

−not bad
Demiplane 8 – This isn’t really any better than Magnificent Mansion, in some ways its worse. I would put it at the same level as that.

8th-Level Spells
Less Useful
Horrid Wilting 8xg –8th is too high for this. I think 7th is reasonable.


I made notes on specific spells below:

Less Useful
Message 0 --Message is pretty solid, its a great utility cantrip.

Guidance 0 --I think Guidance deserves its own tier. If you play a campaign with any decently heavy skill use, this spell is so good.

1st-Level Spells
−less useful
Passwall 5 – I think it’s a 2nd or 3rd level spell. It’s not as useful in general as fly at 3rd, but does give the party ways to bypass key obstacles, which is definitely stronger than 1st.

Eldritch Knight − Very Close Range, Weapon Attacks
−less useful
Divine Favor 1 – I would say at least not bad. Its still +2.5 damage

Not Bad
Protection From Evil And Good 1 – Upgrade to Good. While more situational than other protection spells, when you know your finding a dungeon of undead the protection is exceptionally strong…better than shield of faith or barkskin certainty.
Absorb Elements 1xg – This should be excellent. It is incredibly good and scales very well at higher levels.

2nd-Level Spells
Instant Summons 6 –Considering the incredible material cost, I think this should be dumped into the bottom of the barrel.

Prayer Of Healing 2

Not Bad
Enhance Ability 2 – Having seen this one in play, I would upgrade it to good. Again, for skill heavy games its very useful.

Pass Without Trace 2 –Should be excellent, maybe even higher level. No other spell breaks bounded accuracy quite so much. It makes the druid the stealthy member of the party.

4th-Level Spells

Not Bad
Banishment – This spell to me is equal footing with polymorph because of its charisma save, which is an Achilles hill of the vast majority of monsters. It’s a completely gamechanger.

7th-Level Spells

−not bad
Demiplane 8 – This isn’t really any better than Magnificent Mansion, in some ways its worse. I would put it at the same level as that.

8th-Level Spells
Less Useful
Horrid Wilting 8xg –8th is too high for this. I think 7th is reasonable.
[MENTION=5889]Stalker0[/MENTION], your comments, and your format are helpful.

In the second post of this thread, I tentatively made the following updates.

Message 0. Its rank moves down (improves) to the Not Bad section. It is particular good for situations where the party splits up. One doesnt want to split up too often, but it can be lifesaving when the party does. The truth is, metagaming where the players consult each other tends to obsolete the value of Message. In games where players are strict about only saying what the characters say, and only if the characters are in earshot of each other, Message can be useful. And in any case, Message 0 can be useful in stealth situations.

Guidance 0 is already in the Excellent section. I agree, the cantrip is highly useful in a campaign where players do whatever they want, and the ability (skill) checks are a normal way for the DM to adjudicate their various stunts. In Post 2, I nudged it down a bit in the Excellent section.

Divine Favor 1 was on the cusp, and it now nudges down into Not Bad.

Protection From Evil And Good 1. Ok, so your argument is, this spell is situational, but most of the time, it is obvious if characters are going to be in this situation (fighting undead, or fey, or so on), and these situations are common enough. Fair enough. It moves down into Good, past Barkskin.

Absorb Elements 1xg. Cool, this is a spell from Xanathars Guide / Elemental Evil. I moved it down into the Excellent section. Note, Hideous Laughter 1, Irresistible Dance 6, and Entangle 1 are a kind of set of comparable effects that are on the cusp of Excellent. So Absorb Elements 1xg moves past these.

‘Instant Summons 6 –Considering the incredible material cost, I think this should be dumped into the bottom of the barrel.’ Done. Note, my own game ignores the costly material component of spells and disallows spamming them. But yeah, rules as written, the usefulness of the spell is Minor.

Prayer Of Healing 2. Note, this spell is already Excellent. It is in the special Setup section, in the sense that characters cannot cast this on fly. In this case, they have to cast it during a rest. The Setup section has its own rankings of Not Bad, Good, and Excellent, considered separately from the other spells. Similarly, the Eldritch Knight is its own subsection, which most non-melee Wizards need to avoid, but is considered separately for those mages that are competent in melee.

‘Enhance Ability 2 – Having seen this one in play, I would upgrade it to good. Again, for skill heavy games its very useful.’ Done.

Pass Without Trace 2. Now Excellent. Others have also praised this spell in play. It is one of the few ways to ensure the entire party is stealthy.

‘Banishment – This spell to me is equal footing with polymorph because of its charisma save, which is an Achilles hill of the vast majority of monsters. It’s a completely gamechanger.’ Cool. Thinking about it, I moved Banishment to the Excellent section of the Setup spells. Banishment has a ‘significant prerequisite’ in the sense that the opponent must be extraplanar.

‘Demiplane 8 – This isn’t really any better than Magnificent Mansion, in some ways its worse.’ Done. In other editions of D&D, this was such a powerful spell, often broken. 5e hit it with the nerf hammer a bit too hard.

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