Dice Action Camera players in sex scandal!

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Heh, I distrust the justice system. Unfair outcomes happen all the time.

But trial by public opinion is so many times worse.

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As to the second point of the morality of an ‘affair’ (a fairly outmoded expression) and the sharing of naked imagery between consenting adults. I don’t really think it’s appropriate in the rpg gaming community, to comment on what a person does or doesn’t do with their partner, monogamous or otherwise. The days of vilifying people for not conforming to sexual norms should be a thing best left to the Victorian era.

There is only one reasonable response to a person who claims they have been abused... commend them for their bravery; urge them to go to the authorities and then signpost them to support. Trying this in the court of public opinion can only be a bad thing.

This is, unfortunately, the direction our society has gone, and I don’t believe we quite understand the ramifications of thinking this way. Since the sexual revolution, sex has become “personal” and “none of anyone else’s business.” It has become a situation where we believe we have the right to do as we please, because we are adults. Marriage has been blasted as being outdated, secular scientists have come out saying human beings are not naturally monogamous, open relationships have become more and more common. And you might actually believe all this is a good thing, but here is the issue.

Do not commit adultery, or do not sleep with someone you are not married to, is an old rule many believe to be prudish and outdated. Since the sixties, we have worked very hard to make this rule out to have no place in modern times, that people should be allowed to sleep with whoever they want as long as it’s consensual. But imagine, if you will, what would happen if every person took this one rule to heart.

There would be no STDs. No fatherless children or single mothers, except by death of the father. No heartbreak from infidelity. No broken homes due to infidelity. No sexual harassment cases. No need for a MeToo movement. No men of power taking advantage of those under their power for sexual favors. No sex scandals. No rape. More equality for women. 80% fewer abortions, as only 20% of abortions are from married women. No porn industry, which promotes the objectification and enslavement of women for the pleasure of others.

Sure, you can argue that that would be a perfect world and isn’t based in reality, but it boils down to individual choice, and each individual has the ability to choose not to engage in sexual activity with anyone but their spouse. If sex were consigned to marriage, and marriage alone, a large portion of society’s problems would simply go away. The sexual revolution wanted free love, but all it did was make it cheap. Married people, on average, have more sex and better sex over the course of their life. In my opinion, it is much better for society as a whole to make things like what this article is talking about very, very NOT ok with society. This sort of behavior should not be tolerated, in ourselves or in others. We’ve tried the whole ‘sexual revolution free love’ thing, and it gave us the MeToo movement, a legitimized porn industry, 1.5 million abortions a year, an uptick in single mothers and teen pregnancies, and provides an ample playground for STD’s to spread. This is what happens when you view sex as simply a fun act between consensual adults. Maybe it would be a good idea to be a little more prudish in our opinion of sex.
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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
This is, unfortunately, the direction our society has gone, and I don’t believe we quite understand the ramifications of thinking this way. Since the sexual revolution, sex has become “personal” and “none of anyone else’s business.” It has become a situation where we believe we have the right to do as we please, because we are adults. Marriage has been blasted as being outdated, secular scientists have come out saying human beings are not naturally monogamous, open relationships have become more and more common. And you might actually believe all this is a good thing, but here is the issue.

Do not commit adultery, or do not sleep with someone you are not married to, is an old rule many believe to be prudish and outdated. Since the sixties, we have worked very hard to make this rule out to have no place in modern times, that people should be allowed to sleep with whoever they want as long as it’s consensual. But imagine, if you will, what would happen if every person took this one rule to heart.

There would be no STDs. No fatherless children or single mothers, except by death of the father. No heartbreak from infidelity. No broken homes due to infidelity. No sexual harassment cases. No need for a MeToo movement. No men of power taking advantage of those under their power for sexual favors. No sex scandals. No rape. More equality for women. 80% fewer abortions, as only 20% of abortions are from married women. No porn industry, which promotes the objectification and enslavement of women for the pleasure of others.

Sure, you can argue that that would be a perfect world and isn’t based in reality, but it boils down to individual choice, and each individual has the ability to choose not to engage in sexual activity with anyone but their wife. If sex were consigned to marriage, and marriage alone, a large portion of society’s problems would simply go away. The sexual revolution wanted free love, but all it did was make it cheap. Married people, on average, have more sex and better sex over the course of their life. In my opinion, it is much better for society as a whole to make things like what this article is talking about very, very NOT ok with society. This sort of behavior should not be tolerated, in ourselves or in others. We’ve tried the whole ‘sexual revolution free love’ thing, and it gave us the MeToo movement, a legitimized porn industry, 1.5 million abortions a year, an uptick in single mothers and teen pregnancies, and provides an ample playground for STD’s to spread. This is what happens when you view sex as simply a fun act between consensual adults. Maybe it would be a good idea to be a little more prudish in our opinion of sex.


If sex were consigned to marriage, and marriage alone, a large portion of society’s problems would simply go away..
Yes, Sure. Because there ever has been a single period during which this actually worked.

Even during the most prudish times what the people said as a society and what the truly did in private never matched up.


Sure. Except that then, there was the deterrent of being ostracized by society if you were caught. If it happened, which of course it did, it was kept private. Once it is legitimized, it becomes rampant. Like I said, a flourishing porn industry, rampant STD's, broken homes left and right, 1.5 million abortions a year. These things wouldn't go away, but they would be minimized to a fraction of their current levels. Simply making it ok to sleep with whoever you want to, because "well, people will just do it in secret" is a horrible solution.


tglassy said:
Not repeating TL.

This is wrong on so many levels.

Abuse happens all too often within the institution of Marriage.

Really this was just a long list of bad reasons to lock people into unhappiness.

The perfect illustration of why we don’t allow the general public to take the law into their own hands outside of a formal jury.


In the end, it comes down to a personal choice. Every person has the ability to choose not to engage in sexual activity until they are willing/able to commit to marriage. By choosing not to do so, they become part of the problem. By choosing to do so, they become part of the solution. If they believe that getting their jollies off is more important to them than doing their part to fix society, then that's on them. We have a horrible problem today with people not being able to consider the consequences of their actions, and wanting instant gratification, letting 'future me' deal with that issue. And the MeToo movement is a result of that. I'm just saying the solution is not so far out of the box as to be impossible.


This is wrong on so many levels.

Abuse happens all too often within the institution of Marriage.

Really this was just a long list of bad reasons to lock people into unhappiness.

The perfect illustration of why we don’t allow the general public to take the law into their own hands outside of a formal jury.

This is a misnomer. The vast majority of domestic violence cases, up to 80%, happen between unmarried couples. Yeah, there are those who abuse their spouse, but it is at a much smaller number than the media would have people believe.


Regarding the extramarital affair, I'm not the least bit surprised. At this point, who hasn't seen a D&D group fall apart due to extramarital bonking? It happens all the time, and why not? When men and women get together, they bonk. That's just the way it is. Bonk, bonk, bonk.

*raises hand*

*raise hand also*

40 odd years and no extramarital bonking, outside of game. In game, yes, there have been betrayals of all types...

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