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[IC] Return of the Runelords


Guest 11456

Michael is fine but Shendra is staggered for one round as she coughs and sneezes from the cloud of stuff that came out of the thing when it burst.

Staggered: A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can she take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.

The monsters attack. Monster2 hits Michael with a bite for 4 damage. Monster3 tries to hit but misses Michael by quite a bit. Monster4 moves around Monster3 and tries to hit Shendra but almost strikes the floor instead.

Everyone is up.

OOC: Map
23 Teea
21 Michael
20 Shendra
18 Teodor
15 Mei
07 Monsters

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Guest 11456

Teea grows looking at her musket as if it betrayed her. This time she points at the closest creature and even sights along the tube before pulling the trigger. She hits Monster4 for 9 damage. Michael attacks monster2 again, while he grits his teeth and withstands the effects of the burst creature. The attack is too wide and he slices air. Shendra nearly doubles over coughing and hacking from the foul stuff filling her lungs. Through it all she tries to stab another one of the foul beasts with the business end of her spear but her thrust is weak and unfocused. She stabs at the air as well. Teodor flings a dagger at Monster4. He hits it but does no damage. Mei flings more electricity, this time at Monster4 and she hits for 3 damage causing it to bursts.

I need a Fortitude save for Shendra and Michael. Your target DC is 11. If you save you are fine if not you are staggered for 1 round.

The monsters attack. Monster2 hits Michael with a bite for 2 damage. Monster3 tries to hit but misses Michael.

Everyone is up.

OOC: Map
23 Teea
21 Michael
20 Shendra
18 Teodor
15 Mei
07 Monsters


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Teea moves into the door for better shot and shoots into the bug attacking Shendra. The carapace cannot stop the bullet and another hole appears on its body. The smoke is now visible bluish haze in the room.

Move: one square 'up'
Action: Musket shot; damage: 1D20+6 = [9]+6 = 15
1D12 = [8] = 8

Reaction: if attacked use grit to dodge

I believe Teea has 4 remaining shots
Last edited:


This time Shendra manages to gasp for and hold a breath just before the disgusting little creature explodes into a cloud of, well, whatever that is. Owing to this her next jab at one of the remaining bugs is a little better placed, but unfortunately not that much. The tip of her spears makes contact with the exoskeleton but just sort of carves a rivet into it rather than puncturing the creature cleanly.

Fortitude: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21
Attack: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15
1D8+3 = [1]+3 = 4


Guest 11456

Teea moves into the door for better shot and shoots into Monster3. The carapace cannot stop the bullet and another hole appears on its body. The smoke is now visible bluish haze in the room. She does 8 damage to Monster3. Michael grunts from the attack, but then badly fails to do his own damage in return. This time Shendra manages to gasp for and hold a breath just before the disgusting little creature explodes into a cloud of, well, whatever that is. Owing to this her next jab at one of the remaining bugs is a little better placed, but unfortunately not that much. The tip of her spears makes contact with the exoskeleton but just sort of carves a rivet into it rather than puncturing the creature cleanly. Teodor pulls out his sap hoping that perhaps a different weapon will be more effective. Mei flings more electricity at Monster2, hitting it for 2 damage.

The monsters attack. Monster2 tries to hit but misses Michael. Monster3 hits Michael with a bite for 3 damage.

Everyone is up.

OOC: Map
23 Teea
21 Michael
20 Shendra
18 Teodor
15 Mei
07 Monsters

Voidrunner's Codex

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