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[Skywalker discussion] What would "break" Star Wars for you?


The title is a bit hyperbolic, but the latest trailer got me thinking about how pivotal this film is for the overall legacy of the franchise. It is the ninth and final episode, completing the "Skywalker Family Epic." It is also the film that will--or could--determine many fans' feeling for the last trilogy, which has been somewhat controversial (is that an understatement?).

I haven't been following discussion around the Skywalker film and leaks in any depth, but on a cursory search it seems like there are some potential controversies brewing. Obviously there's the Dark Side Rey, which we all saw in the recent trailer. There's also rumors of the Emperor, Snoke, and even Vader making comebacks. There's the question of Rey's parentage. Etc.

But the key point is, regardless of what actually is revealed, a lot of loose ends will be tied up, questions answers and mysteries solved. In just a few months, the 42-year Skywalker saga will be over (probably), and while you never know what the future will bring, chances are we'll find a lot of resolution.

So my question for everyone is this: What resolutions, revelations, answers, plot devices, etc, would "break" the series for you? Maybe the series is already broken for you, but presumably there's a chance at redemption. But what would put the nail in the coffin of SW?

I write this as someone who loves the original trilogy, and have mixed feelings on both the prequels and sequels, for different reasons that I don't want to re-hash. But I'm OK with the original trilogy remaining "sacred," and the other six films being "optional embellishments." In other words, I don't hate the prequels or sequels, but am more ambivalent about their place in the canon, in a non-attached way. The closest analogy, in my mind, are the Matrix films: the first film was great, two and three were rather disappointing and somewhat diminished the power of the first, but I still enjoyed watching them and don't think they were total losses or ruined the original film. And so it is with the prequels and sequels (imo).

Anyhow, the closest thing to a real deal-breaker for me would be the resurrection of Darth Vader in some form or fashion. I don't mind a Force ghost, and I wouldn't even mind a cloned Anakin, but Vader's death is rather sacred to the story. In a way it is kind of like the death of Jean Grey in the X-Men comics...while she was one of my favorite characters and I was glad she came back (several times), it also diminished the poignancy of the original Phoenix story.

I also hope that Palpatine isn't back, as his death was central to Vader's redemption (And to be honest, I grew tired of Ian McDiarmid's over-acting and really don't want to re-visit it).

Maybe nothing is truly a deal-breaker, but those two would be hard for me to feel justified.

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^OK, that's your feelings, which are fine, but it isn't really the topic of the thread.

Is there any revelations or plot developments that would--if not break--at least tarnish the films for you? In other words, with lots of open questions, what answers would bother you?


Dances with Gnolls
Yeah I mean. They are all better than Attack of the Clones, ugh. What a terrible piece of cinema. Cringe worthy "falling in love" arc. Ruining in some part, to me, Padme. She was a queen and Senator for crying out loud!

What could break it for me? I think Vader Resurrection is up there, maybe that dumb Jar Jar Sith theory being true would hurt too.

Oh... and Deadpool. I love Deadpool, but if he randomly showed up in a Star Wars movie, that would also break it for me.


If TLJ isn’t a dream sequence brought on by a high fever. Luke being a jaded old quitter without any leadup broke it a bit. It was like when Anakin went to the dark side to protect the Palpatine and said “oh well, I guess I’ll just massacre everyone” smh.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
So my question for everyone is this: What resolutions, revelations, answers, plot devices, etc, would "break" the series for you? Maybe the series is already broken for you, but presumably there's a chance at redemption. But what would put the nail in the coffin of SW?
I have not been able to sit through Last Jedi, thus the series ended for me there. I've no interest in what happens next.

Besides, I've invested way too much to allow the visions and opinions of others to influence or "break" the Star Wars for me. ;)

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For me, already broken. But to be fair, the prequel trilogy had already ruined Star Wars for me.
The Force Awakens brought back a little hope, but Rogue One [unpopular opinion] and Solo were both pointless cash-grabs.
The Last Jedi - I didn't hate it for the reasons many online claim to hate it. It doesn't work for me as the middle chapter in a trilogy. It burned bridges, it closed doors, it dropped plot threads and made you feel stupid for asking the question in the first place.
We've all learned from roleplaying games that storytelling is "yes - and." TLJ just said "no," and as a result it was a joyless, meandering, film that feels out of place in the rest of the saga. There's no thread left from the original trilogy or sequel trilogy that needs to be explored now. It's the worst thing they could've done for the middle chapter of a trilogy.
So - since you asked - Star Wars is already broken for me. I'm done with it.


Dances with Gnolls
For me, already broken. But to be fair, the prequel trilogy had already ruined Star Wars for me.
The Force Awakens brought back a little hope, but Rogue One [unpopular opinion] and Solo were both pointless cash-grabs.
The Last Jedi - I didn't hate it for the reasons many online claim to hate it. It doesn't work for me as the middle chapter in a trilogy. It burned bridges, it closed doors, it dropped plot threads and made you feel stupid for asking the question in the first place.
We've all learned from roleplaying games that storytelling is "yes - and." TLJ just said "no," and as a result it was a joyless, meandering, film that feels out of place in the rest of the saga. There's no thread left from the original trilogy or sequel trilogy that needs to be explored now. It's the worst thing they could've done for the middle chapter of a trilogy.
So - since you asked - Star Wars is already broken for me. I'm done with it.

At the risk of derailment, I am curious to know where you think there should have been Yes and... but instead was a No? I can think of maybe a few places that would makes sense, but I am interesting in your opinion on this.


At the risk of derailment, I am curious to know where you think there should have been Yes and... but instead was a No? I can think of maybe a few places that would makes sense, but I am interesting in your opinion on this.

Assuming at this point I don't need to post spoiler tags. Haha

Any one of these being a "yes and" would have made TLJ a better film.

Will Luke take his saber? no
Will Luke train Rey? no
Can we find out who Rey's parents are? no
Can we find out more about Snoke? no
Can we find out why the Resistance was started? no
Can we find out where the First Order came from? no
Can we find this code breaker? no
Can Poe do anything besides stay under house arrest on a ship? no
Can Finn and Rose buy time for their friends? no
Will Kylo show any character growth? no
Will Resistance reinforcements come help the heroes? no
Is Luke's story about trying to kill Kylo different than Kylo's? no
Will Rey fail anything? no
Will Rey sway to Kylo's side? no
Will Kylo sway to Rey's side? no

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