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Star Trek Picard SPOILERS thread

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Yeah, I'm all in. I really liked the premiere, it was well executed. Still eager for Disco S3, but this is hitting my nostaglia in all the right ways.

Truth Seeker

There were retcons on Data, which killed the comic book with his history after Nemesis. As for the recapturing on the essence of Data, is full of holes. Every part of him was artificial, nothing was organic. A true android, and as much I would like to entertain the notion on that pseudo science theory. Data wasn't born normally, but was created in steps, B4, Lore and then him.

You cannot recapture his total 'essence' from a single neuron, which is require to hold possible a 'trillion gigabytes' of data, his entire history on his life.

His daughter's body was in storage and of course part of him was within her. It is like passing one's genes via the natural process done by humans.

But to say, oh yeah...we can get it back from a single what?! How the frak, from a imamate piece of tech that needs power to work to carry the instructions to the others pieces of tech to make his body, mind to function.

That is lazy writing, it is like seeking the HOLY GRAIL, a fable tale.

I want to enjoy the show, long overdue for Trek stuff. But don't insult us with lame thinking. We are not stupid.


Finally watched this last night (kept quickly browsing past this thread) and I loved it. I really loved the addition if Data's daughters and am wondering how it is going to develop.

It was epic when they zoomed out on the Borg cube at the end of the episode.

The telling off Picard gave the reporter was brilliant. Granted, the only reason I know about Dunkirk was because I watched the movie.

This was a great start to the series, I like being excited about star trek again and I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

The dream in the beginning seems also very symbolic, both foreshadowing things that are going to happen, and "backshadowing" what happened in the past (and is explained to us later).

Picard is acting angry or surprised that Data's bet would mean betting everything that Picard has - Picard bet everything he had to be able to save the Romulans... And he lost it all.

"I don't want the game to end"
And of course, this wonderful, hard-hitting emotional line... it shows his particular sentimentality about Data - but it also symbolizes that he isn't really finished with Starfleet or at least what it represented - the game - yet. He still wants to go on another adventure, and towards the end of the episode, he acts on it.

His description of Data's "tell" represents his familiarity with android lifeforms, kinda symbolizing how he is so quick to get behind Dajh's true nature. Interesting to note: Data himself was able to pick up some oddities about Juliana Tainer (Soong's wife's Android replacement, for those that forgot) by visual cues like blinking patterns or the way she played her instrument. Whether Picard's ability in the dream is more representing a metaphor for his detective work regarding Dajh's origin, or literally means he can subconsciously or consciously pick up clues of Android-typical behavior is probably anybody's guess.

I am not sure if the 5 Queens are going to symbolize something upcoming - it could stand for the Borg Queen (and thus just the Borg), it could stand for Q, it could stand for 5 important women (In this episode, if we want to look for 5 significant women, we could take Dajh, her sister, Allison Pill's character, his female Romulan housekeeper and the reporter, but that might be a stretch. It could reference the rest of the season, Seven of Nine or Deanna Troi could be part of it...),or a wild combination of thereof - or really just a cute reference to the past. Maybe someone else has an idea?


During the opening shots of the Ent-D, there is a blue disc just to the left of the bridge. Is that a reflection of something because the Ent-D is being viewed thru a window? r is it something else?


Was noodling around youtube this morning and the "Easter Egg" videos are already out and multiplying like tribbles. Wow, folks are HUNGRY for this.


Although, I do have to ask, why does every Trek series take Star Fleet and make it the bad guy? We saw it back in TNG, DS9, and ST:Discovery. For a "utopian vision" of the future, Star Fleet sure likes to go back on its principles.

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