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D&D General (Anecdotal) conversations with Asian gamers on some problems they currently face in the D&D world of RPG gaming


#5. No more white washing. I pointed this out before, but I don't think anyone took notice, and most Americans may not anyways. Many companies create a class called the Ninja, or the Samurai, or another class based upon an Asian notation (such as a nobility, a group, an occupation, or otherwise). However, in many instances it is something that will normally be used by a Non-Asian background or group. It is accepted that they'll have Elf Ninja's or Western style samurai. No cultural notation is made regarding what these classes originally were in a historical and cultural reference. It is taking names out of context and putting them into a game term.

As European let me tell you that is basically the same thing that happens to figures like Knight, Paladin and Druid, which are deeply rooted into the european history.

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EDIT: I forgot to mention, those people listed all have Japanese names. it feels like TSR kinda just half-assed their attempt at getting advice from actual Asian experts and only got consultation on the Japanese portion of the book, and I hope to god none of those are aliases of "experts" on Japanese culture. I'm certain they could have at least done the same for getting advice on Chinese culture. I know they list a bibliography of sources in the book, but... idk older Western books about East Asia also tend to have weird and dated ideas about cultures as well. I also have to think about the more obscure cultures they bring up in this book probably don't have a good foundation, like Vietnam? considering it's history with the west and the fact it was virtually cut off with the rest of the world at the time I can only imagine the books available to them were 1) scant and 2) not great.

Do you realize it was the 80's when the book came out? TSR didn't have the modern ways to immediately contact foreign people for free with internet and english wasn't known abroad like now, creating a language barrier.
Having a lot of Asians from Asia working on it would have been impossible or very expensive (long international phone calls or even making them come in USA and hosting them) for a small company like TSR.

Abd btw, have you seen old anime and jrpg settled in western medieval culture? You have nobles dressed like the Sun King of France from 1600 and victorian maids from 1800, Asians find us europeans exotic too and like to play with our culture reimagining it without the necessity of european sensitivity readers and that for us is not only fine but also funny and entertaining.
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I understand and concur with all other points but I can say for #4 that DnD, Ultima and Wizadry were a major inspiration to early JRPG's like Final Fantasy, DQ, Megami Tensei and Phantasy Star. If you take a look at early illustrations for FF's monsters you can clearly see the inspirations they took from the Monster Manual. Wizadry managed to stay popular much longer in Japan, as has the genre of Dungeon Crawlers in general. In turn I don't see much where Japanese RPG's fed back into western RPG's, tabletop or computer alike. Neither style, narrative nor gameplay design have inspired western RPG's in a major way(if you think I'm wrong provide examples). So if you complain about the lacking appreciation for the influence of eastern RPG's I can see the complete disregard for the seminal influence the western products had as well.


Great Wyrm
Art. 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Of course, this tends to be more aspiration than enforceable.
I'd claim it's safe to say citizens of America benefit from free speech. Because the only reason a government would want to shut people up is for more power or control. Just look at North Korea. I'm not hating on citizens (Facebook, YouTube, and Google would bet to differ) by noting their government is oppressive and tyrannical.


Great Wyrm
I understand and concur with all other points but I can say for #4 that DnD, Ultima and Wizadry were a major inspiration to early JRPG's like Final Fantasy, DQ, Megami Tensei and Phantasy Star. If you take a look at early illustrations for FF's monsters you can clearly see the inspirations they took from the Monster Manual.
On the same note, the original Final Fantasy was actually censored because one set of monsters were called and looked too much like Beholders.


Great Wyrm
The American view of rights is very different than the European view. Generally Europeans believe rights are granted by governments, while Americans have viewed rights as granted by God, who superseded government. Therefore, the only legitimate role of government is to protect and ensure its citizens' rights.
Depends on the time period. Today, God-granted rights is just a phrase thrown around. Neither a large portion of the U.S. Nor Europe practice the idea. But in the 16th century, the idea of God-granted rights (and religion in general) was abused by the European government. Just look at the Inquisition. Or don't. It's not for sensitive minds.


Great Wyrm
Anti-inclusive content, misinformation about heath crisis... this post is just a mess.
If even the United Nations gets tripped up, what hope for poor TTRPG publishers:
Alright, let me just get this racism stuff off my mind.
What I find suspicious (because it is) is that before this BLM movement, nobody found racism in Harry Potter. And nobody found racism in Oriental Adventures. At least, not nearly to the extent it is today. BLM has garnered a tsunami of support during this flu (watch it play out in Portland) and all of a sudden Facebook and YouTube are censoring more than ever in the name of free speech, this "racism" is the voice of both black and white people who just want to protect their freedoms.
Fact is, numbers are inflated. This isn't a conspiracy. Fact is, they determine a COVID death based on whether you have COVID, not whether you died from it. Fact is, this lockdown that hasn't ever locked down for five months isn't helping.
Where do you get your information? "Unbiased journalists"? They're the most biased writers in the world. MSNBC? Bill Gates could've sponsored this pandemic.
Also: another fact: COVID-19 is a specific strain of flu.
I had to explain that. If I didn't, people would be arguing with me over facts they've assumed. Which might not actually be facts at all.
Just open the world back up, this is ridiculous.
I know and love black & Asian people, and I'm not being racist by explaining this. God!
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