[Mutants & Masterminds] A World Less Magical But No Less Fantastic

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These are some of the most recent builds.

True Believer

In 2007, Janet Hinkley was a grad student studying to obtain a Master's Degree in Education at Teachers College, and her concerns were those typical of someone in that position -- worries about whether following this path would lead to emotional fulfillment and a reasonable degree of financial success or to emotional devastation and financial ruin, or possibly some middle ground between the two. She'd never met any superheroes, and didn't honestly find them very interesting. They existed, they'd saved the world from threats she didn't really understand, and that was a good thing, but celebrating them wasn't high on her list of personal priorities.

And her life got turned upside down when she was walking home down a sidewalk along a deserted street one evening. A vehicle looking like a car out of a science fiction movie exploded out of nothingness on the street, and screeched to a halt right in front of her. Before Janet's stunned eyes, the driver's side door opened and a tall man wearing a strange costume stepped out, walked up to her and handed her one just like it, saying, "You wear this." She didn't get a chance to say anything in response before he turned around, got back into the car, and drove off to disappear in a flash of light. All of this would have been shocking enough, but then a trio of similar looking cars burst into and then back out of sight in quick succession, this time without stopping, as though pursuing the first one.

Dazedly, Janet made her way back to her apartment, and there took a long look at the costume she'd been handed. She's really not sure why she decided to see what it looked like when she was, as the stranger had said, wearing it, but that's what she did. Finding it not really all that flattering, she was startled to see its appearance changing to match her thoughts. Some quick experimentation revealed that it also granted her a number of super-powers beyond that, though she found herself wishing that the suit came with an instruction manual. But that was clearly not to be.

Janet spent a whole week studying the suit's abilities, and carefully considering what she was supposed to do with them. She didn't feel particularly confident about becoming a superhero, but she knew that she'd never be able to live with herself if she just let bad things happen now that she had the power to do something about them. And after all, there had to be some deep meaning to the fact that she, of all people, had been handed this thing -- she'd been told 'you wear this'. So she shaped the thing into something that suited her patriotic ideal of what a superhero costume should look like, and became the True Believer.

It went pretty well. she helped take a further bite out of crime in the Big Apple, opposed supervillains when they showed up, and managed to keep her identity a secret. She met a number of the members of the Powerhouse early on, and suspected that she was being scouted as a potential member. But no invitation ever materialized, and Janet concluded they must have decided that she probably didn't bring anything to the table that O Homen de Oro hadn't already brought. Oh well.

A few years later, though, the American Angel contacted her with an offer to get in on the ground floor of Heroic Enterprises. Flattered by the offer, and happy to be working with some other patriotic heroes, she accepted ... much to her eventual regret. She hung around almost as long as Doctor Sapien, but the business with the Bridge (which happened while she was recuperating from another episode) was the last straw. She tendered her resignation right before the company was kicked out of California, and decided to seek fresher pastures back east.

Settling in Philadelphia has been exciting and challenging. She's finally getting some use out of that Education degree by getting a job teaching at one of the city's noisier public schools, and dealing with the fact that everyone there expects her to either burn out or flame out in a fairly short time. Well, she'll just see about that. She's also become a mentor figure of sorts to Philadelphia's somewhat notorious super-team, the Minor League, trying to help them to live up to the potential she sees in them. She sometimes thinks that they have the same expectation about her burnout or flameout, but again, she's going to show them that they're wrong.

While quite patriotic, and somewhat conservative -- she openly voices her disapproval of the more sexualized costumes of some of the Minor League -- True Believer dislikes and disapproves of the Millar administration. However, she would never express that disapproval publicly as a superhero; she feels that doing so is the first step towards becoming a super-powered demagogue who uses her unelected power to sway the public to her will. Whatever political work she does will only ever be as Janet Hinkley, not as True Believer.

More than anything else, Janet wonders whether she's using these abilities as the person who gave them to her intended her to do so. It's probably for the best she doesn't realize that the suit's primary function is that of a camera recording footage for the equivalent of reality TV a bit less than two hundred years in the future. That would probably break her heart.

True Believer - PL 10

9/2 | STA 1 | AGL 3 | DEX 2 | FGT 2 | INT 3 | AWE 3 | PRE 2

The Suit:

  • Camouflage: Morph 2 (clothes), Only changes appearance of suit - 8 points
  • Defensive Field: Immunity 10 (life support); Impervious Protection 9 - 28 points
  • Enhanced Mobility: Enhanced Defenses 12 (Dodge 6, Parry 6); Flight 9 (1000 MPH) - 30 points
  • Offensive Settings: Array (20 points)
    • Force Blast: Ranged Damage 10 - 20 points
    • Strength Booster: Enhanced Advantage (Close Attack 6); Enhanced Strength 7 - 1 point
    • Stun Blast: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned), Limited Degree - 1 point
    • Tractor Beam: Move Object 10 - 1 point
  • Sensory Functions: Senses 6 (extended vision 2, extended hearing 2, low-light vision, ultrahearing) - 6 points

Beginner's Luck, Connected, Defensive Attack, Evasion, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative, Luck 2, Redirect, Teamwork.

Acrobatics 6 (+9), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Civics 4 (+7), Expertise: History 4 (+7), Expertise: Science 4 (+7), Insight 4 (+7), Perception 5 (+8), Persuasion 5 (+7), Ranged Combat: Suit Powers 8 (+10), Technology 4 (+7).

Initiative +7
Unarmed +8/+2 (Close Damage 9/+2)
Force Blast +10 (Ranged Damage 10)
Stun Blast +10 (Ranged Fortitude 10)

Dodge 10/4, Parry 9/3, Fortitude 3, Toughness 10/1, Will 7

Abilities 32 + Powers 95 + Advantages 10 + Skills 25 + Defenses 8 = 170 points

Doing Good--Motivation. Patriotic. Power Loss
(The Suit, can't be removed involuntarily when worn but can be easily removed if it's not being worn). Responsibility (the Minor League). Secret Identity.
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The Material Guy

Up until his powers manifested shortly after his sixteenth birthday, Brandon Turgenev was a typical teenager in most respects. He was best described as brilliant but unmotivated (to be more kind than everyone who just called him lazy.) Coasting through his first year of high school, he expected that there'd be no money for his college education and that he'd have to get a dead-end once he graduated. Therefore, he tried to have as much fun in high school as possible. And then, while doing just that at a local swimming pool on a hot summer day, he dissolved.

Merging with the chlorinated water was bewildering to him, as his senses were assaulted with information unlike anything he'd previously experienced. He managed to pull himself together into a humanoid form of water, further scaring his friends who were panicking over his disappearance, and then tried to return to his original human shape. Things just got confusing at that point, because instead of freezing back into solidity, he evaporated into a gas that hovered over the pool's surface.

This did nothing to ease the panic, and Brandon was beginning to get a bit frightened himself. Drawing on vaguely remembered chem classes, he forced himself to become lighter than air and floated up high into the sky, somehow triggering his next phase change, ionizing into a hot plasma. Hoping against hope that this would work, he expelled some of the plasma up higher into the atmosphere. Doing so for the first time knocked him out, causing him to black out as he recombined, condensed, and froze into his solid state -- the latter just seconds before he splashed into the pool.

Just where these powers came from is not terribly clear. Each of the phase changes that he can undergo -- including the one he didn't discover until later, turning into denser-than-flesh solids -- is similar to the abilities possessed by the members of a small subgroup of the Institute, the so-called Primal Pattern. As all four of them died thirty years before Brandon was born, there can't be any direct connection, and attempts to establish a link between any of them and any of his parents or grandparents have come up empty. It seems to be a weird coincidence.

Once he was released from the hospital, Brandon was greeted at home by a representative of the Futurian Academy, offering him a scholarship to attend the private school in Wales. He turned them down flat. All that he wanted to do was mend his relationships with the friends that he'd scared, and leaving for the UK didn't sound all that conducive to such plans. And more studying? More than he was already doing in high school? No thank you sir, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Despite not having any interest in learning more about his powers, Brandon found himself drawn in to the events that led to the formation of his current circle of close associates. The fun parts seemed to overpower the scary parts, so he was quite willing to keep tagging along with the rest. He was even the one to come up with the team name (which everyone else initially hated, and some still do.) When asked by a reporter for NBC10 what they should call the group, Brandon quickly replied, "Well, we're all minors, so why not call us the Minor League?"

It's a bit ridiculous now that they aren't minors, three years later, but the fact that they're all still very small fish in the ocean of superheroes has kept it an appropriate name. And hey, the fact that they all get a nice stipend from the city government for being the city's official super-team has meant that whole dead-end job nightmare that he was trying to avoid is forever delayed! So the fun never has to stop, or at least that's what it seems to this Material Guy, living in a ma-- well, you know the lyrics.

The Material Guy -- PL 8

9/3 | STA 10/4 | AGL 1 | DEX 1 | FGT 5 | INT 4 | AWE 2 | PRE 0

Life Support:
Immunity 10 (life support) - 10 points
State Transformations: Array (39 points)
  • Gaseous: Visual Concealment 4, Partial; Enhanced Defenses 12 (Dodge 6, Parry 6); Feature (color change); Flight 4 (30 MPH); Insubstantial 2; Affects Corporeal 3 on Strength - 1 points
  • Liquidity: Visual Concealment 4, Only in liquids; Elongation 5; Feature (color change); Insubstantial 1; Impervious Protection 6; Swimming 8 (120 MPH); Affects Corporeal 3 on Strength - 1 point
  • Plasma: Feature (color change); Flight 4 (30 MPH); Insubstantial 3; Ranged Damage 7, Accurate - 39 points
  • Super-Solidity: Enhanced Stamina 6; Enhanced Strength 6; Morph 3 (metals), Standard Action; Impervious Toughness 6 - 1 point
Beginner's Luck, Close Attack 2, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Taunt

Athletics 4 (+13/+7), Deception 6 (+6), Insight 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+8), Ranged Combat: Plasma 6 (+7), Stealth 6 (+7).

Initiative +5
Unarmed +7 (Close Damage 9/3)
Plasma +9 (Ranged Damage 7)

Dodge 6, Parry 5, Fortitude 11, Toughness 10, Will 4
Liquid: Dodge 6, Parry 5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 10, Will 4
Gaseous: Dodge 10, Parry 9, Fortitude 5, Toughness 4, Will 4
Plasma (or Normal): Dodge 6, Parry 5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 4, Will 4

Abilities 40 + Powers 52 + Advantages 9 + Skills 16 + Defense 8 = 125 points

Thrills--Motivation. Lazy and Fun-loving. Power Limit
(limited to going from normal form to super-solid or liquid, liquid to normal or gas, gas to liquid, super-solid to normal.)



Lionora Cabrera (she usually just goes by Lio) was born to a single mother and raised by her on the road as her mother (who'd renamed herself Frida, so that they were both referencing famous Mexican artists) pursued her dreams of artistic success. Somewhat out of necessity, Lio learned how to paint as well, though she never had any illusions that she had a great talent for that. Modeling was another story. Regardless, shortly before Lio's sixteenth birthday, their journey reached what would become its final stage as they arrived at an artist's commune in (of all places) the Catskills.

The self-proclaimed guru who ran the place was very much into combining yoga and physical exercise, performed to exhaustion, in order to open up the doors of consciousness and allow 'true vision'. Lio took part in this praxis, mostly to keep an eye on her mother, who'd never been in the best of health. Throughout the training, she was constantly aware that the guru was very much checking her out. It wasn't pleasant, but she'd been eyed by artists before and nothing bad had happened, so she expected the same this time.

Evidently, she realized as he cornered her in the retreat's washroom, she'd been wrong to do so. As he leaned over her with his hands sliding down to her hips, murmuring, "You smell like your mother," something exploded in Lio's mind, and the smell he'd been perceiving became a toxic odor, making him collapse in a choking heap on the washroom floor. Not bothering to see if he was all right, she ran out of there to get her mother and then get the heck out of this den of deceit ... only to find that the heart attack she'd always feared had finally carried her mother off with it. Saying a silent farewell, she stole the keys to their van and went on the lam.

By the time she got to Philadelphia, there was a several state manhunt in effect for the girl who was assumed to have murdered both her mother and the guru (who, for maximum gross-out points, turned out to have been her biological father.) She got involved in the adventure that created the Minor League much against her will, and wanted to just start running again afterwards, but was convinced by her new friends to stand and tell the truth. With their help, and a bit from the True Believer, she was able to get the charges against her dismissed and get a bit of justice for her mother in the process. But the whole thing fully justified her codename, in her view.

Scandalous' powers are similar in some respects to those of the Ultra Girl known as Le Charme, but while the French illusionist's powers involve a combination of light manipulation and psychic abilities, Lio's are completely psychic in nature. She supplements her ability to create illusions vivid enough to injure and even kill with the power to sense emotions, which isn't fully under her control as yet. She's developed enough mastery to be able to combine the two talents to allow her to present the appearance of just about anyone's ideal of beauty, though this doesn't always work.

Despite that ability, which she has no problem using in tactical situations, and despite the way that she designs her costumes to accentuate her appearance and shock conservative viewers, Lio has no interest in romantic or sexual relationships of any kind. Her own experiences, and what she saw her mother go through as she grew up, have left her extremely cynical about the subject. She keeps even her teammates at a distance and shoots down any attempts to get closer with an acerbic wit. In the privacy of her room, she has taken up her art studies again, and much like another badly hurt woman long ago, is very fond of recreating the image of Judith and Holofernes.

Scandalous -- PL 8

0 | STA 0 | AGL 1 | DEX 0 | FGT 0 | INT 3 | AWE 4 | PRE 2

Become Your Dream:
Enhanced Advantage (Attractive 2) - 2 points
Empathy: Mind Reading 8, Limited to Emotions, Uncontrolled - 4 points
Mindwarp: Independent Selective Illusion 8 (all senses), Resistible by Will; Perception Range Damage 8, Quirk (only against a target who believes the illusion), Reversible - 64 points
Shielded Mind: Impervious Will 8, Limited to mental effects - 4 points

Attractive 2, Defensive Roll 2, Second Chance (Will resistance).

Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: Art 4 (+7), Insight 4 (+8), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+5).

Initiative +1
Unarmed +0 (Close Damage 0)
Illusion -- (Perception Range Will 8, Perception Range Damage 8)

Dodge 5, Parry 4, Fortitude 2, Toughness 5/0, Will 10

Abilities 20 + Powers 74 + Advantages 1 + Skills 12 + Defense 14 = 121 points

Reluctant Heroism--Motivation. Distrusts Most Men. Reputation
(accused murderer who got away with it.)



Petra Iraklidis is the youngest daughter of a large family of Greek immigrants who settled in Philadelphia just a bit before she was born. As a young girl, she realized that she was avoiding many of the minor injuries that her friends sometimes suffered in their horseplay, with things sort of sliding off of her. She didn't know what to make of it, and decided not to tell anyone so that she could have a secret from her nosy siblings and cousins. It wasn't that big a deal, after all, since she still got sick just like any other kid, so she clearly wasn't that super, and she expected nothing would ever come of it.

When she was fifteen, though, and working as a waitress in the family restaurant, she learned that expectation had probably not been all that accurate. While carrying an order out to one of the tables, she tripped and the dishes went flying. Embarrassed and upset, she wished more than anything that their fall would slow down so that she could catch them -- and then, before the stunned eyes of herself and everyone else in the dining room, they did just that! After a stupefied moment, she quickly grabbed the trays and the dishes and the utensils out of mid-air, and wished the weird effect to stop. It did, and she flashed her audience a smile. "All part of the show, folks!" she declared.

So, she had super-powers. What luck. Against the advice of her mama and bampás, she started going out at night in a thrown together costume to try her hand at the whole 'superhero' thing. She picked the codename 'Moment' out of a song that she liked. While she foiled what small amount of street crime her neighborhood experienced, it wasn't really all that exciting or fun. Unbeknownst to Petra, her parents were contacted by a representative of the Futurian Academy to offer her an education, but the thought of sending her off to Wales didn't sit well with them, so they sent the man packing and never mentioned it to her.

While engaged in her low-key superheroics, Petra ended up involved in the events that led to the formation of the Minor League. Unfortunately for her ego, her 'involvement' consisted of being kidnapped, used as the power source for an earthquake machine, and then rescued by the other three. She did help kick butt afterwards, but it was even more embarrassing than the first time she'd used her powers, and this time her parents got seriously mad at her for lying to them. She considered quitting then, and has done again several times since, but her fire-forged friendship with the rest of the team has always kept her going.

The irony is that Moment has very little to be embarrassed about when it comes to her performance since then. She has experimented with her powers, and while she has yet to achieve the full control that she'd like, she can use them in a variety of combat applications as well as support ones. She's also made more of an effort than most of her teammates to become a good, if not exceptional, hand-to hand fighter, and developed a talent for spotting the strengths and weaknesses of her opponents in order to counter or exploit them. Last but not least, she's worked to learn as much as she can about potential opponents.

Unfortunately, her worst potential opponent is one that she knows nothing about. Unbeknownst to Petra, her biological father is actually a scion of the Meusz family of Belgium, who have a family heritage of the sort of gravity control powers she possesses. While he doesn't know and probably wouldn't care about what his by-blow is getting up to, one of his older sons has learned about it, and wants to eliminate this little embarrassment to his lineage ...

Moment -- PL 8

0 | STA 1 | AGL 3 | DEX 2 | FGT 3 | INT 2 | AWE 3 | PRE 1

Deflector Field:
Linked Enhanced Defenses 12 (Dodge 6, Parry 6); Linked Sustained Protection 4 - 16 points
Floating Rock: Burst Area Affects Others and Self Flight 6 (120 MPH), Platform - 18 points
Gravity Control: Array (18 points)
  • Concussive Blast: Ranged Damage 9 - 18 points
  • Crushing Gravity Field: Damaging Burst Area Move Object 6, Limited to Moving Downwards - 1 point
  • Gravity Warp: Deflect 6, Reflect, Redirect - 1 point
  • Null Gravity Field: Burst Area Move Object 9, Limited to Lifting Upwards - 1 point
Assessment, Close Attack 3, Extraordinary Effort, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Taunt, Teamwork, Well-informed.

Deception 7 (+8), Expertise: Popular Culture 4 (+6), Insight 6 (+9), Perception 4 (+7), Persuasion 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Gravity Control 5 (+7).

Initiative +7
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 0)
Concussive Blast +7 (Ranged Damage 9)
Crushing Gravity Field -- (Burst Area Damaging Move Object 6)

Dodge 11/5, Parry 11/5, Fortitude 4, Toughness 5/1, Will 8

Abilities 30 + Powers 55 + Advantages 10 + Skills 15 + Defenses 12 = 122 points

Doing Good--Motivation. Family
(large). Low Self-Image. Unknown Enemy.



The story that Henry Yung tells is a simple one. Two years older than his comrades in the Minor League, he was in his second year at a military school when some friends of his convinced him to join them in taking an experimental performance-enhancing drug. Unfortunately, the group made a fatal mistake and took far too much of the substance, killing most of them and leaving others in a permanent vegetative state, with Henry the only survivor. Expelled from the school in the aftermath, he discovered that his experience had left him with greatly enhanced reflex speed, and decided to use this gift as a superhero in order to bring some good out of the tragedy.

The best lies are mostly true. All of that happened, but the powers that Henry developed were not those of the body, but of the mind; specifically, the most desired and feared of all psychic abilities -- accurate precognition. Henry is aware that if he were to be open about what he is able to do, he would instantly be seized by any of a dozen factions and interests who wanted to use his talents for their own purposes, and would likely never know another moment's freedom. Even if he somehow avoided that, Pythia continues to cast a shadow over the world even thirty years after her end, and another precog would likely be feared and hated by those he tried to protect.

Posing as yet another hyper-skilled martial artist allows him to avoid all this, but it has consequences of its own. Again, Henry's mind has been enhanced, not his body. He routinely pushes himself past the limits of his endurance in the name of keeping his secret, and suffers minor or even serious injuries as a consequence. Because of his precognition, he often knows that this will happen, and can take steps to mitigate his pain, but cannot avoid it without more undesirable outcomes.

Clarity acts as the leader of the Minor League. Partly this is due to his seniority, partly to his leadership training. But the major reason is that he was the one who assembled the team in the first place, recruiting the Material Guy and Scandalous to help him rescue Moment, whose kidnapping he'd discovered through his "investigations." Despite this, he was blindsided (and dismayed) when the name of the group was proposed, since he'd planned on calling them the Transient Alliance or something cool-sounding.

Henry is actually a Philadelphia native, like most of the team. While he's not close to most of his family -- his attendance at the military school was arranged by his stepfather, and he hasn't seen or spoken to his mother since he was expelled -- he has made attempts to reconcile with his older siblings, with some success. They are, in the main, proud of him, as his career as a community defender echoes that of their late father, one of two hand-to-hand combat instructors employed by JSOT. (The other was a famous Philadelphia-based boxer.)

Clarity -- PL 8

3 | STA 3 | AGL 3 | DEX 2 | FGT 6 | INT 2 | AWE 5 | PRE 2

Enhanced Advantages 10 (Close Attack 3, Defensive Roll, Evasion 2, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative 2, Seize Initiative); Enhanced Defenses 10 (Dodge 5, Parry 5); Senses 4 (precognition) - 24 points

Agile Feint, Close Attack 3, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Evasion 2, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative 3, Inspire, Leadership, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Seize Initiative, Trance, Uncanny Dodge.

Acrobatics 6 (+9), Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+10), Insight 4 (+9), Investigation 6 (+8), Perception 6 (+11), Sleight of Hand 6 (+8), Stealth 8 (+11), Technology 6 (+8)

Initiative +15
Unarmed +13 (Close Damage 3)

Dodge 11/6, Parry 11/6, Fortitude 4, Toughness 5/3, Will 8

Abilities 52 + Powers 24 + Advantages 9 + Skills 26 + Defenses 11 = 122 points

Responsibility--Motivation. Accident
(frequent injuries due to pushing his physical limits). Blindfold (actually semi-transparent, but still renders Impaired on visual Perception and Search checks). Secret (precognition).


Martin Callahan

Martin Callahan, age 57, is an employee of the cleaning company that has a contract to provide janitorial services for the headquarters of Philadelphia's official superhero team, the Minor League. He is consistently given the assignment to act as the building's caretaker, accepting just enough other assignments to maintain plausible deniability. It will probably not come as any surprise that he is secretly an agent of the international security agency, Argus, tasked to make sure that they get directed towards matters that Argus wants them to handle.

That's what he's supposed to do, at least. And he actually did make a good faith attempt to do just that, a few times, when he got started with this new assignment in 2018. It wasn't the one that he would have picked -- he'd have greatly preferred to wait out the remaining years until his retirement on guard duty at one of Argus' more secure facilities -- but he was professional enough, then, to do the job. But every time that he tried to arrange matters so that these meddling kids would find out about their assignments, the one who swans about in a blindfold would tell them about the task in question, claiming to have learned about it from his own sources.

By the sixth time this happened, Martin had had enough. He had his suspicions about the real sources of Clarity's discoveries, but no way of proving them without exposing himself. So he decided to report back to his superiors that he was succeeding in feeding intel to the Minor League, while no longer even trying to do so. When he gets his assignments, he destroys them after reading, and then watches the team head off to deal with the situation that they describe without any effort on his part.

It's the cushiest job he's ever had, and he doesn't want to do anything that will jeopardize it. Three more years, and then he can go spend the rest of his life fishing. Martin retains just enough professionalism that if the Minor League's headquarters came under attack, he would covertly assist in its defense, with a focus on protecting any innocents caught in the crossfire. The dumb kids do not count as innocents for this purpose. Well, maybe Moment, but she can probably take care of herself.

Martin is a veteran of JSOT and returned to the army after the end of the Pythonian Insurgency, ending up serving in the invasion of Syria. He doesn't have fond memories of those years, and this definitely contributes to his grouchy and generally unpleasant demeanor, which has kept him from getting the more sedate assignments that he'd prefer. He feels, probably correctly, that he's much too old for this, and somewhat regrets listening to Argus' recruiter after he finally left the military. He also doesn't get on very well with True Believer's handler, who contacted him after he received this assignment.

Martin Callahan -- PL 5

2 | STA 3 | AGL 1 | DEX 3 | FGT 5 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 3

All-out Attack, Assessment, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Roll, Equipment 5, Evasion, Fearless, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot (Ranged, Cover), Ranged Attack 2, Teamwork.

Heavy Pistol (Ranged Damage 4) and 17 points of equipment as needed.

Acrobatics 3 (+4), Athletics 2 (+4), Deception 4 (+7), Expertise: Military 5 (+6), Expertise: Survival 4 (+5), Insight 5 (+7), Intimidation 5 (+8), Investigation 6 (+7), Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 2 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5), Technology 4 (+5), Vehicles 2 (+5).

Initiative +1
Unarmed +5 (Close Damage 2)
Heavy Pistol +5 (Ranged Damage 4)

Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 5/2, Will 5

Abilities 40 + Advantages 18 + Skills 26 + Defenses 9 = 93 points

Vestiges of Professionalism--Motivation. Past His Prime. Secret
(Argus agent).


Lord Ranivorous

According to the most credible of his numerous passports, the man who styles himself Lord Ranivorous was born Carlo Maltese in Milan, in December 1966. He has abandoned that name, however, and regards any other name he might employ as a mere alias meant to cover the glory that is his by right as the only begotten son of the Greatest Scientific Mind of Any Age, Dr. Silas Ranivorous. Pointing out that Dr. Ranivorous spent the entirety of 1966 in prison in America, making it unlikely that he could be his son, is likely to provoke a furious rant about how men of genius go where they please. (And it should be noted that he does bear a resemblance to the old monster.)

He made his debut as a would-be world conqueror in 2007, opposed by Argus agents and by various law enforcement agencies. He led a mostly undistinguished career over the next decade, never succeeding in any of his campaigns but rarely captured and never held for long, either. His most distinctive trait, in contrast to other mad scientists, was that he was very successful at building organizations to support his ambitions. Where the majority of scientist villains employ only laboratory assistants and rely on their creations for security, Lord Ranivorous was usually supported by dozens of mercenaries commanded by crack professionals selected by himself. While not a good boss by any stretch of the imagination, he was well-regarded in the mercenary community as someone who always paid his bills.

In 2017, he was meeting with a potential new lieutenant in a certain Greek restaurant at the same time that Petra Iraklidis awakened to her gravity control powers. He was the only other person in the dining room to realize the implications of what he'd just seen, and immediately began thinking of ways to exploit the powers he'd just witnessed. Working out the details and building a sufficient organization to implement them took a few months. He built an earthquake machine that would use 'Moment's' powers as a battery, kidnapped her, and prepared to extort Philadelphia's government for millions of dollars ... then activate the machine regardless of whether or not he'd been paid. (How else would they know that he wasn't bluffing?)

The other three members of the Minor League thwarted this plan, earning Lord Ranivorous' eternal enmity. He has sought revenge on the group on four separate occasions since then, as well as outfitting various other villains who've opposed the team for their own reasons. While engaged in a variety of criminal enterprises to support these operations, his organization is entirely directed towards defeating the Minor League, and he has ignored 'invitations' by other criminal masterminds, ranging from Melania Domnina (the Minor League's other nemesis) to the Combination, to cooperate with them.

Out of the Minor League's membership, it's known that Lord Ranivorous fears Scandalous more than any of the others. The physical powers that the Material Guy and Moment possess can be opposed by sufficient firepower, but none of his followers' weapons will make the least bit of difference against someone who can control their perceptions and can kill with a thought. Thus, he has taken steps to protect himself against her powers, both through a technological solution and a mental regime designed to allow him to break free of illusions that overcome his defenses. He's much less worried about Clarity, but is increasingly suspicious that the man must have some mental advantages to assist him in overcoming his plans.

Lord Ranivorous -- PL 8

-1 | STA 0 | AGL 0 | DEX 2 | FGT 2 | INT 8 | AWE 3 | PRE 1

Mind Shielding Helmet:
Impervious Will 8, Limited to mental effects; Removable (-1 point) - 3 points

Defensive Roll, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 20, Evasion, Inventor, Language 3 (English, others, [Italian is native]), Ranged Attack 4, Second Chance (Will resistance against illusions), Speed of Thought, Well-Informed.

100 points for any bases or vehicles needed for a given plot.

Deception 12 (+13), Expertise: Criminal 5 (+13), Expertise: Science 6 (+14), Expertise: Streetwise 5 (+13), Insight 8 (+11), Investigation 4 (+12), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+9), Technology 6 (+14), Vehicles 8 (+10).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +2 (Close Damage -1)
Ranged +6 (by invention)

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 2/0, Will 11

Abilities 30 + Powers 3 + Advantages 33 + Skills 35 + Defense 20 = 122 points

Revenge--Motivation. Temper
(especially concerning his supposed parentage).

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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