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I would love some interesting challenges that involve threats to ourselves as well as our plans. If anybody has some good ideas for an adventure involving our evil party please let me know so i can tell my DM, (Or he can read this, since i'm the one responsible for asking questions online in the group.

Howdy Drazen! :)

looking at my notes for creatures equal to or ABOVE Demiurge level (mostly above) and I have ideas for 37 different beings/races (only 6 are unique individuals). Of course it might take me a while to get those fleshed out... :rolleyes:

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Demon Prince
Howdy Drazen! :)

looking at my notes for creatures equal to or ABOVE Demiurge level (mostly above) and I have ideas for 37 different beings/races (only 6 are unique individuals). Of course it might take me a while to get those fleshed out... :rolleyes:
Cool. Can't wait for fresh meat to enter the market.

Cool. Can't wait for fresh meat to enter the market.

Hey Draven buddy! :)

Well of course sadly you will have to wait a while. As noted in the other thread I am working on Alien Gods & Fallen Angels. That is Epic Level 5th Edition (with a conversion to 3.5E shortly thereafter). It will only have ONE monster that will be able to go toe-to-toe with your party.

IF I can keep doing a few of these new Bestiaries (and I'll have at least ONE crazy super-monster in each) I will eventually have a Bestiary that includes a majority of super high level Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse breakers. Then I can fit in all the best of the mad ideas I have come up with.

However, to start with obviously it makes sense to keep the majority of the CRs in the Hero-Deity-to-Elder One range (CR 21-200 in 3.5E terms).


Demon Prince
Well. I have a fortress I'll post soon, once i get the time. It's pretty awesome (And took me a while to create it)
Anyway, here are the base stuff.
  • The complex is huge, with multiple patrols (Made of 8 level 20 fighter paragon skeletons, 4 paragon winterwights, 2 Ghost three-headed Sirrush, 3 Paragon death tryants, and 3 lich spellcasters (Level 20)
  • outer walls are 12 foot thick of magically treated adamantine and multiple protection spells (inner walls are only 6 ft thick) . Between those a permanent wall of force.
  • The entire complex has a spell designed to protect from intruders. Sotra like guards in wards except everything is turned up to 11. If someone enters uninvited, a permanent wall of fog covers EVERYTHING reducing movement rate by a good deal, every door is wizard locked, every unattended object becomes magically animated to defend and eliminate or subdue the threat, all creatures who are working for me (And myself) are alerted with a mental signal giving exact coordinates to the breacher(s) whereabouts, the entire complex radiates death forcing saves each round (DC 589 Fort) or simply die, those with 100 HD or less automatically fail their saves, Also constant confusion spells assault those who dare enter along with mass suggestion each round (To influence harm among them).
  • The complex is extremely immense, with multiple above and below grounds.
  • Not all of my rooms have stuff in them, eventually when you have 100+ rooms you kinda run out of ideas
  • The outside are guarded by 12 paragon great wyrm void dragons, I would make an army but i kinda can't make anymore
  • We are located in a privately made demiplane, with connections to 5 different universes and 12 different worlds. These worlds i rule with like a bazillion skeletons, death kights, ghasts, vampires, nosferatu, and a WHOLE lot of more lesser undead. Actual armies are usually made with paragon winterwights. I may be able to control unlimited undead but the DM knows when enough is enough, and i have enough.
  • I like to keep it COLD, always. Only guest rooms are heated (Optional) and i prefer cold undead. I keep my place at a comfortable -14 degrees. (For me, at least)
  • Anybody who dies in a 2 mile radius around the complex or in as living creatures are animated as ghosts to serve me permanently. It's called Drazen's Eternal Unrest and It's pretty cool
  • I usually only allow dead stuff, but the Phane on my council and those i occasionally allow (Yes the abomination) Is an exception. Along with anybody my bother Druza deems worthy (Usually young girls who he sways and fall in love with him, my character always saw this as a flaw and waste of time......cause i don't know what love is (T^T) I also know these "females" usually die when he grows bored. Fun Fact.
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Demon Prince
Does anyone have any room suggestions? No libraries (I got like 18) No altars (Some of my subordinates have those and i do not worship) No Summoning rooms (I have 3 already) Already got and undead creation room, i got 1/4th of the 2nd floor i believe to magical, academical, alchemy, and genetic experiments and scientific research. I have multiple guest rooms, though i might build another structure dedicated to such things. I have multiple storage rooms to a mirror room and private wing belonging to myself
Any such room would do, my dm and cousin (Plays my brother) ran out of ideas. I Have been builden this place since level 203. It could be a unused storeroom, a old supply closet, a simple type of study, a room dedicated to some special weird purpose, i just need ideas,

Does anyone have any room suggestions? No libraries (I got like 18) No altars (Some of my subordinates have those and i do not worship) No Summoning rooms (I have 3 already) Already got and undead creation room, i got 1/4th of the 2nd floor i believe to magical, academical, alchemy, and genetic experiments and scientific research. I have multiple guest rooms, though i might build another structure dedicated to such things. I have multiple storage rooms to a mirror room and private wing belonging to myself
Any such room would do, my dm and cousin (Plays my brother) ran out of ideas. I Have been builden this place since level 203. It could be a unused storeroom, a old supply closet, a simple type of study, a room dedicated to some special weird purpose, i just need ideas,

Hello again! :)

I remember when redesigning Throne of Bloodstone I added a Nursery of Atropal in there.

That said, I would always judge a character by their enemies...who are yours? I think this is the missing component of your campaign.


Demon Prince
Hello again! :)

I remember when redesigning Throne of Bloodstone I added a Nursery of Atropal in there.

That said, I would always judge a character by their enemies...who are yours? I think this is the missing component of your campaign.
Enemies? In this aspect i have a few,
  • the entire holy armada on the planet Yun whose king used to be good friends with me until i betrayed him for more power, and killed his daughter secretly. He found out and now hates my guts. (He has an army of a million holy paladins about i think level 25 who ride platinum dragons
  • A Macrobe Elf (682 fighter/120 Barbarian/35 Ranger) named Titus Loresbane who was the sole macrobe that survived our brute slaughter on his entire tribe. He has a great great wyrm N (GT) Quasar Dragon named Frivalor (500 wizard/128 Loremaster) who acts as his companion
  • Alvataz (879 Fighter) a Distant First One (Double portfolios in sky, sun, and strength) from a destroyed universe. Zarfenowrath killed off their entire pantheon (I helped capture most of his friends souls including his wives immortal spirit who i used to unleash my overshadow ability to kill his poor son. We reeked some sad and twisted stuff in that adventure
  • The regulators hate our guts. We make war with them often.
  • Along with that i have about a dozen rival evil spellcasters, sorcerers, and made dozens of enemies in the council of time. Unfortunately i cannot remember too many of rivals and old enemies on the top of my head (We have so many!)
  • Some others include A time lord named Monatrigalion.


Demon Prince
Adventure Update

So here we go again. Our quest to defeat metatron was a successful one, we slayed 1 First One (Metatron) and managed to imprison the 2 Elder Ones back into their respective planes. Metatron has been replaced by a young man named Zurvath, who later changed it into Metatron and was once more imprisoned by a team of greater deities. Anyway, the battle was epic with Zorvonion Purifiers who we AGAIN probably made new enemies. blah blah blah a lot of stuff happened we got some pretty good xp to knock us into the NEXT level and got us partially halfway to the next. We got some good treasure and baubles but most were holy items and useless to our party members, considering they are all evil. We also prevented the collapse of the lower planes AND made friends with some higher up demons and devils. Along with a congratulations from Asmodeus himself. Anyway the cosmic balance is slowly reforming itself. Their was a LOT that happened between these events. Bunch of plot stuff but i REALLY am tired. It seems my motto in life is Work. Eat. Sleep. Work. lately.
On another note the DM is letting us return to our pet projects. my little "capture more artifacts and duplicate them" is coming into fruition. I have successfully raided the gleaners. They STILL know not who stole from them but i obliterated MOST of their organization. Union Sentinels are trying to find clues as to how they disappeared but ever since i finally started casting spells nobody knows nothing and probably stay knowing nothing. My new 182-something treasure trove of artifacts is pretty cool and i am equipping myself with only the most beneficial to me of them
However, disturbing rumors of mystra gathering the most powerful of spellcasters into a NEW order is a little strange. I'm not sure though, but it seems like she knows something. Most of the gods felt the cosmic imbalance for a while so i'm not sure if i should make a move just yet. But the disappearance of that many artifacts is sure to stir up suspicion.
Also a group of Nths have came to me seeking i join their council to help unravel time. I actually joined them surprisingly. They know a good deal about pretty much everything.
I created a NEW of organization called "The Shadow Syndicate" A new epic organization. Think Zhentriam but a WHOLE lot more clever and more powerful. With people in the level 100's joining the ranks. This organization is slowly building up more and more power in multiple universes and planets. With a spelljamming armada being constructed in secret and unnaturally powerful ships being constructed we are slowly starting our dominion. I think we should announce us as the culprit who stole the artifacts from the gleaners.
My politics along the dozen or so worlds/Galaxies/Solar System. (My Dm Was kind enough to point out i rule over a hundred Worlds. Not sure how i can mess that up. But i'm a scatterbrain) i rule are going well . My undead militia is keeping the living residents in check. With a perfect system of government among the people and a decent range of freedom is among them. So no riots out of 78,920 something major cities. My rule is fair and just (Sometimes) You have to admit that's impressive. I rule through fear and respect
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Demon Prince
Oh, fun fact: I plan on taking multiple metals like dark steel, Orichalculum, neutronium, and adamantine along with multiple variables and experiments to create the perfect alloy. An impenetrable super-alloy virtually indestructible. I am about to drazen to some advanced college-level science. Oh YEAH
So krusty, wanna go?
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Demon Prince
That's right, you better like! FEAR MY SUPREME POWER!!!! For i will become a legend and all who oppose me will DIE!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!!!

Sorry, somebody brought a lot of donuts at my work. Made me extremely happy they brought cinnamon donuts, so now i just am in a good mood all day . Man i love food! (y)

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