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So, Wandavision?

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Based on what I’ve seen, it looks interesting. I have only watched some of the peripheral Marvel movies, though - both Guardians of the Galaxy films, Captain Marvel and Black Panther.

Will I be able to enjoy this without having seen all the Avengers movies and such?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Based on what I’ve seen, it looks interesting. I have only watched some of the peripheral Marvel movies, though - both Guardians of the Galaxy films, Captain Marvel and Black Panther.

Will I be able to enjoy this without having seen all the Avengers movies and such?
The plot doesn’t appear related to any movies yet so far, as far as I can tell. You probably need to know she’s a powerful witch and he’s a sentient robot, but that’s about it.


The plot doesn’t appear related to any movies yet so far, as far as I can tell. You probably need to know she’s a powerful witch and he’s a sentient robot, but that’s about it.
Good to know. I might watch the two available episodes later today then.

I was going to start a thread, but wasn't sure if it was already airing in the UK. I just started episode two, but had to deal with some real life issues, so i haven't been able to finish it yet. But...the sword on the toy helicopter is the symbol of S.W.O.R.D. which for the show and MCU stands for Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division. Episode one was inspired by The Dick Van Dyke Show, while two from what I've seen looks like and reminds me of Bewitched.

I also liked the fake commercial for Stark Industries' toaster....

Based on what I’ve seen, it looks interesting. I have only watched some of the peripheral Marvel movies, though - both Guardians of the Galaxy films, Captain Marvel and Black Panther.

Will I be able to enjoy this without having seen all the Avengers movies and such?
you might want to watch the Marvel Studios: Legends mini-episodes, as that's meant to be a newbie guide to help bring you up to speed on whose who.

It’s on Disney+.

Yikes. Well that explains my disconnect. I’ve never seen the latter and never even heard of the former. I might struggle with this series.
It's hard to keep track of which streamers or shows do world wide release and which you have to wait for depending on where you live...

Episode three zips over to the ’70s with Brady Bunch/Partridge Family–style antics. Episode four is the ’80s episode, which takes its inspiration from Family Ties. Episode five heads to the ’90s and Roseanne and so on into the 2000s with Modern Family and Office homages.


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