The Suicide Squad (Spoilers after OP)


No flips for you!
I only knew king shark other than Rick and Harley, and that was due to his appearance in the DC animated movies. The others were a complete mystery to me.

Like I told my brother in some ways this one was better than the 2016 one, while in other ways that one was better.

As for Starro, he doesn't eat he enslaves people.

"Have you come to save me from that madman?! Thirty years he's kept me here...tortured me...had his way with me!''" way to go guys you pissed off an alien who was pretty chill with just drifting in space.
They had a line that he feeds on the mental energy of the people he enslaves, and another that they're effectively dead once taken.

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A suffusion of yellow
I liked it,especially for a DC movie, though I still prefer Shazam, I’m also happy that BS and the Snyderverse has been adandoned and buried.

Unfortunately the trailers revealed too much of the story which was adequate for the Suicide Squad set up. I did like the in media res start and use of flashbacks and comic book frames. The death of Captain Boomerang was unexpected, so kudos for that.

I dont tend to like gore but this had much less than I expected from review comments, I actually thought it was rather tame for something that references Suicide. It did have too much swearing and peacemakers unfunny lines were in the trailer.

The Harley-Presidente scene and the conversation on the bus were nice, The final resolution was a bit ratty though,

Enjoyable, fun movie, that embraces its gonzo comic book nature


I mean…. The movie set out to do a job and did it.

Didn’t take itself too seriously, which I think was something missing from the previous version.

I enjoyed its


Clearly an improvement over the original. Much better pacing and focused on what I wanted to see.

I consider it a solid Superhero movie, probably solidly average, which is a step up for DC whose movies have generally not been great


It was a decent flick. I thought it ran about 30 minutes too long. Harley still grates on my nerves. The entire sequence with the president could've been cut for time - and just started with her captured by the general.
Also, does Harley not have an explosive chip or tracking module? Was that explained in a previous movie?

i enjoyed it. Was actually surprised with the surviving lineup. If i had been taking bets i would have bet on slightly different people surviving

At times it felt a l little long but the bad guy was far superior to the orginal bad guys from the first 1.

Capaldi and polka dot man were the show stealers! I didn't know anything about polka dot and i hope we see him in future comic book stories.

what were those strange fish that tried to eat shark? they clearly weren't starfish
Starfish walking was silly and i wish they did something a little different with its movement. Does it act like that in the comics?

i probably would have edited out some of the stuff in the middle of the movie as it dragged (for me ) during that time


Golden Procrastinator
I found it mildly entertaining. It was an OK way to spend the evening, but I don't think I'm going to watch it again in the future. As mentioned by others, the writing wasn't great and I found some of the scenes telegraphed (like Polka-Dot Man demise).


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
It was a decent flick. I thought it ran about 30 minutes too long. Harley still grates on my nerves. The entire sequence with the president could've been cut for time - and just started with her captured by the general.
Also, does Harley not have an explosive chip or tracking module? Was that explained in a previous movie?
Cut the president sequence!? It was one of the best of the entire movie! TSS did seem a little long but thats pretty much all comic book movies now. Pretty sure she had the explodo chip like the whole squad did. Guess Gunn left out an insertion scene which would have made the movie even longer.
Capaldi and polka dot man were the show stealers! I didn't know anything about polka dot and i hope we see him in future comic book stories.
I did enjoy polka dot man that was an excellent character. However, I thought Capaldi's character was disappointing. With a character like The Thinker you'd expect some type of double or triple cross to complicate the plot. All Thinker does is info dump and get killed...

Starfish walking was silly and i wish they did something a little different with its movement. Does it act like that in the comics?
umm yeah



My scene stealer was actually rat catcher 2, she brought some actual heart and emotion to the movie, was my fav character by far.

yeah my issue was the thinker is I never actually saw him think…he didn’t do one cool thing in the whole movie.

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