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The Suicide Squad (Spoilers after OP)

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I enjoyed it. It had the expected James Gunn touches, but I think they gave away the best bits in the trailers (as many movies do these days :-\ ). I think they would have had more impact/more funny in context.

Note to those who have not seen it: there is a scene after all the credits, but it's mainly setting up for a different (non-Suicide Squad, I think) movie.


I haven't seen any of the other Suicide Squad movies. I tried to watch the first one and found the Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship so problematic that I was disgusted. Not to mention, the movie just seemed awful.

Is it okay to watch this one without the others?


No flips for you!
I haven't seen any of the other Suicide Squad movies. I tried to watch the first one and found the Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship so problematic that I was disgusted. Not to mention, the movie just seemed awful.

Is it okay to watch this one without the others?
Oh, yes, no prior viewing needed.

Note to those who have not seen it: there is a scene after all the credits, but it's mainly setting up for a different (non-Suicide Squad, I think) movie.
It's a setup for a tv show on HBO max
The biggest disappointment for me was king shark didn't say "king shark is a shark" lol also bloodsport made me think of Armory from batman beyond.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
The Good; I love the music in Gunn's movies! The characters were a lot of fun. My favorite part was polka dot man seeing his mother in everyone.

The Bad;
The writing could have been better. Some of the dialogue feels like a miss.

The Ugly;
Too many F-bombs reminding us constantly that this is an R rated movie. After another attempt, The Suicide Squad concept itself just might not be a very good one.

I give it three out of five stars.


No flips for you!
Okay, my full take, now that the thread's a few days old.

There's no character development except for Bloodsport and Nanaue. Bloodsport, obviously, gets the arc from "bad" guy to "not as bad guy who tries to help," except, this isn't really much of an arc because we always see him helping (he joins the team to save his daughter!). We mostly get his "I'm bad" from him telling us so often rather than actually seeing it. So, on second thought, Bloodsport doesn't really have much of an arc. Which leaves Nanaue, who does, even if it's simple and trite. He goes from eating machine to eating machine with the power of friendship! He chooses to have friends and act differently towards them. Pretty basic, rather trite, but it's the standout character development of the movie.

The big bad is confused, badly. I had thought that, given the lead up and fight over the evidence of US involvement in the experiments, that the actual Starfish thing was going to turn out to be 'not a bad guy.' That the 'bad guy' was going to be a combination of the different team goals and having to deal with the entirety of the corrupt military of the island without support from Waller (even hinderance from Waller). But, nope, that wraps up neatly in time for the Starfish to go on a rampage with an explicit goal of eating everyone on the island. Why Waller was okay with this, I'm not sure, unless the heroes missed the clear kryptonite of ocean water, because I don't understand why the Starfish was not going to be able to walk/use boats/move to the mainland. Failure to provide limits to the threat. But, I digress. So the Starfish is the bad guy, again, and, as such, pretty underwhelming. The final action scene was pretty bland.

Now, to some other complaints. Harley was awesome with the Presidente. I mean, I loved that sequence -- it showcased her very well throughout, and the shooting after he started saying he was going to feed his enemies to the Starfish was fantastic! Especially the bits where she talked to him as he was dying as if it was a normal conversation. Clearly shows Harley as off her rocker dangerous. But, then, they have her captured. And tortured. And, suddenly, Harley is able to tear through the building of soldiers as if they're toddlers -- she's never in any danger, she's a force of nature, and doesn't even get a scratch tearing through the building. Something she hasn't ever done, nor shown was possible in this movie, as she was captured twice by those same soldiers. It was just weird, and seemed to be put together so that she isn't rescued by Team All Boys. I mean, I get that, but they could have done that scene where Harley stays Harley instead of combat goddess Harley. It was weird. Oh, and Ratcatcher 2 is a bigger threat than the Starfish. Like, wow.

All that said, I actually enjoyed this flick. Probably due to Gunn's humorous influence. I felt it was way better integrated than the first one, and a solid entry into the franchise. I have a pretty low opinion of most of the recent post Snyder Batman DC flicks due to how they seem to really misunderstand the characters, so this one actually rates at the top because it mostly doesn't misunderstand it's characters. Or, maybe, it's using characters I'm not familiar with so it doesn't grate on my like watching Superman get mangled.

Or, maybe, it's using characters I'm not familiar with so it doesn't grate on my like watching Superman get mangled.
I only knew king shark other than Rick and Harley, and that was due to his appearance in the DC animated movies. The others were a complete mystery to me.

Like I told my brother in some ways this one was better than the 2016 one, while in other ways that one was better.

As for Starro, he doesn't eat he enslaves people.

"Have you come to save me from that madman?! Thirty years he's kept me here...tortured me...had his way with me!''" way to go guys you pissed off an alien who was pretty chill with just drifting in space.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. I mean, I’d likely prefer a more grounded take on the Squad instead of it being so gonzo….but this was a fun movie.

In a way it did remind me of the classic comic I read as a kid because it essentially embraces the DCU in all its absurdity. From Peacemaker’s outfit to Polka Dot Man’s ridiculous power to Starro the Conqueror….this movie takes those elements and uses them as they are without being embarrassed to do so.

That was a breath of fresh air.

Aside from that, the movie does have some flaws, but none are so terrible as to ruin my enjoyment of it.

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