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There are a lot of adjectives I would use to describe Voyager ... some of the positive! ... but none of them are "beloved."
There are really fans of every series. ENT and VOY might be my least favorite, but I've read stories about people that loved VOY and what it did to their lives, and so I am fairly confident in saying that it's beloved (and so are all the others).

I expect you'll find examples of course corrections at warp in every series. Warp speed is mostly for straight lines, but, you know, you don't slingshot around a star to time travel by flying in a straight line...
Hehe, true. But I limited my remark to VOY specifically because maybe VOY at least tried to keep its story (and warp trails) straight, and it did not.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
There are really fans of every series. ENT and VOY might be my least favorite, but I've read stories about people that loved VOY and what it did to their lives, and so I am fairly confident in saying that it's beloved (and so are all the others).

I am not being negative in that way- look, personal opinions are personal! And there is no accounting for taste.

I watched Voyager when it first aired. And even now, there are still parts of it that are good, or even great! Year of Hell, obviously, but they had other good shows.

But just stating something that is inarguably true (pretty much everything has fans ... if you look hard enough) usually doesn't mean that you would generally call it "beloved." That's more of an odd descriptor for one of the lesser-loved shows in the Star Trek canon. Not the least loved, but certainly far from the most loved.

I mean, it's certainly no Star Trek: The Animated Series! Capt. Bobby April FTW!!!!! ;)


Hehe, true. But I limited my remark to VOY specifically because maybe VOY at least tried to keep its story (and warp trails) straight, and it did not.
The comment that Warp was great for going in straight lines wasn't meant to suggest that you could only travel in straight lines at warp. It was in the context of someone who'd really tricked-out their ship's impulse engines for racing, and was intended to indicate that, while warp was best for just getting from A to B, impulse was king when it came to manoeuvring.


I don't know what the fuss is about not going in a straight line. It's being flown by kids. What the heck do you expect?

When I was younger, I remember thinking it was hard to keep up on more than one Star Trek show at once. Having DS9 on the air at the same time as TNG and VOY was a lot for me to handle. No other shows that I watched did it.

The current line up is... a lot more. Are we seriously looking at 4 shows at once? I'm already burned out on Marvel.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
The current line up is... a lot more. Are we seriously looking at 4 shows at once? I'm already burned out on Marvel.

Let's see-
1. ST: Disco.
2. Picard
3. Lower Decks
4. Prodigy (you know, for kids!)
5. Strange New Worlds (you know, for Capt. Pike!)

....so there will be 5 concurrent series.

There should also be a Section 31 series with Michelle Yeoh, but that's a little more unclear in terms of when (or maybe if?) it will be out.

When I was younger, I remember thinking it was hard to keep up on more than one Star Trek show at once. Having DS9 on the air at the same time as TNG and VOY was a lot for me to handle. No other shows that I watched did it.

The current line up is... a lot more. Are we seriously looking at 4 shows at once? I'm already burned out on Marvel.
It are more shows, but not really more episodes. The old shows had 25+ episodes each season, the new ones are 12-13 episodes or so. I think the overall goal is to have basically weekly Star Trek. That is "catch-uppable", I think.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
....and I should add that this is nothing.

Personally, I love all of the IP Mining!!!!

I cannot wait until Paramount+ brings me at least 10 different shows based on the Beavis and Butthead Expanded Universe!

.... now that I've said it, you know you want it. You can't unring that bell.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yeah I don't get the burn out. It's an episode a week, not 4 episodes of 4 different shows a week.

The Trek Series are going to be close to the same, with I think only Discovery having a normal broadcast tv schedule, at most?

Voidrunner's Codex

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