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Chaos Walking ...er....??? [Review?]



Ok, interesting premise. Acceptable initial incident. After that though....it's all downhill, then down the beach, into the water, out to sea, and plunged into the Marianas Trench!

I mean, seriously? What the heck were the writers, directors and producers thinking?!? This is what happens when you have a trio of 13 year old's write a story...and then you give them a huge budget for a movie and total control.

There are soooo many plot holes that you won't be looking for them...you'll be looking for the actual movie and story in a sea of plot holes. I have no words to describe just how absolutely horrible this "story" is.

For any that have an Amazon Prime subscription, it's in your Amazon Videos. But I warn you, it's 1 hour and 49 minutes you will NOT get back!


My top 10 questions not answered:
  1. Why is the 2nd ship here? ("The left for a better life"...ok... what was so bad about Earth?)
  2. Why does "it" only affect men?
  3. How/why did everyone break up into different settlements?
  4. Why did the original colonists leave the 1st ship?
  5. What do the aliens have to do with...er...anything? Serioiusly?! ANYTHING at all...
  6. How does a town go 20'ish years keeping a single secret from a single guy?
  7. WHY do they do "it"?
  8. Why does the Mayor want the girl?
  9. Why did the Preacher do that to the dog?
  10. Where the heck is everyone on the 2nd ship? It was supposed to have 4,000 people eager to land.
I could go on for another two or three dozen questions, but man o man! This movie is a train wreck of story telling.

*In regards to #5, this is one of the most confusing. There are "hostile aliens" that live on the planet. Why are they hostile? I don't know. They are enountered ONCE...a fight breaks out...then it leaves when it realizes there's a female. It doesn't run, freaking out...it just kinda casually looks at her, confused for a second or two, then turns and wanders away. Aliens are never encountered again. What was the point? It's almost like someone was pulling an extended "Fight Club" film splice, but with an alien fighting the main character in stead of showing a single frame of a 'periwinkle'.


Paul L. Ming

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Sounds a lot like my reaction to season 2 of "Another Life" on Netflix except that instead of asking "Why?" so many times, I was asking "WHAT?!!!!!"



Hey...I think I got through about half of Another Life (season 1 I guess...didn't know there were 2..proably werent when I watched it). I haven't been a Netflix subscriber since "Cuties" though; that was my line I guess. Dumped them after about 3 years of $15/m for HD streaming. Told them I'll happily come back when they remove Cuties from availability. They still haven't...only in some geographical locations. So...yeah.

Chaos Walking is all full of "why". Like the entirety of the main plot AND the main characters primary driving focus.
Tom Hollands character, "Todd Huette" (really...), his mother was killed when he was a baby so he lives with two guys who 'adopted' him. He lived with them and in the town full of just men until now; he's about 18-20 in the movie. It's his 'driving force' as to why he is terrified of "The Spackles" the 'alien' race (but it's probably their planet, so the humans are the aliens, but anyway). The Spackles killed every woman and child in the town other than a handful who were successfully hidden (like, maybe two or three...all boys). But...here's the 'why' and a 'how'... it turns out that the Spackles didn't kill the women and kids. It was the Mayor of the town and the men because they couldn't handle the women knowing what they were thinking. That's right. Todd's mother was killed by all the men in the town...meaning EVERYONE HE'S EVER KNOWN! And somehow, for almost 20 years, Todd never discovered this...on a planet where men's THOUGHTS get full visual and auditory illusions displayed above their heads for all to see and hear! ... ... Let that sink in.

And that's just one of the plot holes so big you could park a death star in it and the rebels would never know.


Paul L. Ming



Hey...I think I got through about half of Another Life (season 1 I guess...didn't know there were 2..proably werent when I watched it). I haven't been a Netflix subscriber since "Cuties" though; that was my line I guess. Dumped them after about 3 years of $15/m for HD streaming. Told them I'll happily come back when they remove Cuties from availability. They still haven't...only in some geographical locations. So...yeah.

Chaos Walking is all full of "why". Like the entirety of the main plot AND the main characters primary driving focus.
Tom Hollands character, "Todd Huette" (really...), his mother was killed when he was a baby so he lives with two guys who 'adopted' him. He lived with them and in the town full of just men until now; he's about 18-20 in the movie. It's his 'driving force' as to why he is terrified of "The Spackles" the 'alien' race (but it's probably their planet, so the humans are the aliens, but anyway). The Spackles killed every woman and child in the town other than a handful who were successfully hidden (like, maybe two or three...all boys). But...here's the 'why' and a 'how'... it turns out that the Spackles didn't kill the women and kids. It was the Mayor of the town and the men because they couldn't handle the women knowing what they were thinking. That's right. Todd's mother was killed by all the men in the town...meaning EVERYONE HE'S EVER KNOWN! And somehow, for almost 20 years, Todd never discovered this...on a planet where men's THOUGHTS get full visual and auditory illusions displayed above their heads for all to see and hear! ... ... Let that sink in.

And that's just one of the plot holes so big you could park a death star in it and the rebels would never know.


Paul L. Ming
Might want to put that "huge spoiler" in a sblock/spoiler.

It would have made a lot more sense if
only the women could have heard the "noise." Then they could have given the mayor some massive secret from his previous life, on ship or before embarkation, like he was a mass murderer or something. A Khan Noonian Singh or Colonel Green type. Then he would have had motivation for killing off all of the women, who could have revealed his background.

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