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I normally trust audience scores FAR more than Critic scores.

A prime example is when the Mummy came out (decades ago). Critics razed it, gave it lower scores. Audiences LOVED it.

I enjoyed it tremendously...wondered what was wrong with the Critics.

Similar thoughts have popped up sometimes today, it seems the Critics are very, very, wrong in many instances. It amazes me how they can all agree on some movies where the audience absolutely does not agree with them (Especially when critics say something is terrible, but audiences absolutely love it). It just tells me that Critics tend to have terrible tastes compared to the general public...


Earlier poster nah led it with highbrow and low brow movies.

Movies with high critic scores are for people who like champagne cocktails, kale salad, drive a Prius and own an iPhone.

Audience scores are for everyone else.


I find it weird the way your refer to “Critics” with a capital C like they’re some kind of monolithic entity. I’ve very rarely seen a film where every critic agreed. Critics are like any other columnist — you find the ones you like, whose interests and tastes seem aligned with yours. Or not. But they aren’t some weird Borg collective with a single thoughtmind.
Even the Mummy didn't have EVERY critic agree, but the overall critic's reviews put it lower on their scale at around a C rating, while audience reviews at the time (20 years ago) put it in the 90 percentile.

I think the cases I have the worst situations are where reviewers rate something as mediocre or bad while most of the rest of the people who watch it rate it as awesome or great! That's where we see a disconnect.

I do find it interesting that if you go ahead into the future, the reviewers seem to change their outlook or review of a movie that was universally loved by audiences to align more with audience views than what it was originally in some cases. (The Mummy didn't get this fate though, it got rated lower by audiences as time passed till now it is a 75% on Rotton Tomatoes...reviewers seem to keep the same score on that one. You can see even a bigger divide on metacritic, but general audience is still at 87% or thereabouts these days.)

I find similar things with Video games as well...soo...

Either way, I'm looking forward to the New Ghostbusters movie. It looks interesting at least.

(PS: Unpopular opinion as it is, I also enjoyed the last Ghostbusters movie that was made and actually have it on DVD on my shelf).

I do find it interesting that if you go ahead into the future, the reviewers seem to change their outlook or review of a movie that was universally loved by audiences to align more with audience views than what it was originally in some cases.
I see this quite often. Critics pan a movie, the audience praises it. Then it becomes a piece of highly praised movie history and they change their mind about it.

Good I suppose, that they change their mind. But why even pay attention to critic reviews if they can't recognize a piece of Hollywood history when they see it? Critics like Ciskel and Ebert panned Aliens because "it's about a child being put in danger", while everyone else can recognize it for one of the best sequels and action movies ever made. Then what use are film critic reviews?

Other great movies that got panned by critics:

Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz, Lawrence of Arabia, Ben-Hur, Predator, Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, The Shining, Psycho, The Excorcist, Halloween, Fight Club Jumanji, Starship Troopers, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Forest Gump, Titanic, 2001 a Space Oddysey, Godfather part 2, Inception, Gladiator, Jaws, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Apocalypse Now, Alien, The Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix, ET, The Sixth Sense, Black Swan, Reservoir Dogs, No Country for Old Men, Se7en.
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I see this quite often. Critics pan a movie, the audience praises it. Then it becomes a piece of highly praised movie history and they change their mind about it.

Good I suppose, that they change their mind. But why even pay attention to critic reviews if they can't recognize a piece of Hollywood history when they see it? Critics like Ciskel and Ebert panned Aliens because "it's about a child being put in danger", while everyone else can recognize it for one of the best sequels and action movies ever made. Then what use are film critic reviews?

I explained it upthread. They're for people who like kale salad, drive a Prius, own an iPhone and like champagne cocktails.

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