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D&D 5E The Bible Is A New 5E Setting

The Adventurer’s Guide to the Bible is a 5E setting and adventure set in the first century AD. The 350-page book, created by Bible enthusiasts, included four new lineages, a range of subclasses, and an adventure for character levels 1-10, along with a full first-century AD setting with locations like the Library of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, NPCs, and monsters such as...

The Adventurer’s Guide to the Bible is a 5E setting and adventure set in the first century AD.


The 350-page book, created by Bible enthusiasts, included four new lineages, a range of subclasses, and an adventure for character levels 1-10, along with a full first-century AD setting with locations like the Library of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, NPCs, and monsters such as giants, seraph serpents, angels, and demons. The adventure itself involves a search for three missing Magi.

It's $25 for a PDF, or $39 for a hardcover.

Cleopatra is dead. Rome and Parthia struggle for control of the Fertile Crescent in a bid for world domination, while local politics in the Middle Kingdoms become increasingly divisive. The prophecies of the so-called “Messiah” have long been forgotten, and an ancient Evil lurks in the shadows, corrupting the hearts of humankind. Three of the wisest mystics known as the “Magi” travelled to Bethlehem following a star they believed to be a sign. They never returned. Hope grows dim as the world descends into darkness. What we need are answers... and those brave enough to seek them.

This isn’t the first biblical era setting for D&D, although it might be for 5E. Green Ronin released Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era for 3E over a decade ago.


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I saw this a while back on KS, and was cautious about it to say the least.
I may well back it now as the comments are convincing me to give it a shot.

As an aside, there is also Dante's Inferno on KS for 5e too.


Jacob is definitely a rogue, with expertise in Deception but not Perception.

Samson's definitely a barbarian, able to wade into a horde of enemies swinging a jawbone around and being the only one on the battlefield at the end of the day. On the character level, Samson was very impulsive and led by his desires and emotions rather than any sense of discipline, training, expertise, or even justice.
Good call on Samson being represented reasonably by the Barbarian class.

If the Barbarian was called a "Rager" or a "Rage Fighter", its use might be more obvious.

A civilized person might be a Rager.

"Barbarian" feels too ethnic, as if an entire ethnic group is like this.

"Berserker" is too specific, being a Norse, somewhat obscure, shamanic warrior tradition, with only a small group being involved.

But "Rager" is what it says on the tin.

Maybe a (Hebrew) Kanai / (Greek) Zelotes, including a (Latin) Sicarius, is often a "Rager".
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The below text is in one of their updates. I gotta say, pretty bold move to ask your KS backers to help finish your project for you.
Oh, I remember way back in the 4e days Kobold Press did their crowd-funded Courts of the Shadow Fey (and a number of other similar projects, that was the one I got involved with). The whole 'participating' thing is mostly in terms of just "hey, if you want to try stuff out, spitball ideas, give feedback, and generally contribute, be our guest!" Its like posting here, you do whatever you want, or not want, and the project itself is all run by the people doing the kickstarter. Don't make it sound like some sort of free labor kind of thing. Trust me, all the hard, tedious, substantive work happens in the back room! Still, on that project the 'crowd' seemed to have some fairly good ideas and the product did run with some of them, though it always seemed like overall the developers had a pretty good notion of where they were going with things.

I mean, this could be different I suppose, but trying to get any reliable hard work out of a crowd of people online is um, not likely to get far, that's for sure.


Ehh, if we're renaming things, we also should rename monks, that's a regional/religious name (Eastern martial artist monks != Irish scribe monks).

It's general-use terminology that everyone understands. It's not broken, so don't fix it.


Ehh, if we're renaming things, we also should rename monks, that's a regional/religious name (Eastern martial artist monks != Irish scribe monks).

It's general-use terminology that everyone understands. It's not broken, so don't fix it.
Maybe rename Monk as "Athlete".

Then different subclasses can represent the shaolin, ninja, mixed-martial-artist, etcetera.

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