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Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I am sure obi wan will be torn down and made irrelevant by a mary sue.

They tore down the old characters to make the way for Rey, a Mary Sue who can do everything perfectly and defeating anyone, any sith in her way. Its all the rage nowadays, to promote "the message".
New here, eh? So, let me be clear about something: we're not interested in rants about how you hate the 'agenda' or whatever you want to call it. Not only is it mind-numbingly boring, we have a very low tolerance for anti-inclusive behavior. If this is how you're choosing to introducing yourself, you may not last long. Now, time for you to leave this thread, please.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
It shouldn't be that confusing for you, look at how Han Solo turned from a General to a bumbling old man

Age and loss are not good to people.

Or how Luke Skywalker turned from a Jedi to a crazy old lonely bitter man, completely out of character.

He set out to remake the Golden Age, and instead his star pupil nephew turned to evil and apparently slaughtered the other students. After that trauma, with that blood on his hands, and stewing for years, crazy and bitter seems quite plausible.

They tore down the old characters to make the way for Rey, a Mary Sue who can do everything perfectly and defeating anyone, any sith in her way. Its all the rage nowadays, to promote "the message".

If we ask what you mean by "the message", would we find you in violation of this site's inclusivity policy? If yes, maybe you should walk away from this conversation now, before you say something you end up regretting.
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I am wondering how these Inquisitors will tie into the Inquisitors from the Rebels series. That is set about 5 years after when this takes place, unless this show covers more than one set point in the time line. And since Maul is still actively searching for Obi-Wan's location in Rebels, the Inquisitors working for him would have to be different from these, since the ones in this show surviving to go back to Maul would throw off the Rebels time line. But, if this show does move time forward, maybe we see the final Obi-Wan/Maul battle in live-action, which would also mean a first look at a younger version of live-action Ezra Bridger, before the current-time version appears in the Ahsoka show.
The one talking (and shown with the spinning blade) is the Grand Inquisitor. I also spotted the Fifth Brother (with his distinctive hat) in a few shots. I don't recognize the black woman. It's possible she's the Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order. Otherwise, I'd assume she's new.
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Do we have anything in canon from this time period saying that Maul was leading the inquisitors at this time? He's running Black Sun at the time of Solo, and a renegade hunted by the Inquisitors when we first meet him in Rebels.

Had to go look back up, since it has been a while since I watched Rebels, and yeah, somehow I was remembering that totally backwards and they were hunting him too. I must have somehow swapped him and Vader, since Vader was in the show too.


New here, eh? So, let me be clear about something: we're not interested in rants about how you hate the 'agenda' or whatever you want to call it. Not only is it mind-numbingly boring, we have a very low tolerance for anti-inclusive behavior. If this is how you're choosing to introducing yourself, you may not last long. Now, time for you to leave this thread, please.
bro, writing crappy stories destroying other peoples beloved original characters is not "good story writing". Being a naughty word writer has nothing to do with "inclusive". If you think in order to write a new matrix you have to naughty word on Neo, then I'm sorry you are just bad and probably should stick to writing content that leverages other peoples creative work, liking writing more levels for 5e. Good thing you have a forum to promote your books 24x7.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
bro, writing crappy stories destroying other peoples beloved original characters is not "good story writing". Being a naughty word writer has nothing to do with "inclusive". If you think in order to write a new matrix you have to naughty word on Neo, then I'm sorry you are just bad and probably should stick to writing content that leverages other peoples creative work, liking writing more levels for 5e. Good thing you have a forum to promote your books 24x7.

Same here. Or at least it's the chunk of character arc real estate I most want to see developed combined with an actor I really want to see return to a role. The necessities of wrapping up Episode III in a way that set everything where it was at the opening of Episode IV left us with the impression that Kenobi went straight from Jedi Warrior in his prime who jet sets around the galaxy and regularly solos whole rooms of enemies with a devil-may-care gleam in his eye to desert hermit-monk who's only mission is 20 years of vaguely keeping an eye on a kid who never meets him. You have to assume he got out and stretched his legs with some adventure off and on during that time, but the movies leave no real sense of what that may look like.
Agreed, a lot of time that isn't well filled in other than he apparently
kills maul real quick
. I'm guessing they won't do some big team up thing since that's Mando's schtick. Keeping it as a lone jedi against the bad guys would work for me. Probably a couple side characters that he interacts with for exposition, character growth, moving the plot along is all I need. Or let the bad guys do a lot of the heavy lifting. They looked pretty awesome from the few bits of trailer we saw.

The trailer looks awesome! More than two months away, sigh...

I'd be interested in seeing more about the Inquisitors, since they were largely destroyed by the end of season 2 of SW:Rebels. And I'd love to see Liam Neeson as the surprise cameo of the series. (Although I suppose Grogu could cameo as well...)

And I'd love to see Liam Neeson as the surprise cameo of the series. (Although I suppose Grogu could cameo as well...)

Qui-Gon would have to be in a flashback or as a Force ghost. Yoda is a possibility, if Obi-Wan does travel off-planet and knows his location. Another question is which other Jedi are still alive roughly 10 years after Order 66, since it has been stated somewhere that this series is set around halfway between the prequel and original trilogies. After all, no way we are not going to see the Inquisitors fighting Jedi other than Obi-Wan.

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