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D&D 5E 5e monsters that can indefinitely charm.....(SPOILER for N1:Against the cult of the Reptile God)


Also, charm vs dominate is a fun distinction in 5e.

Someone charmed is unable to hurt the person they have charmed, and that person has advantage on social skill checks. That is it.

So a long-duration charm effect is great. You can then have domination or suggestions require a skill check by the Naga.

Hypnotic Eyes: When a creature first sees the Naga's eyes, they must make a DC X wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the Naga. In addition, as an action, the Naga can also stare deeply into one creatures eyes; this creature must make a DC X wisdom saving throw or become charmed; if they pass the second saving throw, they are immune to the Naga's eyes for 24 hours.

Success or failure, the target is unaware of being charmed.

Creatures Charmed by the Naga this way are also unable to damage the Naga's allies. If a creature protected by this (including the Naga) damages a Charmed creature, that Charmed creature becomes able to harm that specific protected creature.

Suggestion: As an action the Naga can suggest a course of action to creatures they have Charmed. The Naga makes a Charisma(Persuasion) check opposed by their Wisdom(Insight). Creatures who fail this check are compelled to follow the suggestion. Creatures who succeed in this check cannot be suggested to do a substantially identical suggestion for 24 hours, unless circumstances change significantly. They get a Wisdom saving throw to throw off the suggestion:
  • After 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and every year after the suggestion effect starts
  • Whenever the suggestion entails doing damage or other concrete harm to a friend or ally
  • Whenever the suggestion would cause them to violate their bonds, ideals or flaws
If the suggestion goes along with their bonds, ideals or flaws, the saving throw is at disadvantage.

Domination: As an action the Naga can attempt to dominate a creature they have Charmed. The Naga makes a Charisma(Intimidation) check opposed by any of Intelligence(Investigation), Wisdom(Insight) or Charisma(Deception). If the Naga succeeds, the creature is Dominated for 1 round for every point the Naga won. At the end of each of the creature's turns, they make a saving throw (based off the attribute used to resist the Domination) to end the Domination.

When the Domination fails or ends, the Charmed creature makes a DC X wisdom saving throw to end the Charmed effect.

Depending on the skill used to defend, a different effect happens when the defender defeats the Naga's domination:
Deception: The Naga is unaware the Domination failed. The target is told what to do, and is free to do it or not.
Investigation: The Naga has no longer has advantage on Charisma ability checks on the creature while the creature is charmed.
Insight: Their saving throws against the Naga's Charmed condition are at advantage.


Probably too complex. Still, fun to think about.
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Here is a complete stat block I wrote up.

I tried to make as many abilities "story generators". Most of its stat block isn't that useful in a "surprise combat". It is intended to be used as a BBEG. By the time the PCs fight it, hopefully most of them are unknowingly charmed by it.

To use it effectively, you'll have to know the PCs bonds/ideals/flaws, as well as have ideas of the important NPCs bonds/ideals/flaws.

Naga Dominator
Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class
15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (12d10 + 20)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 15 (+2)
CHA 20 (+5)
Saving Throws DEX +6, CON +5, WIS +5, CHA +8
Skills: Intimidation +8, Deception +8, Insight +5, Persuasion +8
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned
Senses Tremorsense 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages Abyssal, Common
Challenge 9 (5000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Rejuvenation. If it dies, the Naga returns to life in 1d6 days and regains all its hit points. When it does so, anything left of its old body crumbles, leaving behind only an empty snake skin, and it appears at some point within a dozen miles of its death. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait from functioning.

Spellcasting. The Nagas spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks), and it needs only verbal components to cast its spells.

At will: Mage hand, Minor illusion, Ray of Frost, Detect magic, Water breathing
Recharge 56: Sleep, Calm Emotions
Recharge 6: Lighting Bolt, Blight, Hold Person (As a 3rd level spell)
Once per rest: Dimension Door, Detect Thoughts
Once per long rest: Modify Memories

Shed Skin: A Naga may chose to shed its skin to heal wounds. Doing so takes 1 minute, and each round it does so the Naga may roll 1 HD as if it healing during a short rest. It may do this once per long rest.

Bonus Actions:

Sleep: The Naga can cast Sleep as a bonus action instead of an action, and can do so even if it has cast other spells. Creatures put to Sleep by the Naga must succeed at a DC 16 Constitution save to wake up from damage or from being slapped or shaken awake.

Hypnotic Stare: The Naga stares into a creature's eyes. They must make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw or become charmed by the Naga. If they succeed at this saving throw, they become immune to the Naga's Hypnotic Stare for 24 hours.


Shapechange: The Naga gains 20 temporary HP and transforms into a humanoid creature. This transformation ends if the Naga no longer has the temporary HP, or the Naga can end it as a bonus action. When the Shapechage ends, the Naga can either discard any equipment or bonds or wear/wield it. The Naga's abilities remain the same in its humanoid form, but its Bite attack has a 5' range and is made at disadvantage on Bite attacks and it cannot Constrict. While in Humanoid form, it can use weapons such as a Scimitar (+7 to hit, 1d6+4 damage) instead of Constrict.

Multiattack: The Naga casts a spell and does a Bite or a Constrict.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned, taking 20 psychic damage. If it succeeds it instead takes 10 psychic damage and is not poisoned. While poisoned by this effect and for 1 minute afterwards it has disadvantage on wisdom saving throws and wisdom checks. At the end of each of its turns the poisoned creature must repeat the DC 13 Constitution saving throw to end the poisoned status, taking 20 psychic damage on a failure and 10 on a success.

Constrict: Melee Weapon attack, +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one medium or smaller creature. The creature is both grappled and restrained. It can attempt to break free as an action with a Athletics or Acrobatics check against DC 13, but cannot attempt to do so if it is charmed by the Naga. While the Naga has a creature grappled this way, whenever the Naga takes damage it is halved, and the grappled creature takes the same amount of damage. The Naga can only constrict a single creature this way.

Hyptnotic Eyes: When a creature first sees the Nagas eyes, it must make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw or become chamed by the Naga. Creatures are generally unaware of being charmed by the Naga, and have difficulty believing it. Creatures charmed by the Naga are unable to willingly damage or use hostile spells or effects on both the Naga and the Naga's allies. If a creature other than the Naga protected by this effect damages the charmed creature, the charmed creature becomes able to harm the damager. If a creature attempts to violate this rule, they find themselves unable to act, their action wasted.

Note that the Naga itself harming the Charmed creature does not automatically permit the Charmed creature to harm the Naga. The Naga usually knows who is Charmed by this ability (but see below for an exception).

Suggestion: As an action, the Naga can suggest a course of action to a creature they have Charmed. The Naga makes a Charisma(Intimidation) check opposed by the charmed creature's Wisdom(Insight) check. Creatures who fail this contest are forced to follow the suggestion. Creatures who succeed at this check cannot be forced to follow a substantially similar suggestion for 24 hours, unless circumstances have changed substantially to make it more plausible. On a tie, the suggestion is resisted, but the Naga can try again.

The suggested creature may make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw to throw off the suggestion in the following circumstances:

  • After 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and every year after the suggestion effect starts
  • Whenever the suggestion entails doing damage or other concrete harm to a friend or ally
  • Whenever the suggestion would cause them to violate their bonds, ideals or flaws

If the suggestion goes along with any of their bonds, ideals or flaws, the saving throw is at disadvantage.

Domination: As an action the Naga can attempt to dominate a creature they have Charmed. The Naga makes a Charisma(Intimidation) check opposed by any of Intelligence(Investigation), Wisdom(Insight) or Charisma(Deception) check by the target (target's choice). If the Naga succeeds, the creature is Dominated for 1 round for every point the Naga won. At the end of each of the creature's turns, they make a DC 16 saving throw (based off the attribute used to resist the Domination) to end the Domination. This save is at disadvantage if the action the Naga forced is in line with any of the creature's Bonds, Ideals or Flaws.

When the Domination fails or ends, the Charmed creature makes a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw to end the Charmed effect. This saving throw is at advantage if the Domination involved actions that oppose the creatures Bonds, Ideals or Flaws.

Depending on the skill used to defend, a different effect happens when the target defeats the Naga's domination:
Deception: The Naga is unaware the Charmed and Domination failed or has ended, until the target chooses. The target is told what to do, and is free to do it or not.
Investigation: The Naga has no longer has advantage on Charisma ability checks on the creature while the creature is charmed forever more.
Insight: All future saving throws against the Naga's Charmed condition are at advantage.
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Without bashing 5e or taking about the whimping out of the nagas ability to charm . I read this thread hoping that someone might mention how the charm could be broken, short of killing the naga? Thoughts? And particularly for 2ed or 3ed (personally I haven't found anything useful to add to my game mechanics in the newer versions)


Moderator Emeritus
Without bashing 5e or taking about the whimping out of the nagas ability to charm . I read this thread hoping that someone might mention how the charm could be broken, short of killing the naga? Thoughts? And particularly for 2ed or 3ed (personally I haven't found anything useful to add to my game mechanics in the newer versions)

I allow additional saves for things that are self-destructive or go against strongly held values or when people close to the charmed person do damage to them (causing them to re-think their action).

Of course, there is always dispel magic - and in my old homebrew (that I have not updated since 3E) I had a 2nd level homebrew spell called Dispel Charm that worked like Dispel Magic, but just on Charm spells.

Lastly, when I run this module, there are townsfolks who are either true-believers or have been forced to do so many terrible things through domination have decided there is no turning back for them even if the charm has broken and need to be persuaded that they can be redeemed.

I hope that helps.


I've been updating this mod...my fav town though was missing some basics... small farm town --yet no one was related? No dogs or cats. Missing jobs that the town would need. No cemetery, no faire grounds no rubble leftovers from the temple building. There needs to be a drop in height for the mill to function. I also explain why/how the dungeon has some quality construction and even explain the Harpy. Long explanation of why ramne is even in the tiny town. .. but I digress. Did some research comparing all the info on nagas I'm going to have to rewrite one to fit. First I don't understand why the plus 36 hps? Not necessary. Going to split the difference on the bite dam and go back to the deadly poison . I have encounters on the way to Orlane where helpful item could be found like antivenom. I skipped the line that the charm "works like charm person. So I went back to 1\ 2 Ed with the timed save. Like this as then the charmed are required to report back to the naga and a rotation to insure the charm is functioning.


Of course, there is always dispel magic - and in my old homebrew (that I have not updated since 3E) I had a 2nd level homebrew spell called Dispel Charm that worked like Dispel Magic, but just on Charm spells.
Like this can you post? I love good HG spells . As for after mod. I have it written up as to who marries who, takes over farms jobs. ( Jewelers wife reopens the inn etc). Many want compensation for missing livestock/ horses (that's what's been feeding the cult and being served at the GG inn.).


Moderator Emeritus
As you can tell from, this was a cleric domain spell as we ran it. But it can easily be tweaked, I think.

Dispel Charm
Level: Freedom 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (50 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target or Area: One creature or object; or 30-ft. radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell functions as //dispel magic//, except it only functions against charm/compulsion effects. You gain a +4 //sacred bonus// to your dispel check if you cast it on one creature or object.

Voidrunner's Codex

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