• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Battlezoo Shares The OGL v1.1

Battlezoo, the YouTube channel which shared the initial leak of the new Open Game License, has shared the PDF of the OGL v1.1 draft which is currently circulating. This draft is, presumably, the same document obtained by Gizmodo last week. It's not currently known if this is the final version of the license.

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Yes, but it goes beyond that of course. IMO, I wish it was more like 4e in some ways. If I switch to PF2, which I might, I will work on homebrewing to make it more like 4e and our 5e homebrew. Might get my ideal game out of it!
Hope you have all the books, if the OGL 1.1 goes live PF 2E will be gone as well. I would hope Paizo would close its doors before getting in bed with WotC on the OGL 1.1.

I think the release of the movie is to far out and being that they want to monetize D&D more, torpedoing a motion picture is a horrible way to "test the waters". IMHO
Yeah they need it to be a huge success for the whole strategy to monetize D&D to work. But they movie is less than 10 weeks away. That is not far out at all and usually when marketing ramps up.


"B. If a claim is raised against You in connection with a Licensed Work, and You aren’t defending such a claim to Our satisfaction, We have the right, but not the obligation, to take over the defense of that claim against You. If We do so, You will reimburse Us for Our costs and expenses related to that defense."

Holy cow....
This deal is getting worse all the time...


Hope you have all the books, if the OGL 1.1 goes live PF 2E will be gone as well. I would hope Paizo would close its doors before getting in bed with WotC on the OGL 1.1.
I am 98% sure Paizo would just release PF2 without the OGL. It doesn't need it. They only did it so other people could release content for it and to support the OGL / OGC concept.

But I do have the books I need.


Game Designer
I was talking about this whole situation with colleagues this morning. Some of them not really RPG fans so I had to explain some details. It helped me structure my thoughts.

If Wizard of the Coast had come out and said "We've got a new OGL, if you want to make content for our upcoming edition revamp, you have to use this new OGL and here are come terrible terms with 25% royalty and other restrictive clauses" I don't think I would have minded. I'd think it's greedy, I probably would have just moved to another game and thought they were idiots. But I don't think they would have been wrong to do it. They want to funnel users to their digital services, they want to seize control of the industry that built around their products. I don't agree, but I understand.

The part that infuriates me is the unauthorization of the previous versions of the OGL and the impact it has on the industry. The TTRPG industry is such a gem of creativity, passion and just general good vibes. I think 5E is too big and professionals that want to be successful and make money out of working in the industry have to latch to 5E. Creatively speaking, it would be a good thing for most of the industry to unlatch from 5E. But I don't want the price to pay to be seeing the OSR scene being crippled, Pathfinder 2E and Starfinder being stopped and have games that have nothing at all to do with D&D to face issues just because they used the license to allow others to redistribute their own product.

I'm a casual MTG player and I've been playing D&D for a little less than twenty years. I'm a forever GM, I've got an absurd amount of products and I'm one of many individuals that are the catalyst for their industry even growing. They're terrible at bringing in new players, GMs are the ones doing it.

It this comes to pass and do the damages that I think it will, I will never support Wizard of the Coast again. I've already stopped playing 5E for about a year because I felt the need to explore other games and refresh myself creatively. This would just be the shove I need.

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