Suggestion: rename this subforum "Many D&D"


It's evident by now that "One D&D" will go down in history as the exact opposite of one game to unite us all.

Just to mention a single example: Kobold Press announcing they will develop their own D&D-like competitor game:

So why not take the opportunity to create an ENWorld subforum where every post-OGL game can be discussed. Because that's already what's happening.

This subforum was created to exclusively discuss the next edition of WotC D&D. Allow me to humbly submit that's just not interesting or in ENWorld's interest, going forward.

Thank you.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
So why not take the opportunity to create an ENWorld subforum where every post-OGL game can be discussed. Because that's already what's happening.

Public opinion aside, i expect Morrus will wait to see what actually comes in terms of licenses before making any structural changes to the site.

Allow me to humbly submit that's just not interesting or in ENWorld's interest, going forward.

We generally watch what people post about, and follow that as a guideline, rather than take individual assertions about what should be.

And, moved the thread to Meta, because that's what Meta is for.

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