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D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?


I look at it this way. . . I'd be willing to try playing with anyone from ENworld - and have played with too many ENWorlders to count at GEN CON and other events (mostly old-timers). I'd even be willing to try with people on my ignore list if for no other reason than to see if they act "like that" in-person too or if it is just an online thing. Though in reality, it'd be because I'd been ignoring them so long I forgot who they are and why I was ignoring them! :LOL:

want to get back up there
I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF

I have played with a lot of the old time ENWorlders, but somehow not with el-remmen back in the day that I remember.

Used to have pretty good get togethers at GenCon and quarterly in Mt. Prospect at game days at Games Plus. I even did a few stints manning the ENWorld booth way back when.

Not going to make GenCon this year, but hopefully down the road.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
This is a difficult question. Some of my favorite folks to discuss with have preferences for games that I really don’t jive with , but I’d be willing to give it a try and try to see what they see in thier preferred games.

I think I’d rather not make a list tho, because I’ll surely forget people and feel bad! 😅


Victoria Rules
@Quickleaf , @Lanefan , @Zardnaar , @CleverNickName , @DEFCON 1, @Whizbang Dustyboots , @Snarf Zagyg and a few that don’t come up on the @ list anymore for various reasons: Hong Ooi, Diaglo, Ravencrowlking, and I know Willie Walsh of Dungeon magazine fame used to post here sometimes.
Raven Crowking* in his ENWorld days would have been hella cool to game with.

* - old-timers here will recognize this name; for those unfamiliar, he rage-quit the site about eight or ten years ago and had all his posts deleted.


Raven Crowking* in his ENWorld days would have been hella cool to game with.

* - old-timers here will recognize this name; for those unfamiliar, he rage-quit the site about eight or ten years ago and had all his posts deleted.
Yup I remember RavenCrowking we had a hell of a row about the meaning of hit point about a year before he quit.


It is to late now, but my first thought was Wrecan :(

However, there are lots of wonderful options. Here are a few I would choose (...if I wasn't such a nervous recluse!), and I apologize as I am sure I am missing many more if I thought about it longer:
  • @Stalker0, they have such over-the-top adventures that sound like a lot of fun and I feel I could learn a lot from them. Also, they have been really great helping me design high level monsters
  • @Yaarel, they have such interesting and deep thoughts about kosmology, faith, worship, and magic that I think a campaign in their world would be great.
  • @Steampunkette, her enthusiasm just bleeds from everything she does, I have to image it shows up at the table
  • @Myrhdraak , I was really impressed with their 4e adventure updates and 4.5e system design. I think it would be fun to jump into that stream again!
  • @Sacrosanct , I've been impressed with their design chops and assume it translates to the table.
  • @pukunui describes really interesting adventures that seem like how I want to adventure
  • @FitzTheRuke has impressed me with their calm and composure and seems to share a lot of my viewpoints. I think I would feel very comfortable in a game with them - and I have to support the brick-and-mortar!
  • @RangerWickett - I love me some ewoks!
  • @Matrix Sorcica , we have had a lot of good discussion about monster design over the years and it would feel like gaming with a friend (which is the only gaming I engage in really)
I'm going to stop here, but there are many more I could put on this list. Unfortunately, I am supposed to be working not make D&D wish lists!
I feel honored to be in the list. Whenever you pass by Sweden .... 😉

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