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D&D General D&D Book Prices Are Going Up

Books going up to $69.95 but include digital bundles

WotC announced today that D&D books will be increasing in price this year.

Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants will be $59.99 as a preorder and $69.99 thereafter. These will apparently come as physical and digital bundles, so you won’t need to buy the D&D Beyond version separately.


This space is dedicated to communicating clearly and transparently with our players- even when the topic isn’t particularly fun. Since the release of the 2014 D&D core rulebooks, we’ve kept book prices stable. Unfortunately, with the cost of goods and shipping continually increasing, we’ve finally had to make the decision to increase the price of our new release print books. We're committed to creating high-quality products that deliver great value to our players and must increase our prices to accomplish that.

This will go into effect starting with Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants and new releases after Glory of the Giants. Digital pricing is unaffected by this MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) increase, as digital products don’t need to be printed or shipped. The increase also doesn’t impact backlist titles. While we can’t promise that there will never be a change to the prices of digital products and backlist titles, we have no plans to increase either.

Players who purchase the Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants digital-physical bundle through Dungeons & Dragons store can get the bundle for $59.95 for the entire preorder window, which is consistent with our current digital-physical bundle pricing. After the preorder window closes, digital-physical bundle prices will go to $69.95.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Nope, not making a moving target argument. I suggested a more reasonable number to get a better sample size for your argument because a sample size of one is generally considered a poor sample size. Before attempting to apply logical fallacies to rebuttals you need to make sure your original methodology is sound and one random click isn't sound methodology. What I did was make a valid critique of your statement

OK I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt then and assume you 1) made a mistake/type, and 2) are still unaware of your mistake/typo.

Here is what you said in response to the Virginia conversation, " 30 counties around the country." Virginia, being not the country, I assume you meant around the STATE, not around the country. That is what the moving target was - in response to my clicking on one county in Virginia, you told me to click on 30 counties around the entire country. Which is an entirely different discussion.

A quick Google search shows Viginia has 134 counties or equivalents. Presenting one county isn't representative of the state and therefore can be hand waived away. I am happy to admit I am wrong; you just need better evidence before you can begin to establish that.

OK I will do this, but if you then hand waive it after I do that level of home work I will fairly accuse you of sealioning, just so we're clear.

I am going to click every fourth from the MIT list using 1 adult no children (since we're just talking about an individual). That benefits your view by the way, since two adults working no kids would bias the results much lower on average.

1) 14.65
2) 15.33
3) 22.42
4) 14.55 (they have a county named Bland? OK)
5) 15.49
6) 17.63
7) 18.60
8)) 18.59
9) 15.53
10) 14.87
11) 22.42
12) 16.22
13) 14.55
14) 14.55
15) 18.37
16) 14.93
17) 18.37
18) 15.72
19) 16.60
20) 22.42
21) 14.64
22) 18.59
23) 15.36
24) 14.67
25) 18.37
26) 18.59
27) 17.36
28) 15.58
29) 15.58
30) 16.22

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OK I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt then and assume you 1) made a mistake/type, and 2) are still unaware of your mistake/typo.

Here is what you said in response to the Virginia conversation, " 30 counties around the country." Virginia, being not the country, I assume you meant around the STATE, not around the country. That is what the moving target was - in response to my clicking on one county in Virginia, you told me to click on 30 counties around the entire country. Which is an entirely different discussion.

OK I will do this, but if you then hand waive it after I do that level of home work I will fairly accuse you of sealioning, just so we're clear.

I am going to click every fourth from the MIT list using 1 adult no children (since we're just talking about an individual). That benefits your view by the way, since two adults working no kids would bias the results much lower on average.

1) 14.65
2) 15.33
3) 22.42
4) 14.55 (they have a county named Bland? OK)
5) 15.49
6) 17.63
7) 18.60
8)) 18.59
9) 15.53
10) 14.87
11) 22.42
12) 16.22
13) 14.55
14) 14.55
15) 18.37
16) 14.93
17) 18.37
18) 15.72
19) 16.60
20) 22.42
21) 14.64
22) 18.59
23) 15.36
24) 14.67
25) 18.37
26) 18.59
27) 17.36
28) 15.58
29) 15.58
30) 16.22
You choose an interesting way of quoting my post. You quote the beginning and the end and then do me the favor of giving me the benefit of the doubt and "assume you [I ] 1) made a mistake/type, and 2) are still unaware of your [my] mistake/typo." while not bothering to quote the middle of my post where I state "I will admit that I asked you to click on counties around the country when you were specifically referring to Virginia but that was just an error, not an attempt to get different results, If I correct that the rest still holds.". I have no idea what, if anything, that means. However, I will also choose to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just missed that portion of my post.

That said, I am satisfied with your sample size and it appears few have a living wage above the $18 figure you mention (I am surprised you put in that work so kudos). Also, that is great news for those living in Viginia, I just wish the same were true for the rest of the country.


I crit!
Note that they do sell digital bundles with a code at Amazon. Which isn’t the same, I know, but it shows it can be done. And maybe it’s a step toward codes at other retailers.

Many offer books in the Bits and Mortar service where you can get a code (or is it just a link or emailed?) for the pdf.


Ok, I have no idea what you are talking about. At no point did I say Amazon workers are asked to carry firearms or any of the other strawmen you introduced into your argument. I recommend you go back and reread your post and my response. The topic was wages and that is what I addressed.

Since you are introducing strawmen rather than addressing what I said I will go on...
I'm not straw manning, Teachers are being asked to carry firearms because of school shootings. That you didn't get that that was what I intended is lost on me. I was comparing that Amazon associates making the same or MORE than teachers was more telling about what we want to pay teachers and you rebutted that and I was calling out that no it really is a reflection of what we want to pay teachers who deserve a HECK of a lot more than we pay them/give them but again... do go on with how Amazon paying about the same as a teacher make is more of an indictment of Amazon than how much we pay teachers while we see people fighting to force them to have firearms in their classrooms, have bleed kits, run active shooter drills for first graders while simultaneously reducing their funding so that they are paying for their necessary supplies out of pocket and making it harder for them to write off those things on their tax returns as part of their jobs. Oh and demonizing them as groomers etc. Please... tell me how all that is a good excuse to compare the poor wages of a teacher being an indictment of the "poor" wages of Amazon employees who aren't being asked to deal with these things. Teachers are GROSSLY underpaid... by about 30k a year in my estimation. And yes I know all about the minimum wage.

I will end this conversation here because not the place for it. I was merely trying to redress the idea that Amazon isn't paying as poorly as believed nor the work environment it has been in the past. When I started it was 11 an hour. It's far greater than that now and most of that in the last 3 years.


Yes, it was talked about as early as 3 (or maybe 3.5) and explicitly advertised for 4e, but never happened. I think it was discussed for 5e too.

A solution off the top of my head would be to give us FLGSes DDB codes (on cards) to sell, and make a reduced price version to sell with the print books. We could keep them behind the counter. Done.
How does Paizo handle digital redemption of physical products?


If we're talking about promising digital codes with books - then the answer is yes, yes they did.
Ages ago, at the 4e reveal at GenCon. You can still watch the video on YouTube.

And people wonder why WotC has absolutely refused to engage with the general public for years. An offhand comment fifteen years ago is taken as a binding contract and people still bring it up as an example of how WotC is dishonest years later.



And people wonder why WotC has absolutely refused to engage with the general public for years. An offhand comment fifteen years ago is taken as a binding contract and people still bring it up as an example of how WotC is dishonest years later.

I'm sorry I thought expecting people to tell the truth was the norm. Nice bit of Hyperbole there but they've stretched and mangled the truth a bit more than that.

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