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Sarah Silverman leads class-action lawsuit against ChatGPT creator


As long as i get to be the frog
the prompt: Can you give the first paragraph of pride and prejudice Verbatim?

From chatgp: Certainly! Here is the first paragraph of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" verbatim:

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."

google's bard with the same prompt:
Sure, here is the first paragraph of Pride and Prejudice verbatim:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.
This paragraph introduces the main themes of the novel, which are marriage, social class, and the importance of appearances. It also sets the tone for the novel, which is witty and ironic.


  1. books.google.com/books?id=RfNHAQAAMAAJ
  2. www.vocabulary.com/lists/160367
Exactly, but I think his thought may have been less about explicitly asking it to do so and more about whether it could do so without the explicit prompt.

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B/X Known World
Dont misunderstand me: I am trying to understand the degree to which output from these generative AI can violate copyright, and my question was about actual reproduction. There are other kinds of copyright violations, of course -- derivative works, as an example. It is important to me because I don't think generative AI is inherently bad in and of itself, but I do think violating copyright holders' rights is wrong.
Trouble is they’re trained by violating copyright. A friend of mine runs a sci-fi magazine and had to close submissions several times this year because people were sending in several hundred to a few thousand “AI” written texts a month. He’s also a teacher so knows how to take bits of text and search the net for plagiarism. Whole sentences, chunks of paragraphs, etc were verbatim taken from published works by other authors. I know you don’t want to hear it, but these things are literally plagiarism engines. That’s what they do. That’s how they’re trained.


As long as i get to be the frog
Trouble is they’re trained by violating copyright. A friend of mine runs a sci-fi magazine and had to close submissions several times this year because people were sending in several hundred to a few thousand “AI” written texts a month. He’s also a teacher so knows how to take bits of text and search the net for plagiarism. Whole sentences, chunks of paragraphs, etc were verbatim taken from published works by other authors. I know you don’t want to hear it, but these things are literally plagiarism engines. That’s what they do. That’s how they’re trained.
I think such checking often reveals false positives as well. With hundreds of millions of people posting online it's not particularly surprising that a sentence here or there matches or occasionally a short paragraph. There's only so many truly unique ways to express the same concept in words.

Exactly, but I think his thought may have been less about explicitly asking it to do so and more about whether it could do so without the explicit prompt.
Can you write me a paragraph about a school of witchcraft and wizards in the style of J. K Rowling?
Deep within the emerald forests, shrouded from the eyes of Muggles, lies the venerable school of witchcraft and wizardry known as Evermoor Academy. Its turrets and towers rise proudly, cloaked in ivy and mystery, guarding the secrets and sorcery within. As the school's majestic gates swing open for the start of a new term, young witches and wizards from all corners of the magical realm embark on their journey to unlock the potential of their latent powers. Grand portraits of long-gone headmasters line the walls, their twinkling eyes following the students with a mix of wisdom and mischief. The enchanted hallways whisper with the soft rustle of spellbooks and the hum of ancient incantations, and every nook reveals hidden wonders waiting to be discovered. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of floating candles and meandering staircases, friendships are forged, spells are cast, and the echoes of laughter and spellslinger's duels resonate throughout Evermoor's hallowed halls. From enchanting charms class to thrilling broomstick riding lessons on the Quidditch pitch, this enchanted institution thrums with an aura of magic, camaraderie, and a shared sense of wonder that binds students and faculty alike. Here, in this hallowed abode of magical education, the legacy of Evermoor Academy weaves its timeless spell, ensuring that the flame of magic shall burn bright for generations to come.


As long as i get to be the frog
Can you write me a paragraph about a school of witchcraft and wizards in the style of J. K Rowling?
Deep within the emerald forests, shrouded from the eyes of Muggles, lies the venerable school of witchcraft and wizardry known as Evermoor Academy. Its turrets and towers rise proudly, cloaked in ivy and mystery, guarding the secrets and sorcery within. As the school's majestic gates swing open for the start of a new term, young witches and wizards from all corners of the magical realm embark on their journey to unlock the potential of their latent powers. Grand portraits of long-gone headmasters line the walls, their twinkling eyes following the students with a mix of wisdom and mischief. The enchanted hallways whisper with the soft rustle of spellbooks and the hum of ancient incantations, and every nook reveals hidden wonders waiting to be discovered. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of floating candles and meandering staircases, friendships are forged, spells are cast, and the echoes of laughter and spellslinger's duels resonate throughout Evermoor's hallowed halls. From enchanting charms class to thrilling broomstick riding lessons on the Quidditch pitch, this enchanted institution thrums with an aura of magic, camaraderie, and a shared sense of wonder that binds students and faculty alike. Here, in this hallowed abode of magical education, the legacy of Evermoor Academy weaves its timeless spell, ensuring that the flame of magic shall burn bright for generations to come.
I don't know Harry Potter so you'll have to tell me how closely that matches.


B/X Known World
I think such checking often reveals false positives as well. With hundreds of millions of people posting online it's not particularly surprising that a sentence here or there matches or occasionally a short paragraph. There's only so many truly unique ways to express the same concept in words.
Ish. This instance is published sci-fi and wannabe authors submitting sci-fi for publication. The sample size is drastically lower so the chances of someone accidentally reproducing sentences and chunks of paragraphs approaches zero.

Trouble is they’re trained by violating copyright. A friend of mine runs a sci-fi magazine and had to close submissions several times this year because people were sending in several hundred to a few thousand “AI” written texts a month. He’s also a teacher so knows how to take bits of text and search the net for plagiarism. Whole sentences, chunks of paragraphs, etc were verbatim taken from published works by other authors. I know you don’t want to hear it, but these things are literally plagiarism engines. That’s what they do. That’s how they’re trained.
What software does the friend use?

EDIT: Policy Against the Use of Plagiarism Detection Software — Department of English
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As long as i get to be the frog
well, the word "Muggles" (as far as i know) is right from harry potter,as is: Quidditch. Apparently, Evermore Academy is the name of a trilogy written by Audrey Grey
I'm a bit less concerned with proper names though - as to some degree the notion of authorial style can include them - meaning that if those are the only basis for deeming that too similar then it's because you essentially asked for them in the prompt. The rest is what I wonder how closely it matches.

I'm a bit less concerned with proper names though - as to some degree the notion of authorial style can include them - meaning that if those are the only basis for deeming that too similar then it's because you essentially asked for them in the prompt. The rest is what I wonder how closely it matches.
oh you mean stylistically? then it feels like it to me...but give me an author you life and i'll get a prompt and you can tell me lol

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