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Piracy And Other Malfeasance


This is an interesting observation. I came into the hobby with 3e, but we mostly did our own thing. We didn’t really do any published adventures for quite a while (other than stuff like Forge of Fury). Consequently, I never got inculcated into thinking of my character as heroic by default. I wonder if there are others who share my experience, but more importantly to what extent a survey of play over the years would reflect the adoption of TSR’s code of ethics and the seeming internalization of the code as the default orientation of play in fantasy campaigns.
I bet if one wanted to, one could go through official modules and assess the hooks for "heroic expectations" and figure out if/how the game has assumed heroic characters over time.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
It's telling there that you used the word "heroes" where bolded, rather than "characters"; as if it's a baseline assumption that the PCs are always going to be heroes.

Yes. And?

That doesn't mean we who play the game have to pay any attention whatsoever to that marketing.

No, we don't have to. But a lot of us want to play white hats regardless.

And it is pretty lame to blame that on the marketing, instead of on people not wanting to spend their precious leisure time pretending to be someone who makes the world around them worse.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I mean, how many of us like to think we're good guys but work for a mega-corp or government that's probably doing something awful? (Double-crosses in the form of layoffs or tax-cuts only for the wealthier than us and service cuts for us?)

Well, one would hope there's an actual ethical difference between being a paper-pusher among thousands of employees and violently running someone through with a saber for what they have in the hold of the ship.


Well, one would hope there's an actual ethical difference between being a paper-pusher among thousands of employees and violently running someone through with a saber for what they have in the hold of the ship.

Do most of the storm troopers in the empire actually fire at (let alone hit) anyone? How many of the thousands of people an individual tax collector for the empire sends things out to are being ground to poverty by it?

But yes, in any case it isn't shooting someone or being the one to decide how regressive and oppressive the tax system is.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Sure, but the discussion at hand was specifically about blame, or about the GM in question refusing to accept it.

Maybe the discussion at hand should be about something else?

Placing the blame does nothing if it does not lead to fixing the issues. And, the word "blame" is emotionally loaded. You can expect that it will work against the cause of getting the GM to deal with their part of the issue, as they will be probably be far more invested in not taking that "blame", possibly to the point of engaging in rhetorical shenanigans to do so.

Voidrunner's Codex

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