Recent content by anime300

  1. anime300

    Level Up (A5E) Necromancer archetype question

    Thanks so much for your input guys! I just wanted to make sure I ran it right for my player.
  2. anime300

    Level Up (A5E) Necromancer archetype question

    In the write-up, it says the following for Create Minion: "Your minion may be any non-elite undead creature with a Challenge Rating lower than half your wizard level (round down)." Reading it as raw, it seems to indicate that the undead must be a lower level than yours. It gives examples for...
  3. anime300

    Capturing the "feel" of Tolkien.

    Such as?
  4. anime300

    Elven Horse and Cat?

    Hi there, I found myself drawn to this website from the sole origin of the Elven Cat conversation, and I'm ridiculously new here...but I checked the conversations section, and I couldn't find the finality of this cat anywhere. Mind tossin' a link at me? Thanks :D