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Recent content by azhrei_fje

  1. azhrei_fje

    What tabletop software do you use?

    I voted for MapTool (which is not surprising to those who recognize my handle here ;)). I've used d20Pro for some Pathfinder Online Society games and was not impressed. In fact, I'd use the word "underwhelmed." I've used iTableTop a couple times as well and had a similar impression. MapTool...
  2. azhrei_fje

    Question(s) about the state of Online Gaming

    Well... I am interested in recruiting one or two players for a Tuesday night Pathfinder game (7PM-11PM Eastern Time, currently GMT-4). The problem is that the campaign is almost over! :( I expect there will be less than a couple dozen sessions left. And as anyone joining would be stepping...
  3. azhrei_fje

    MapTool approaching "finished" status with v1.3

    Hey everyone. I wasn't sure what prefix to put on this so I used "Technology" since there wasn't a VTT entry. I know many of the people here are also on the RPTools.net forum and they will already be familiar with this, but I wanted to announce here that MapTool 1.3 is just about "done"...
  4. azhrei_fje

    Sad state of DnD Tools

    You're correct of course. The code could be written in C or Fortran or COBOL, too. There are compilers for each of those languages available... Java is the only _practical_ cross-platform language. There aren't any others with the breadth or depth of support. PCGen isn't slow because it's...
  5. azhrei_fje

    d20pfsrd.com Updates!

    John, I just want to say "thank you"! You have obviously put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the d20pfsrd project. (Well, maybe not blood. ;)) In any case, your effort has not gone unnoticed! We, the unwashed masses, salute you! :)
  6. azhrei_fje

    Online Paper and Pencil RPG tool

    tenkar, if you want to chat with a developer/user with questions about RPTools and/or MapTool I'd be happy to do so. I'm pretty busy this week so a series of emails back and forth might be easiest, but next week I would be available for a Skype or Ventrilo call if you'd like. I'm not the...
  7. azhrei_fje

    D20/DND Craft(Poison) rules

    If/when you do find the rules you're looking for you might find my dynamic crafting time page useful. You can find it at http://www.eeconsulting.net/pfrpg/poison-pf.html Basically it lets you fill in the Craft bonus of the creator and then choose a couple of variables to see the creation time...
  8. azhrei_fje

    Potion of Greater Invisibility?

    In a blog posting somewhere years ago I remember seeing Monte (I think it was him) saying that there really was no reason why higher level spells couldn't be made into potions if they fit the general concept of being effective only for the imbiber. He said that things like flaming sphere...
  9. azhrei_fje

    Logging in to EN World

    Sounds like a conflict in the values of browser cookies. Try flushing all cookies and see how that works.
  10. azhrei_fje

    MY portable VTT

    You're using MapTool! Woohoo! ;)
  11. azhrei_fje

    I wish classes were more dipable

    What was the point of this post? You also posted it over on the Paizo forums and got plenty of response there... why here also? (It's probably something like "I wanted a wider audience". But given the number of responses on the Paizo boards...)
  12. azhrei_fje

    Ready action gamebreaking situations

    What makes it game breaking is that the GM forgot to tell the player, "You can't ready both a standard action AND a 5-foot step." Silly GM.
  13. azhrei_fje

    Pathfinder 1E Illegal/addictive drugs in Golarion?

    Bah! Sugar cane all the way, baby! (For those who don't know, that would be rum and its derivatives.)
  14. azhrei_fje

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Toolbox

    Um, wow. Another "wow". Just one comment. Be careful allowing outside connections to machines on your LAN at home. :) Okay, I guess there is a second one too: "Cross-platform all the way, baby!" If I can't run it on my Mac or any of my Linux machines, I probably won't use it. :( An ideal...
  15. azhrei_fje

    What Are You Looking For In A Virtual Table Top

    Actually, that's not really true. MapTool is licensed under the APL2 -- the Apache Public License 2.0. This license is very similar to the BSD license which allows others to come along and take the code, modifying it and tweaking it as they go, then release it to the world as a "derivative"...