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Recent content by Bradley Hindman

  1. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Short rests and encounters a day.

    My campaigns rarely have a traditional many-roomed dungeon. Instead, the "adventuring day" usually has one big encounter that may or or may not be broken up into waves. In between waves, I will grant a short rest at the speed of plot. No, fix time is required, just a moment when the...
  2. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Players Killing Players for stupid reason

    Very good advice. This sounds like a out of game problem. As others in this thread have advocated, you should solve an out of game problem out of game. RickTheFox should talk to the other player (again). They may not realize that they are kicking over the sand castle that he has been...
  3. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Players Killing Players for stupid reason

    RickTheFox, I think you should sidestep all the morality issues that have been raised here as I don't think they aren't really at the heart of the matter. This situation obviously isn't fun for you. You feel like the player of the rogue has backed you into a corner where your only choices...
  4. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Players Killing Players for stupid reason

    I would flatly remind the player that this course of action will demand revenge, and the revenge won't be playful. You don't need to tell them what form the revenge will take. They player may be too caught up in their own "hilarious" joke to fully think through what the response will be. If...
  5. Bradley Hindman

    D&D General Intelligent BBEG captured PCs, now what?

    The weak link in any jail is the jailer. Instead of having the "supergenius" make a mistake in jail design, why not have an underling have a reason to set the PCs free. EDIT: Ha. I see Umbran is a faster typer than I am . . . and more eloquent as well.
  6. Bradley Hindman

    D&D General Naming the Barbarian? [added battlerager]

    You have stated this several times in this thread. I honestly would like to know why you hold that opinion. Why do you say that "rage" as the central feature is too narrow? Seems to me that the current barbarian already has rage as a central feature and it seems like a fairly popular class...
  7. Bradley Hindman

    D&D General Naming the Barbarian? [added battlerager]

    Well if you go back a little further than "typical understanding", the berzerkr or "bear shirts" are believed by many to have members of a religious cult. The myth is that some could actually transform into a bear or channel the bear when they entered their hamask or frenzied state. Sounds like...
  8. Bradley Hindman

    D&D General Naming the Barbarian? [added battlerager]

    Cuchulain, the mythic Irish hero, springs immediately to mind, as does the comic book character Slaine who was inspired by Cuchulain. The "warp spasm" of Irish myth looks a lot like the berzerker trance to me. Or in game terms, they are both rage.
  9. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Epic Monsters: Odin

    One of Odin's many names is Bölverkr which I believe means evil-doer. So . . . as many others have said (including the OP), I think an alignment of "Anything Good" is off.
  10. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd Question (spoilers)

    Yes. As a group the hags are bad news. I had a similar problem when I ran CoS, so the first time the characters encountered the hags, I had the older hag out selling pies.
  11. Bradley Hindman

    Mythological Figures: Billy the Kid (5E)

    Even earlier than 1879, one could carry around pre-loaded spare cylinders. This was particularly useful for the older percussion cap pistols.
  12. Bradley Hindman

    Recovering Unused Held Spells

    Chaos man! Chaos! My players would never take their action on their own turn. Seriously, I like the fact that Readying a spell requires concentration and I like the fact that readying an attack causes the loss of extra attacks. Without those penalties, I would deal with at least one or two...
  13. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Crafting Items - Expert Craftsman vs Adventurers

    Perhaps my opinion is heavily slanted by the fact that I have played with the same people for a long long time. Further, perhaps we have a different understanding of what is meant by "impartial" in this instance. I honestly don't quite understand what you mean . Do you mean impartial at the...
  14. Bradley Hindman

    D&D 5E Crafting Items - Expert Craftsman vs Adventurers

    While I understand the point you are trying to make, I disagree at a fundamental level. The DM should have at least one want. The DM should want the players to have a good time. For some groups that means setting up a scenario and then standing back to see what happens. For some groups that...
  15. Bradley Hindman

    Please describe your experience (players) or management (GMs) of a perfectly executed metaplot...

    Nice! A prisoner's dilemma. Game theory buried within a game!