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Recent content by calronmoonflower

  1. calronmoonflower

    Yet another Ghostbusters movie

    If the original never existed it wouldn't have been hated as much. I found if fairly ok, but I think the syfy channel with its cheap movies style could have done better with the same cast and general script. As for the new sequel I'm a bit concerned that once again a bad director has been hired...
  2. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    Well I agree with this statement, but it is non-responsive to my actual point, as they are not mutually exclusive.
  3. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    Ah, you realize that the chemically inducted infatuation removes a personas ability to consent to sex right? That means that it can actually fall into anti-homosexual stereotypes rather that being a finger homophobia.
  4. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    They stated that is how they "know" that humans and other species do not have souls based on their swords and Avis passing judgement on others is not mentioned. If I had to guess the existence of the souls of xenospecies is not actually mentioned in the Book of Avis and is not an official part...
  5. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    Sorry for my weird sentence, but the reasoning for other beings not having a soul was stated from the Krill's holy book. It was along a soul is judged the sword, or in other words the strength of their warcraft. But when other being show their strength at war it is used to justify that they lack...
  6. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    The Krill did state that a soul is judged by the sword of the Krill that wields it and are just fine with attacking unarmed targets/civilians, but when it comes to human killing hostile Krill show the humans lacks soul (the opposite of how the Krill judge themselves).
  7. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    And then there is the One Rule For Me, Another For Thee way of thinking that they have on top of it.
  8. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    Isaac wouldn't know enough about human culture to include adding painted toes and panty hoes.
  9. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    "bitter deep-seated ill will", not the poor Innocent beast Luke killed.
  10. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    I recognized the the generation ship plot line as a possibility before they even entered the ship. It had a nice take on the use of rancor to control people, shut down opposition, and maintain control. The part that really bothered me is the reaction to opening up the sky should have been sheer...
  11. calronmoonflower

    The Orville - Season 1

    It is streamed on the Fox website, complete with commercials. So if they didn't region lock the stream you should be able to watch it.
  12. calronmoonflower

    ‘The Greatest American Hero’ Reboot With Female Lead Gets Big ABC Commitment

    I agree, they should hire a good director, not the one most willing to agenda push...
  13. calronmoonflower

    So, the zombie apocalypse begins... (news)

    'Zombie dogs' roaming near Chicago are infected coyotes, police warn Yeh, if you see a strange animal, especially one that looks sick, you should always be wary. It be sad if the infect/eat your pet though.
  14. calronmoonflower

    The Gremins are back., so invest all you money into canned food and shotguns...

    From the title of the linked article, "Exclusive: ‘Gremlins 3’ Has a “Twisted and Dark” Screenplay Says Writer Chris Columbus"
  15. calronmoonflower

    The Gremins are back., so invest all you money into canned food and shotguns...

    So turn on all you lights, check under you beds, and quit leaving your food out at night. It's been so long that I was a little kid when the first one came out. Still I'd like to see that they do with it,