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Recent content by cibet

  1. C

    Suggest Your "Rule of Three" Questions for Next Week (4/17)

    1. Will 5E be published in accordance with the Open Game License Version 1.0a (OGL) developed by Wizards of the Coast? 2. Pathfinder has proven that the 3.5 version of Dungeons & Dragons remains a profitable and viable product that continues to thrive among tabletop gamers even after the...
  2. C

    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    I look at it more like this (and a little in jest): Combat as 3E: the PCs approach the bees and engage them in combat using the terrain to their advantage because the rules describe the advantages and disadvantages the terrain gives. The fighter chooses the right position to be able to cleave...
  3. C

    4 Hours w/ RSD - Escapist Bonus Column

    Great article Mr. Dancey, thank you. I must wonder though why are you privy to confidential information about D&D that you can't share? Do you work for Hasbro/WoTC in some way? I also wish there was a way to get notified about these articles when you write them. I just happened to stumble across...
  4. C

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Online MMORPG Announced

    I wish them good luck. This will be quite challenging. I hope it succeeds. Take this with a grain of salt, I really mean it to help but... ...not a great Bio for Mr. Dancey on the site. "the Steve Jobs of MMO Marketing." ?That is corny and borderline disrespectful considering Mr. Jobs recent...
  5. C

    4 Hours w/ RSD: Who Am I?

    Mr Dancey, I look forward to your column. Great to have you back in the RPG public space. Did you ever think you would see this day and the state of the current version of D&D as compared to the previous versions and one 3.5 clone particularly? You probably did. I hope your next professional...