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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Online MMORPG Announced

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First Post
I wish them good luck. This will be quite challenging. I hope it succeeds.

Take this with a grain of salt, I really mean it to help but...

...not a great Bio for Mr. Dancey on the site. "the Steve Jobs of MMO Marketing." ?That is corny and borderline disrespectful considering Mr. Jobs recent passing. Not to mention nebulous and hardly true. Isn't the "Steve Jobs" of MMO marketing the guy that marketed WoW? Since that is the most successful MMO out there? I don't even know what "CCP's flagship science-fiction Sandbox MMO" is so I'm not sure how great an accomplishment increasing its subscribers by 50% is. Why not just state the real numbers?

The rest of the write up does not exactly inspire confidence in an ability to lead this effort. SCUBA diving? Whats that got to do with this? 100 dives isn't even that many. Classic autodidact? What does "closed" mean for the companies listed? "Taught himself to program in", I could teach myself to play clarinet but am I skilled? "His life goal is finding the hardest available problems and solving them with a combination of creativity and rock-solid systems." Wow, so why not list some of the hard problems solved and describe one or two of the rock solid systems used to do so?

Just a weird write up all around, I think it needs a rewrite.

That Mark Kalmes guy seems pretty qualified for the effort. I'm not sure I would have the "frustrated" comment in there though. Sounds a little whiny.

Good luck all.


Ambitious. I think I would have tried my hand at single player games first like Bioware did. I wish them the best though, and hope they do great.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I think that Paizo has learned from the mistakes of others.
A lot of smart people have created a lot of failed MMOs. One doesn't just have to be smart -- one has to be exceptionally so and also do a lot of other things right, too.

A lot of what they want to do in the River Kingdoms was already tried in the Horizons game, for instance, by some very smart people.

I think that Paizo has learned from the mistakes of others. I wonder if they will try to cross promote the table top game and the MMO. It might be an opportunity to get some more people into our hobby.
I don't know that Privateer Press would see that as a "mistake." It's just disappointing to the folks who liked the RPG stuff more than that tabletop minis combat games.


So far I've managed to completely avoid MMOs (though WoW drenai are close enough to tieflings that I've been tempted to play). I've generally assumed that I wouldn't ever play them (to the betterment of my home life and my freelancing), but would get my toes wet if White Wolf/CCP ever launched a WoD MMO.

Now this bombshell. I weep for my free time because the girlfriend has already said that she'll dump DDO for this when it comes out if I'll hop on as well. Plus there's the chance that something I created for the TTRPG might show up in the online game, which would be ten flavors of unexpected awesome.

It'll be a wait, and hopefully they can avoid the tens of millions pittrap that is easy to fall into if you don't learn from the mistakes of other online ventures in the RPG industry (Gleemax for instance). But given past experience, I think that they're wise enough to know what they're getting themselves into here, and damn does it look yummy.

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