Recent content by corndog

  1. C

    Morpheus and DnD

    Kazaa and Morpheous are the same program. Same networks. Same files being shared. The only difference is the logos on the front end of the program and the amount of spyware Kazaa puts in.
  2. C

    POLL: New board for PrCs & class variants?

    If posts on this topic don't 'get all that much attention' on the house rules forum, as you put it, why would they warrant their own board? A new board should be created to give a high traffic topic room to breathe, or to take a topic out of a forum it really has no business being in. IMO...
  3. C

    Other d20 games: What's worth stealing?

    And dont forget, there is a stacking +1 to the DC of the Fort Save each round you are casting, so having a low casting bonus and taking longer to cast means those last few saves before your spell is done are going up against some heavy DCs. All in all I think it balances pretty well.
  4. C

    Polyhedron - Shadow Chasers

    Go for it, whatever it takes to get Stan's crap "art" out of the mags. Anything is better than his poorly drawn, sexist piles of crap that have been popping up more and more in Dragon, Dungeon/Poly and Star Wars gamer. Good god, please make it stop.
  5. C

    Greyhawk Assassin's Guild?

    Good Lord, that's about useless... There is an Assassin's Guild in Greyhawk city. Thjey have no clever name, simply known as the Greyhawk City Assassin's Guild. They, along with the Thieves Guild, are pretty influental and involved in local politics, and they have the resources to be involved...
  6. C

    Greyhawk information?!

    Re: Thanks for the help! I've perused the website, but a lot of the material seems bent towards _living_ greyhawk (you know, officially adjudicated competition etc). I'm just interested in running a small campaign, and providing my players with some background material on the world. The LGG...
  7. C

    Traveller D20

    Too late :-P I've looked over the website, and from the example art I've got a few observations. The cover sucks, in big old galatic sized ways. It's cheesy, Star Frontiers feeling nothingness that fails to convey any feel for the game system or setting. It's bad. I'm with you, the old black...
  8. C

    Greyhawk information?!

    Oh, I almost forgot, rumor has it that the LGG may be going out of print soon, so if you're going to get it, do it now, or risk high prices on EBay later.
  9. C

    Greyhawk information?!

    I'm not sure why I even bother anymore... The LGG is HUGE in the way of support for Greyhawk as the core setting. There is also the smaller D&D gazetteer, the Living Greyhawk Journal section of Dragon (not to mention the LGJ back issues you can get via the RPGA website.), the Return to the...
  10. C

    Greyhawk Timeline

    Oerth Journal 1 had the timelines. While canon timelines don't interest me too much honestly, I will jump on the 'submit it to greytalk/canonfire' bandwagon. If you want some feedback (and can handle the criticism of any possible mistakes) those are the places to do it. As was mentioned...
  11. C

    WoG timeline rollback suggestions (OK, is that better?)

    Particular things that bugged me: the sets of alliances made and broken in the Greyhawk wars; Wars have a funny habit of causing alliances that die out shortly after or are shattered by treachery. To me, this makes the wars seem more real. Iuz successfully impersonating a Suel god to take...
  12. C

    Rob Kuntz hates Wizards (spoiler)

    And your post is yet another example of how this is an empty, stupid, and meaningless advertising slogan. I like Necromancer's stuff, but that slogan is just plain moronic.
  13. C

    PDF vs Print materials

    You know, have you thought about starting a small venture doing reformatting of the files for international players who want A4 format? You'd need to get permission to alter and redistribute the files from the publishers, but as long as they still get their money, they would probably be willing...
  14. C

    Greyhawk Races Question

    I really advise against using Valley Elves as a PC race. They are pretty isolationist, rarely if ever leaving the Valley of the Mage, and they are despised by just about every other race in the Flanaess. They make good bad guys, but like the Drow, I really think they are best left as monsters...
  15. C

    Greyhawk God Info request.

    You might also be thinking of Lendor. As the god of time, it is perfectly reasonable to put him in a role of the lore keeper of the GH gods, having a vast library containing the true history of everything that has ever happened on Oerth.