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Recent content by Dawid Wolski

  1. D

    Two Days Left To Vote For Most Anticipated RPG of 2018!

    New Warhammer, the Old World fills my rpg slot for a fantasy setting. Can't wrap my brains around any other fantasy rpg.
  2. D

    The Enemy Within Coming For WFRP 4!

    Excellent news, truly - excellent! Considered classic where I come from. Good to see it updated, original version of the campaign needs a lot of tweaking to be run properly according to contemporary rpg standards ;) But still, it's a masterpiece... as long as you take SRiK out of it ;)
  3. D

    What's To Find In The Finders Keepers Adventure?

    Well, that's a question I didn't want to be asked - we started the story with 4 players who picked typical set of warrior, wizard, cleric and palladin, but unfortunately - we didn't finish it. It wasn't the scenario's fault, but rather managing lvl 20 characters. It was just too much for my...
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    What's To Find In The Finders Keepers Adventure?

    I find Finders Keepers quite interesting, especially the ideas from the second act that create Planescape-like experience I love so much. I think that the scenario is well written, giving PCs some options for finishing it. Now the downside. Although it's 70 pages long, I was dissapointed to see...
  5. D

    What's your game running narration?

    Hi there, my first thread here. I'm mostly GM, so my question goes to any GMs out there. I'm just curious - what's your way of handling narration during game sessions? I mean, for some time I have been trying to develop my own style of narration, way of presenting things that makes players more...
  6. D

    #RPGaDAY Day 19: Which RPG features the best writing?

    The Laundry RPG - humorous writing style matches the tone of Stross's novels and gave me a lot of reasons to LOL. ;)
  7. D

    #RPGaDAY Day 18: Which RPG have you played the most in your life?

    I found it funny not to find Warhammer among the picks :) It's was the gateway rpg in my country for many, many people. Me included ;)