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Recent content by devious_sauce

  1. D

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Combat - Pathfinder_OGC
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    first blood Vigil's leg twitches the smallest bit as he shifts his weight back, then forward again. It wasn't the worst cut he'd ever had, but it was far from pleasant. And he'd show the little rats who was in charge. 6 dmg, my bad Vigil let swung his chain swiftly and accurately at the...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    so there's one color-sprayed goblin lying face down in the water, the color sprayed standing hobgoblin, 2 dead dogs, 1 dead goblin from the dog I just killed. That leaves an archer and the goblin from the other dog, both of whom are next to me and Maurea?? And it's Noa now?
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Bolstered with confidence after seeing his first target fall with a single blow, Vigil turns his attention towards the next threat, the dog! If I kill it, I'll move east/south towards the next goblin +9 to hit is 5 dex, 1 bab, 1 bless, 2 flank, for those of you at home
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    swing! Panting a bit, Vigil tightens his grip and picks a spot on the back of the goblin between himself and the cleric. Snapping his arm like a whip, Vigil brings his chain crashing down on the unsuspecting goblin.
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Vigil sees Maurea distracting the goblins, and moves quickly to help! He runs up to the stone ledge and moves to flank the closest mounted foe! using the 'run' feature, i move diagonally up, then along the wall until i'm behind the rider.
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    doggies! deafened characters take a -4 on init, don't forget Looking across the room, Vigil realizes something must be coming. Damned good-for-nothing ears. He'd much rather be up front where the action was.
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Map? any chance we can get a new map? Also, perception check, and attaching my weapon cord. Despite his lack of hearing, seeing Janiven nock her arrow filled in any gaps left in Vigil's understanding. This clearly wasn't over. He went out of his way to strain his eyes in the direction Janiven...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    say what? Vigil still couldn't hear anything but the ringing in his ears, but then he didn't need to hear to see Noa's distress. The gnome was shifting around and seemed a bit nervous, he probably hadn't done anything like this before. And he could't imagine the cleric was happy about what had...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Again! *TWEET*Again!... Vigil had knocked her down. That was supposed to be enough. He'd tried to give her an out by asking her to stay down, but then she pulled that sword. And, hells be damned, even the ground thought she deserved it, apparently. And Vigil did really hate Hellknights, even...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    "Stay Down!" Vigil yelled, first snapping back his chain from under the woman, and then bringing it flying forward again, and crashing against the woman's back.
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    NPC's turn?
  13. D

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    ? a) what's the attack/damage on the crossbow bolt, and b) holy crap that is a high touch ac, and c) shouldn't it be against CMD, not touch?
  14. D

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    I don't think so! Vigil couldn't see much in the shadows, but he could see an opportunity. Staring down the woman holding the crossbow at him, he swung his chain quickly and low at her feet, trying to tangle them up and take her down to the ground before she had a chance to loose the bolt aimed...