• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Enelya

  1. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    I may have mine disconnected for awhile. Perhaps that is what you need to do.
  2. Enelya

    Just Always Wondered

    At a time it was the thang to have a long description, now it is pictures.
  3. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    You can request the thread to be broken.
  4. Enelya

    Just Always Wondered

    Willow Calypso played the, "I'm a vampire. No, I'm not. I'm a vampire again" game allot. She also went from Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Half-Elf, to Elf again. I ponder if anyone ever paid attention. >.<
  5. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    Perhaps this is our way to hide the pain, for we do not wish to see Kalli go.
  6. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    *hides his clothes behind Ruthia, in dragon form*
  7. Enelya

    At Ease...

    God speed, and stay safe. I recently sent you a card. If you'd have your wife be so kind as to forward me your address once you are settled in your deployed location. I'll send plenty of goodies.
  8. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    *writes naughty things all over Xanto with magic marker*
  9. Enelya

    Just Always Wondered

    You're trying to steal my thunder. Stop it.
  10. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    *staples a L to Xanto's shirt*
  11. Enelya

    Just Always Wondered

    I am secretly Sailor Moon.
  12. Enelya

    At Ease...

    You know I'd gladly share with you. :)
  13. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    You expect me to believe that?
  14. Enelya

    Temporary Retirement...

    Which is probably true.
  15. Enelya

    At Ease...

    I know, and I am leaning toward the - You DON'T go.