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Recent content by Fritterfae

  1. Fritterfae

    RPG Evolution - True Tales from Stranger Things: The Satanic Panic Comes to School

    In my experience it was parents. I grew up in a small town that was very religious. I was in third grade in 1984 and our class was doing a little play to get us kids interested in art and performance. It was a musical of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." Local religious figures, led by the parent of...
  2. Fritterfae

    Absalom, City of Lost Omens In-Depth Review

    Hot Tip: Get the poster map folio as well. EVERY location is numerically coded on this four poster mega map to match up exactly with the book, so you can literally follow the streets and see which bulidings you bump into. It's absolutely incredible. I had a hard time wrapping my brain around...
  3. Fritterfae

    The Starfinder Society and the Future of the Starfinder Galaxy

    If any company could do justice to Starfinder in a live action space, I would want it to be the Jim Henson studios. Starfinder is the closest game I've ever played to feel like living in Farscape.
  4. Fritterfae

    Who Shot Elminster? No, It's the DALLAS RPG!

    This was a fascinating read Abstruse. When I saw that SPI logo on there it definitely threw me for a loop. So this backstory on why a wargame company known for the Campaign for North Africa made the Dallas RPG was exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you!
  5. Fritterfae

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Soulmist, HORIZON RISING, Mimics, and more

    I know that Mork Borg is a very metal system, but isn't it a bit far to use the exact same name and an homage to the imagery of a Black Sabbath tribute album for the title of the anthology? Seems like the music rights people would jump on that.
  6. Fritterfae

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder Nexus is the Official Toolset for PF2E

    As someone who's used both Pathbuilder and D&D Beyond, I really prefer Beyond. This is not a knock on Pathbuilder it's a phenomenal app, but D&D Beyond just has a better feel across the board, and it handles groups. Pathbuilder just isn't there yet. It would be a huge boon to all of my PF tables...
  7. Fritterfae

    D&D and Call of Cthulhu Climb Again in Roll20's Latest Stats

    Seeing the PF2 numbers on Roll20 and hearing the continual refrain that most people are playing PF2 on Foundry instead makes me want someone to do some investigative journalism to see what Foundry's numbers actually are. My guess is that it because games are locally hosted that the company...
  8. Fritterfae

    D&D 5E WotC Explains 'Canon' In More Detail

    I feel like I'm in a minority of folks who actually don't like this. It basically means that each edition is just an excuse to retread adventures and keep things basically the same. I love classic adventures as much as the next guy, but if we just keep going back to the same place at the same...
  9. Fritterfae

    Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual Review

    At first I thought she was using a feint maneuver before throwing her grenade, and then I thought that maybe she was providing harrying fire for the ysoki throwing their grenade, but neither of those options really help with AOE from grenades as that makes the creature flat-footed which does...
  10. Fritterfae

    RPG Crowdfunding News: Auroboros, Grim Hollow, Sirens, and more

    If I could make a request, would you be able to include a Y/N line to each of these updates to note if there is a retailer pledge level? I read your list every time you post it Egg and it breaks my heart to find out there aren't options for our FLGS in some of these kickstarters.
  11. Fritterfae

    D&D 5E Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft Art Preview

    It's not often I would ever suggest this, but this webpage should have been a slideshow/carousel.